The Boys Next Door


The Boys Next Door is a cute story with adorable teenage characters who brought me back thoughts of the first boy I fell in love with, and all the incredibly embarrassing things I said and did to get him to fall in love with me. This is a light, funny read that will warm your heart.

Lori has lived next to the Adam and Sean Vader for as long as she can remember. And ever since she hit her teens, she has seriously crushed on Sean, the elder of the two Vader boys. For several summers Lori worked at the Vader Marina, and this summer is no exception. What has changed is that this summer, Lori has decided to get Sean to love her as much as she loves him. The fact that he has a girlfriend, Rachel, doesn’t bother her. Lori has decided her her goal is to make Sean hers, and hers only. The problem is that Sean treats Lori like a little sister, and not like a potential girlfriend. So out with the little sister and bring on the cute chick. Lori flirts, wears bikinis, and micro mini-skirts, in the hopes that Sean will see her in a new light.

In desperation she comes up with the idea of pretending to hook up with Sean’s brother Adam, who is also her best friend, in hopes that Sean will leave Rachel in a fit of jealousy. Lori believes this is the perfect plan because she thinks Adam is interested in Rachel. What she doesn’t know is that Adam likes Lori and wants her to see him, not as a best friend, but as boyfriend material. He plays along in hopes that in the end he will be the Vader boy she wants.

As the summer passes on, Adam falls more and more in love with Lori. She finds herself attracted to him, but is still convinced that Sean is the one. They share a simple kiss one night, which only serves to make Lori more confused about her feelings. The more time she spends with Adam, the more intimate they become.

I really liked Lori and Adam. Lori is funny, outspoken, and determined. There is not one shy bone in her body. Her exploits made me laugh all the while cheering her on. Adam is sensitive, thoughtful, and in love. The author writes his point of view quite well and really succeeds in portraying the anguish Adam experiences because of unrequited love. Each interaction he and Lori share is finely written, and manages to be poignant and funny at the same time.

Some people might be tempted to bypass this book as soon as they realize this is a teenage romance. That would be a mistake. It’s a perfect summer read, and was a welcome alternative to my usual preferences. I was pleasantly surprised, and completely caught up with the story till the very last words.

Some of the best and sweetest romances out there are in the young adult market and The Boys Next Door is a good example. If you’d like to re-experience the feeling of falling in love for the first time – here’s your book.

Reviewed by Keisha Hudson

Grade: B-

Book Type: Young Adult

Sensuality: Kisses

Review Date: 21/09/07

Publication Date: 2007

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.


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