I enjoyed every bit of this book and I need/want to convince you to read it too! Delightful, charming, funny, addictive and entertaining, The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue is chock full of both vice and virtue. The Grand Tour of Europe planned by our protagonist quickly goes awry and evolves instead into a dangerous Grand Adventure complete with highwayman, fighting pirates, magical alchemy, and more. But that’s all simply window dressing to what’s at the heart of this novel – love, friendship and hope. In this coming of age story, our lovelorn hero matures and evolves as he s-l-o-w-l-y learns how to become the kind of man he aspires to be. He’s a supremely polarizing character, and perhaps in less capable hands it would be a challenge to redeem our naughty hero, but Ms. Lee manages it. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue is a wonderful, unforgettable – and redemptive – road trip I never wanted to end.
Henry “Monty” Montague is a gentleman born, but a rogue at heart, and his disregard for his reputation and passionate indulgence in what he considers the finer things of life – gambling, men (and women), drink – have yet to be squelched by attendance at the finest boarding schools or by his overbearing and abusive father. Handsome, funny and vain, Monty lives life to its fullest and damn the consequences. Dismissed from Eton after getting caught with another boy, living at home at the mercy of his father (and his fists), his future – managing the family estate – looms large. But Monty has one last hurrah to look forward to: A Grand Tour of Europe with his best friend and the (secret) love of his life, Percy Newton. His younger sister Felicity, a bluestocking in training, will accompanying them as far as Marseilles, where she’s enrolled in finishing school, and when the year is over, the friends will be forced apart – Monty to return to England and Percy to Holland and law school. Until then, Monty has grand plans for their travels.
Unfortunately, Monty’s father has his own opinions about the trip and shortly before their departure, he pulls Monty aside and informs him that they will be accompanied by a guardian who will control their finances and itinerary. Mr. Lockwood will also be there to ensure Monty behaves appropriately and will report any infractions to his father. If Monty misbehaves, the trip is over, Monty will be cast off from his family, his money and his position – and he’ll lose this last year with Percy. Frustrated and disappointed, but still hopeful the trip will be great, the group sets off.
At first, the trip proceeds much as Monty expects. Mr. Lockwood keeps them on a tight leash but Monty is determined to seize every opportunity to flirt and spend time with Percy whom he adores. Days are filled with visits to museums, churches and other educational pursuits – or more precisely, the opposite of anything that interests Monty. On a rare occasion, Mr. Norcross does permit them to go out on their own, and he and Percy steal away to a nightclub. The evening unfolds much as Monty hoped their trip would – with drinking, gambling, flirting… and a passionate kiss. But when Percy presses Monty about his feelings, he panics and the evening ends on a sour note. Monty is distraught and heartbroken, and unable to fix whatever mistake he’s made. So, true to form, he promptly makes it worse.
Shortly after the disastrous nightclub visit, they travel to Versailles where they’ve been invited to a summer ball. Monty has been in a foul mood for days, and when he finally breaks free of his chaperones, promptly gets drunk and sets out to seduce a beautiful and flirtatious guest. They depart the ballroom for the privacy of her quarters, but just as things are heating up, they’re interrupted in flagrante by a couple of people Monty offended earlier in the day. He flees – naked – and finds himself amid gaping, scandalised guests, a dismayed Percy, disgusted Felicity and an outraged guardian. They quickly depart but it’s clear that Monty’s debauched exit signals the end of his Grand Tour. But before Lockwood can contact his father, another spectacularly bad decision Monty made at Versailles comes to light. The repercussions of that reckless action has immediate and disastrous consequences and mayhem, mishaps and adventure ensue as Monty learns – the hard way – the true meaning of love and friendship.
Monty is a polarizing figure with many, many faults, not the least of which is his apparent unwillingness to be better until life gives him no other option. He’s a reliable, if exasperating narrator, and I liked him in spite of his flaws. Vain, selfish and frequently oblivious to how his bad behavior affects the people he loves he’s also charming, loyal and wickedly funny. He hides the scars of his father’s abuse well, but as the adventure stretches, his sunny facade begins to crack. His efforts at emotional intimacy with Percy are alternately lovely, awkward and awful, but his love for his friend – oh dear reader – it’s the real deal. His bizarrely funny and self-deprecating narration is marvelously done by Ms. Lee and Monty makes for a fascinating rogue you hate to love. You can’t help yourself.
The secondary characters are equally compelling. Lovely, sweet, gentle Percy is the biracial son of a West Indies landowner, and it’s clear to all (except Monty) that his life, though privileged, isn’t easy. Racism is rampant, and Percy endures public disdain and condescension with a humbling resignation. The author superbly and subtly illustrates Percy’s plight – privileged but still an outsider, ridiculed for the color of his skin. He isn’t in a position to call out his tormentors and he quietly suffers whenever Monty, his fiercely passionate champion, challenges any perceived slight and insists Percy do the same. But there’s more to Percy than meets the eye, and a secret he’s kept nearly derails their friendship as it brings Felicity into the spotlight. Felicity, with her sharp tongue, brilliant mind and indomitable spirit, nearly steals the show. She has no desire to go to finishing school, and without her they likely wouldn’t have survived the wild adventure that unfolds after Monty’s Versailles debacle. She’s a wonderfully wise and tough addition to this ensemble and provides a much needed level head and mature confidence – in contrast to her challenging older brother. She’s also a classic little sister and the alternately bickering enemies/loving siblings relationship between brother and sister is particularly well done. Ms. Lee writes secondary characters par excellence.
