The Pretender by Roslyn West

The Pretender by Roslyn West

I keep meaning to pay a visit to the Buried Treasures page and submit Rosalyn West’s name, because I love her books, but I never hear anyone talking about them but me. Consider this review my annual appeal on her behalf – if you like American Historicals with complex characters and incredible conflicts, please give…

Breathless by Laura Lee Guhrke

Fans of small-town stories will love Breathless for its setting, while readers who like a good mystery will enjoy the courtroom scenes. Don’t worry – Breathless also has great characters, including a hero and heroine who often match wits with each other. Lily Morgan can’t believe that Daniel Walker has the gall to return to…

Into the Wild Wind

During the first half of Into the Wild Wind, I just couldn’t get enough of the hero and heroine. Here, it seemed, were two people just falling in love; neither one was trying to overcome a horrible childhood, or a disastrous first marriage. Then the characters began to make stupid decision after stupid decision, and…

The Last Warrior

There were many times during the first hundred or so pages of The Last Warrior when I nearly put it down. However, since it was assigned to me to review, I persevered and was rewarded. This book could have been a keeper, but for some problems. However, since this is only Ms. Kyle’s second book,…

Blue Moon by Jill Marie Landis

This is not your typical frontier romance. It features an unfamiliar setting, a disfigured hero, a heroine who is emphatically not a virgin, and a sympathetic villain. In the hands of a lesser writer this combination would spell disaster, but Jill Marie Landis demonstrates once again that she is more than capable of crafting a…

A Cajun Dream

Some authors manage to seamlessly integrate history into their romances, creating a rich backdrop for their characters and making the time period come alive. Unfortunately, A Cajun Dream is not one of those books. It’s not for lack of trying; there’s plenty of historical information, and it’s clear that the author has done her homework….

Silver Wing by Cassie Edwards

Not all F books are created equal. Many start out with a decent plot or semi-interesting characters, only to become bogged down with stupid plot twists or an incoherent writing style. Not so with Cassie Edwards’ latest book, Silver Wing, which starts out terribly, ends terribly, and is terrible on every single page in between….