Come Together

Whether you like Come Together will come down in large part to how much you like books like Bridget Jones’ Diary and Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married. Like these books, Come Together features the trials and tribulations of modern-day London singletons trying to find their way toward couplehood, told in the first person with frequently…

Pink Slip by Rita Ceresi

The casual bookstore browser who happens upon Pink Slip and buys it based on the back blurb is likely to be surprised. It begins with the words, “Lisa Diodetto’s mother may be ready for her to get married but Lisa isn’t” – and goes on to imply that the book is another Bridget Jones clone….


After reading the Desert Isle Keeper Review of the author’s second novel, Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married, and reading the raves about Watermelon on our Reviews Message Board, I had high hopes for it. It’s taken a few days of mulling the book over to figure out why I initially told my husband, “It’s a…

Neurotica by Sue Margolis

The protagonist of Neurotica is British, Jewish, and in her late 30’s. As someone who fulfills two of those three categories, perhaps this story struck more of a chord with me than it would for those who are not familiar with Jewish mothers or the Bay City Rollers. While I didn’t catch all of the…

Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married

Move over, Bridget Jones! There’s a new girl in town, and she’s much more interesting than you are, and a lot funnier, to boot. Marian Keyes has created an unforgettable character and placed her in a hilarious, heartbreaking, and ultimately touching story about one young woman’s search for love. Lucy Sullivan is a twenty-something single…

Bridget Jones’s Diary

Sometimes a book comes along that makes us take a real look at ourselves through the laughter. Until I read Bridget Jones’s Diary, I never thought I would enjoy a book that is in diary form, much less give it Desert Isle Keeper status. Not only is it funny, it is autobiographical for any number…