The Nonesuch

Sometimes, when I’ve just finished reading a stream of one kind of romance novel, I start to feel that just maybe I’ve gone overboard. My head feels as though I’ve consumed too many mental Milky Way bars. I long for something with more substance, meat and potatoes, if you will. Maybe I’m not in the…

Beauvallet by Georgette Heyer

Think Georgette Heyer, and you automatically think Regency. And for the most part that’s a valid association. This remarkable storyteller penned many of the best-loved Regencies of all time, yet we often forget that she used other time periods, as well. And she did just as outstanding a job in bringing those eras to life…

Shane by Jack Schaefer

My all-time favorite romance is somewhat unusual. It’s a book called Shane written by Jack Schaefer back in 1949. Most people might say, “Hey, that’s not a romance, that’s a western.” But this book is about a very powerful love triangle, and yes, it’s true, it is a western and the hero and the heroine…