Wait for It by Mariana Zapata
Wait for It


Wait for It was a bit of a surprise; I had expected a light, breezy read but it turned out to be so much better. Diana “Buttercup” Casillas doesn’t need a boyfriend or a husband. She has two adorable nephews, a giant dog to care of, a new house and a decent job. Or so she thinks, till she meets her brooding, hot neighbor, Dallas Walker. In Zapata’s classic slow-burn romance style, the two neighbors launch first into cautious friendship with an undercurrent of mutual attraction, and then into downright love. But neither of them can acknowledge their feelings easily, leading to much awesome angst. When the two finally get together, you think, good things indeed come to those who wait.

Fans of Zapata’s popular The Wall of Winnipeg and Me might find this book a trifle more realistic or less intense, but Wait for It is a charming feel-good read all on its own.

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Reviewed by Mandy S

Grade: A-

Sensuality: Warm

Review Date: 20/01/17

Publication Date: 12/2016

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.

Aspiring pirate masquerading as a solicitor/ connoisseur of wallpapers, illustrations and quotations/ loves black ink and instrumental music/ would like to own a start-up one day/ suffers from the yo-yo syndrome from time to time.


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