When Venus Fell


When Venus Fell is one of the best books I’ve read all year.

Venus Arinelli, former child prodigy and concert pianist, now plays in dives all around the country, lives in an RV and avoids the government. She also protects her fragile sister Ella. Venus distrusts the government because her father felt that it had betrayed him, and he transferred that distrust to Venus through his attitude and actions. When Venus is asked by family friend and former childhood crush Gib Cameron to come home with him to Tennessee, she takes a chance and says yes. She takes sister Ella along with her as well, and what they find is a home for them all.

Venus is a tough woman with a clear view of life. Her lack of trust extends beyond the government; she looks at everyone with a jaundiced eye because of things her father did before he died. As she begins to trust Gib and takes an interest in his family, we are able to watch her wonderful journey toward reconnection with society.

Gib has his own torments. An injury ended his career as an active Secret Service agent, and he must learn to deal with his brother’s death and final request regarding Venus while he tries to find his place in the family again.

The history between Gib and Venus goes back to when they were children. Even though they never met, they exchanged cards and letters, and Gib was present as a very young boy when Venus’ parents got married. This is part of the special bond between the Arinellis and the Camerons. The bond between the families is the reason Venus and Ella go to Tennessee, and it is what keeps them there.

The attraction between Gib and Venus built at a steady pace until I was flipping pages and wishing they would kiss already. And when they finally did, it was obvious the relationship was a solid and special one. Venus and Gib brought out the missing parts of each other.

Venus’ sister and the rest of the Cameron family completed the picture of a close-knit southern family. Each character was completely fleshed out and complemented the story perfectly. While Gib and Venus were the main characters, this was not just a book about them – it was a book about the importance of family as well.

It’s rare that a book moves me to tears, but this one did – twice. That’s how I knew it was a true keeper. That and the fact that I wanted to read while I was at work, while I was driving (no, I didn’t actually do that), late at night – well, you get the idea. Though the middle section read a bit slowly, it didn’t detract from my enjoyment at all. When Venus Fell is a book that is a rich mixture of love and family. I highly recommend it.

Reviewed by Andrea Pool

Grade: A-

Sensuality: Subtle

Review Date: 08/11/99

Publication Date: 1999

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.


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