Oddly enough, while I was reading Tarnished Rose of the Court I also happened to be reading Meredith Duran’s At Your Pleasure – which has a very similar plot. Both have sisters whose brothers are or were involved in treasonous plots, both have heroes and heroines who were in love in the past and were driven apart. Both also have heroines who were then married to abusive husbands.
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I’m not suggesting at all that either copied the other, merely that they had very similar arcs and I happened to be reading both simultaneously. They are also both set in times where such high stakes conflicts make sense; The Duran book is set during the first Jacobean rebellion, and the McCabe revolves around the intrigue of the Elizabeth I’s Tudor court. The setting is particularly effective in this book. McCabe is an author who does her homework, and it works well here.
As to the particulars, our heroine is Celia Sutton. Though she serves the queen, she has been tarnished by her brother’s treason, and she has no family home. Elizabeth gives her the chance to redeem herself by travelling to Scotland to observe Mary (Queen of Scots) and assess the likelihood of her marriage prospects. The catch? Celia will be travelling with John Brandon, the man who took her virginity and her heart before disappearing to France. She hasn’t seen him in some time, and has a lot of unresolved feelings about their involvement together.
John shares Celia’s feelings, but he knows why he left. He is directly responsible for exposing Celia’s brother’s treason. The whole reason he was in Celia’s neck of the woods in the first place was to uncover the plot; he never bargained on falling in love with Celia while he was there. When he spends time with her again, all of the feelings come back, and he finds that he just can’t keep his distance. But can she ever forgive him if she finds out the truth?
Well, if John had read as many romance novels as the rest of us, he’d know that honesty is the best policy and that the “wronged” party is always going to find out the truth anyway. Since John lacks the knowledge of the typical romance reader, he drags his feet until the inevitable happens. Before then, he and Celia get quite cozy, even though she is very nervous about the idea of marrying anyone again (ever), and also knows that the queen will have something to say about her potential bridegroom.
For the most part, I enjoyed this book. As I mentioned previously, McCabe does a good job with unusual settings, and her rendering of the Elizabethan period is deft. She’s not one for window dressing. That said, I couldn’t help giggling every time John’s “codpiece” came up. I’m only human, after all.
I also liked both Celia and John. There conflict is believable. John had a reason to leave, and while we know he should have let Celia in on his secret earlier, his reluctance is logical as well. Celia is equally sympathetic, and her unwillingness to jump right into another marriage makes sense.
The problem I had with the book is one that I have had with a lot of books this year. Basically, I enjoyed it but didn’t find myself compelled to read it. I found it pleasant, but didn’t love it, though I wanted to. I wavered between a C+ and B-, finally deciding on the latter since I enjoyed several aspects of the book.
If you are a fan of Elizabethan romances, I’d go ahead and give this one a try. They are certainly hard to come by, and McCabe’s research is always top notch. If you are looking for a book you just can’t put down, however, I don’t think this one is it.
Grade: B-
Book Type: European Historical Romance
Sensuality: Hot
Review Date: 07/11/12
Publication Date: 2012/10
Recent Comments …
This sounds delightful! I’m grabbing it, thanks
excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.
I don’t think anyone expects you to post UK prices – it’s just a shame that such a great sale…
I’m sorry about that. We don’t have any way to post British prices as an American based site.
I have several of her books on my TBR and after reading this am moving them up the pile.