I know you want to know what happens following the group’s abrupt departure from Versailles, but trust me when I tell you, The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue is worth discovering on your own. Monty is a marvelously enjoyable narrator and you’ll either love him or hate him by the time you reach its surprising conclusion. I wish Ms. Lee had spent a bit more time on the epilogue – if only so we could visit with these friends a little longer – but as it is, it’s sweetly satisfying. Unpredictable, intriguing, funny – and romantic – it’s easily one of my favorite novels of the year.
Buy it at: Amazon/Barnes and Noble/iBooks/Kobo
Grade: A
Book Type: European Historical Romance|Young Adult
Sensuality: Kisses
Review Date: 21/07/17
Publication Date: 06/2017
Recent Comments …
This sounds delightful! I’m grabbing it, thanks
excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.
I don’t think anyone expects you to post UK prices – it’s just a shame that such a great sale…
I’m sorry about that. We don’t have any way to post British prices as an American based site.
I have several of her books on my TBR and after reading this am moving them up the pile.
If you haven’t read this – or even if you have – I’m listening to it on audio right now and reminded of how wonderful it is. The audio version is similarly amazing & will be my top book of 2017. GO READ OR LISTEN (BETTER!) TO THE GENTLEMAN’S GUIDE TO VICE AND VIRTUE. I love it.
BJJ – While it’s alternately rollicking and boring (like, I keep putting it down because it starts to drag, but then I can’t seem to just let it go, because it’s also–if I may use a British term–“jolly good fun.” )
Yes, the main character states he likes men and women, and we are aware he has kissed and frolicked with both.. However, he also lets us know that no one makes him feel the way his best mate Percy does. It’s Percy that he is in love with.
What *is* anachronistic to me is the use of contemporary language, For example, Monty thinks about someone potentially pulling “a bait and switch.” And at another point he reflects that “Neither of us is sober, or even sober-adjacent.” Later he wonders where his friend’s “head is at.” These are all modern terms.
BJ – That’s an understatement. I loved it. Our hero is still becoming a man & making lots of bad decisions along the way. But his love for Percy is deeply affecting and I felt hopeful about him – and their future – by the time the story concludes. He is definitely bisexual – I’m not sure what reviews you’ve read. I didn’t feel like it was queer lite at all – it’s simply YA and therefore the sex we expect to read on or off the page isn’t a significant part of this story. For that reason, I think its a good entry point for newer queer fans/readers.
I’m not sure how ‘anachronistic romp’ applies here – it’s a historical romance and as such, I thought the period details were accurate. I think Ms. Lee gets the mind of a young (naughty) young man spot on. But that’s just me! It sounded right – but again, ‘right’ is relative. I’m a 43 year old woman. :)
I can tell you really liked this romp Em, you inject an infectious bubbly tone in your review! :)
I think I would have to be a certain mood to read it though, as not one review I read called the main character Bi-sexual and I’ve seen mentioned several times that it’s a good crossover to queer romance (does that make it queer-lite?)
I’m afraid I was a little put off also by the references from other reviews calling it an ‘anachronistic romp’. I may be being a little unfair and one day when my TBR pile reduces (aargh!) I may take you up on your suggestion and read it.
I just heard about it last night, and now, I read this wonderful (!!) review. clearly, this is a
book I’m meant to read
I just got this in my OwlCrate so I was really excited to hear that it’s a winner!
Thanks for this review! I saw this book a couple of weeks ago and was really tempted to buy it. Sounds like I need to pick up a copy.
It’s wonderful nblibgirl! I have a tendency to write LONG reviews and it was a challenge to curb that urge here. There’s so much happening in this story – Monty’s voice is just so wicked/sweet/funny, it’s a highlight. But the plot/story itself, is equally compelling. I’ve barely scratched the surface in this review!
I also had hoped to mention that though I love queer fiction, it used to intimidate me & for readers looking to dip their toes into a non-traditional m/f historical, this is a terrific starting point. Monty is bisexual – but all of his romantic relationships are off the page/memories, with the exception of his thoughts about Percy. It’s a very well done romantic YA – just wonderful. My word count meant I didn’t add this bit – but I wanted to.
I hope you read it – it’s definitely one of my favorite novels this year.
Is it a stand-alone?
But I believe there will be a sequel all about Felicity (and pirates) out next year!
I really loved this book and this was a great review of it.. The Monty /Percy romance was one of the sweetest I’ve read all year.