Viking in Love


Sandra Hill may have changed publishers, but one thing certainly hasn’t altered: When you open a book by the author, you know exactly what you’re going to get. 

Her books are broad, ribald jokes. And completely and totally over the top in every way possible. This one sticks entirely to the author’s formula – which may, in fact, be my biggest problem with it.

The Viking of the title isn’t the hero, but instead is the heroine, Breanne of Stoneheim, one of a passel of Viking princess sisters in England. One of the sisters is married to a Saxon nobleman who regularly beats her. While protecting this sister from her husband’s brutality, said nobleman winds up dead at the Vikings’ hands. They hide his body beneath a privy and hie themselves to the a castle in Northumbria held by the hero who bears a distant connection to one of the other sister’s husband.

Hero Caedmon returns from battle to find his castle and lands in upheaval. Servants are lazy, children run wild, and…well, all manner of Sandra Hill-branded chaos takes place. His uninvited guests, Breanne and her sisters, begin to set things to order. Breanne and Caedmon clash. Over and over. And over and over. Then, lickety-split, they make a bargain. He will protect the sister from the wrath of the Saxon authorities if Breanne will take to his bed for two weeks.

Frankly, this one is so very predictable that it’s hard to work up any enthusiasm in describing the plot. Hot sex ensues. Wackiness abounds. Jokes so broad they approximate the size of a mountain appear on every page. It’s all very…predictable.

Breanne is a total caricature. Caedmon fares a teeny bit better since the author gives him a bit of a backstory beyond the “fiery, feisty Viking princess” that falls to Breanna. But, quite honestly, this author’s work isn’t about characterization or plot – it’s all about silly, goofy fun.

I don’t read every book by the Ms. Hill and check in about every fifth book or so because there is only so much silly, goofy fun that I can take. Clearly, I’ve reached my limit because this one came close to falling flat for me. Though some of her books involve time-traveling characters and others don’t, her formula remains the same and I’d like the author more if she switched things up every now and then and maybe – hey, I don’t know – tried something a little bit different. As it is right now, I’m feeling as if I don’t need to read the author again.

If you’re a fan of Sandra Hill and can’t get enough of the author’s formula, then I’ve got a book for you. If you’re iff-y on the author like me, then this one is really just more of the same. Totally.

Reviewed by Sandy Coleman

Grade: C

Sensuality: Hot

Review Date: 26/01/10

Publication Date: 2010/02

Review Tags: Viking

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.


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