Full Throttle

It took me two months to read Ms. McCarthy’s Full Throttle. The novel is the seventh in Ms. McCarthy’s Fast Track series, a sequence of books whose appeal has waned as its numbers have risen. I liked the first two books in the series, Flat out Sexy and Hard and Fast. And while Full Throttle…

A Perfect Proposal

Like the foam on a high priced, overly sugared cup of fancy coffee, this book is fluffy and sweet. It has no real substance but the lightness of it (and the fact it knows that it is light) works for it rather than against it. On the other hand, the overly-indulgent length leaves you in…

The Publicist: Book One

When I saw the blurb for this self-published novel, I’ll admit it caught my eye. Christina George is, per the author’s description, the pseudonym of someone who has worked 20+ years in the publishing industry and the book promises one author’s view of the publishing world from the inside. And that peek behind the curtain…

A Royal Pain

A Royal Pain is Megan Mulry’s debut novel and it’s liked by many… just not me. I thought the heroine was a brat; the hero, a bath mat; and the plot both convoluted and at times, dull. A Royal Pain strays far from what would be considered traditional romance. Its heroine, Bronte Talbott, begins the…

A Walk in the Park

The beginning of A Walk in the Park was a bit slow for me. Add into the mix a secret baby plot and I wasn’t sure how much I would like this. But fairly soon I realized I was smiling. And instead of taking copious notes for my review, I was reading and enjoying the…

Getting Over Mr. Right

The cover blurb states: Have you ever had your heart broken? How did you get over it? If a pint of ice cream cheered you up and you were able to delete his number and start again, then you’re a weirdo and this book is not for you. After reviewing my break-ups, I decided that…

Life Skills

Many of us have guilty pleasure reads that we pull out every few years and reread; this is one of mine. The heroine is disagreeable, there are some problematic plot points, and the hero and heroine bicker for much of the book. But every few years I pull it out and reread it, getting sucked…