I’ve never read Louise Allen before and was excited to jump into her latest novel, The Earl’s Marriage Bargain, whose blurb mentions a daring rescue. I was therefore looking forward to a more adventurous tale than I found myself reading, and unfortunately, came away disappointed.
After being disgraced, Jane Newnham is traveling to her cousin’s house with her mother’s loathsome maid. and when a fight involving several men suddenly breaks out into the street, Jane impulsively drags the man who is losing the fight into her carriage. The man isn’t just anyone, however, but Ivo Merton, Earl of Kendall and heir to a marquess. He has just returned from the war and is crushed to find out the woman he loves didn’t wait for him.
Jane handily leaves her mother’s maid at an inn and she and Ivo continue on to Batheaston together. Along the way, Jane tells Ivo of her plan to set up a shop painting portraits for the wealthy, while Ivo tries to convince her what a terrible idea that truly is.
They reach Batheaston and part ways very briefly after Jane convinces Ivo to take her through town to find a suitable shop for her portraiture endeavor. Her dream is quickly abandoned, however, when she learns how high rent is and that her jewelry is all paste. But that’s okay because she and Ivo are caught in a situation where they lie about being betrothed and The Earl’s Marriage Bargain is made.
I was hooked by the story until Jane and Ivo reached Batheaston and then very little happened. I honestly expected a title featuring a heroine pulling the hero into her carriage while fighting off his attackers with her parasol to be more plot driven and more exciting, but after that, it was as if all the action just came to a complete stop. The dialogue was still witty and fun, but I wanted more than that; I wanted things to happen. I wanted conflict.
Ivo is annoyed with Jane at first and inexplicably wants to make her understand her studio idea is a bad one, but that argument is solved by Jane realizing the studio was unattainable right then anyway. Once they decide to marry, most of the arguments between them cease and their interactions aren’t as delightful.
I liked Jane and felt I got to know her far better than I did Ivo. Although she did get a little aggravating with her idealistic belief that she could open a portrait studio without causing any scandal – she was far too smart to not realize how unlikely that was. I respected her for not refusing his proposal out of pure stubbornness like many heroines do.
While The Earl’s Marriage Bargain started promisingly enough, it soon fizzled out and left me wanting more.
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Grade: C
Book Type: Historical Romance
Sensuality: Warm
Review Date: 05/06/20
Publication Date: 05/2020
Recent Comments …
This sounds delightful! I’m grabbing it, thanks
excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.
I don’t think anyone expects you to post UK prices – it’s just a shame that such a great sale…
I’m sorry about that. We don’t have any way to post British prices as an American based site.
I have several of her books on my TBR and after reading this am moving them up the pile.
It’s a shame this one doesn’t work – Allen’s usually better than this.
I’ve heard her books are usually good so I will give her another shot. I try not to judge authors by one book anymore.
I’ve liked many of Ms. Allen’s books. The last one I read was terrific for about the first third but then the second two-thirds were slow and lacked the spark the first part had. It sounds like that happened in this book too.
Yes, I enjoyed the beginning of it and then it just kind of fizzled. I’ve heard good things, though, so I’ll try Louise Allen again.
Sorry this didn’t work for you – I’ve generally found this author to be pretty reliable, although not everyone can be great all the time!
I will definitely give her another try!!
I’ve reviewed quite a few of her books here – she’s usually a solid B-and-up grade author for me, and I know I’ve given her at least one DIK.