In the musical Seven Brides for Seven Brothers there is a song about going courting. It speaks to one of my very favorite aspects of romance – the period of time when two people are just getting to know each other and just starting to fall in love. There is no author out there who captures those moments as well as Mary Balogh does.
Lady Angeline Dudley is soo anxious for her life to finally begin that she does something quite impetuous and improper – she waits for her brother alone in a taproom at the Rose and Crown Inn. Everything would have gone splendidly if Tresham’s horses had just been faster or if she hadn’t been propositioned by a rake who thought her less than a lady. And in fact, everything does go fine, for a true gentleman makes his appearance known, demands an apology from the rake and wins Angeline’s heart with his heroism. Angelina may not know who he is but she knows who he will be – her husband.
Edward Ailsbury, Earl of Heyward, is considered by all and sundry to be rather a stick in the mud. Even his own family despairs a bit of his stodgy ways. Determined to find Edward the perfect bride, they arrange for him to share the first dance of a come out ball with the entirely eligible, perfectly appropriate Angeline Dudley. Edward is stunned when he finds out who Angeline is and can think of no polite way to tell his family that twice Miss Dudley has behaved just a tad beyond the bounds of propriety. He intends to marry a paragon who would never ride alone in a park or even dream of spending a moment in a taproom alone. But as fate – and friends – conspire to throw them together he begins to realize just how fun acting just a touch outside perfect can be.
What a terrific love story! I adored Angeline, who was not a crazy, improper young girl but a woman who behaved appropriately but a touch impetuously. While she lacked Edward’s book learning she was incredibly smart. She adored both her brothers but knew she did not want a rake in her life and set about getting a husband who was dependable without making her snore. She is charming and fun, loyal to friends, a terrific sister and the sweetest of love interests. She was also very self aware. Angeline knew herself, knew what she wanted from a spouse, and was determined to find the right person.
Edward is a great hero. While he is a bit stodgy and would certainly not be most girls’ romantic dream, he is a dependable, honorable man who just needs the right woman to show him how to be fun. Angeline is exactly the woman to do that. He is exactly the man to provide the stability, loyalty and dedication she has been looking for all her life.
Many speak of being sick of the Regency era, but this book reminded me of why it can be such a popular time period. I was once more enchanted by a courtship that took place at balls, drives in the park, teas, picnics and house parties. Edward and Angeline were right for each other, not just in the hearts of romance readers but in the eyes of their peers. His family was delighted with the idea of a union between them and did all they could to encourage it. I enjoyed the fact that for once the only impediment to the relationship was the hearts of the two people involved because it allowed us to really focus on the relationship, which was a treat to do.
I am delighted to recommend this book to any fan of romance novels.
Grade: A-
Book Type: European Historical Romance
Sensuality: Warm
Review Date: 29/07/11
Publication Date: 2011/07
Recent Comments …
This sounds delightful! I’m grabbing it, thanks
excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.
I don’t think anyone expects you to post UK prices – it’s just a shame that such a great sale…
I’m sorry about that. We don’t have any way to post British prices as an American based site.
I have several of her books on my TBR and after reading this am moving them up the pile.