Storm Cursed


Storm Cursed is the eleventh book in the Mercy Thompson series and can only be read as part of the saga. Too much character and world building take place in earlier novels for this story to make sense to anyone who hasn’t read those tales. You have to really like a series to read that far into it, along with the adjacent narratives  (Alpha & Omega) that make up the Mercyverse and their various short stories.  I have read everything, which makes this a review by a fan for other fans. My grade reflects that.

This review will contain spoilers for the books that came before it, as well as a tiny bit of information about a new crossover taking place between the Mercy Thompson series and the Alpha & Omega books.

Ever since Mercy proclaimed the Tri-Cities under the protection of the pack, the werewolves have been called upon by the area’s denizens to handle all sorts of strange supernatural problems. Today’s difficulty is a bit out of the ordinary but still typical enough not to raise too many concerns: a goblin has moved into a local barn and of course the farmer wants it gone. Backed by two trusty lieutenants, fan favorites Mary Jo and Ben, and with a large assist from Goblin King Larry, Mercy is able to roust the annoying, murderous creature from its hidey-hole and advise the barn owner the area has been cleared. There’s more going on here but I’ll leave the reader to discover that for themselves.

Just as she’s finishing tidying up that case Mercy receives another call: the Benton County Sheriff’s office is having trouble dealing with a marauding pack of miniature zombie goats. Mary Jo and Mercy head out to deal with this problem and discover it’s hiding a way bigger difficulty. A nasty band of witches have decided to come to town, bringing their cruel and appalling practice of black magic with them. They expect the pack to just let them take over, which shows just how little they understand about Mercy and her mate Adam.

Fans of the series will remember that an important group of witches played a role in the last Alpha & Omega novel, Burn Bright. In this one, we learn a lot more about that coven and watch Mercy, Adam and the Columbia Basin Pack tangle with this new enemy. We also take a joyous – not! – walk through ongoing political struggles between the U.S. Government and the Gray Lords, and discover a new talent Mercy has been waiting for just the right moment to use.

This story will make fans happy. We get to see our heroes kick paranormal butt, we hang out with old friends like Stefan, Sherwood, Zee, Tad, and Uncle Mike and old frenemies like Wulfe. We’ve got a nasty new enemy to hate and we find out about a new (to this series) mythical creature. Briggs’ world building is phenomenal and the universe she has created totally riveting. As always, I enjoyed the time I spent there.

The full conundrum the wolves and their allies have to deal with is intriguing and engrossing. I was completely engaged by what was happening and absorbed by trying to figure out just how a resolution would be reached. Naturally, I was equally invested in figuring out how various ongoing threads in the Mercyverse were progressing. It was all thoroughly engaging and I ripped through the book in a day.

Which means that the only reason this novel hasn’t received a higher grade is a problem that has cropped up in the last few books. They aren’t DIK novels. Don’t get me wrong, they are good stories and frankly, they are wonderful series books. Ms. Briggs has spent thirteen years creating an exceptional paranormal realm and peopling it with awesome characters and fascinating creatures. However, if Storm Cursed had been the first book in the series rather than the eleventh, I would have been far less impressed than I was by my initial encounter with the Mercyverse. These newer narratives just aren’t quite as compelling as the earlier works. That they are as terrific as they are is a testament to the author’s amazing talent but I just don’t feel the last few have been DIK quality. And again, this far into a series, I am not expecting that and am deeply thankful that they are as great and as much fun as they have been.

Additionally, Mercy is becoming too much of a Mary Sue. There is no challenge she and her friends can’t rise to, no enemy too great for them to defeat. The discovery of a new talent of Mercy’s  is just one of the recent  deus ex machina devices the author has resorted to in order to remind us how awesome our heroine is. I don’t need a character to be Wonder Woman for me to love her and I wish we were seeing more growth in other aspects of Mercy’s personality rather than just her awesome fighting capabilities and magical talents.

Storm Cursed is a must read for its intended audience, and will be a page-turning pleasure for fans. As stated before, it is definitely not the place to begin if you aren’t familiar with the series – that would be book one, the outstanding Moon Called – but I promise by the time you work your way through the excellent beginning novels and get to this one, you will be quite delighted with Storm Cursed.

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Reviewed by Maggie Boyd

Grade: B+

Sensuality: Warm

Review Date: 04/05/19

Publication Date: 05/2019

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.

I've been an avid reader since 2nd grade and discovered romance when my cousin lent me Lord of La Pampa by Kay Thorpe in 7th grade. I currently read approximately 150 books a year, comprised of a mix of Young Adult, romance, mystery, women's fiction, and science fiction/fantasy.


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Barbara Shelanskey
Barbara Shelanskey
10/03/2019 7:07 pm

I think her growing power is perfectly in keeping with the plot of earlier books. There was a reason most of her kind was wiped out by the vampires, and she is still discovering those reasons.

05/09/2019 11:01 pm

To me, her effect on zombies wasn’t a problem; it’s an extension on her experiences against Frost and the golem. It’s how she discovers it that bothers me.

As for wanting her to seek out Coyote, I don’t recall the timing, but if after the comment about her being “stupid lucky” she deliberately pulled the trick in Dream, it would have worked better, with Gary instead being a planned last check. She eould be making her own luck, instead of Coyote just guiding her along.

05/08/2019 9:49 pm

My opinion on Storm Cursed (and the last few books) is two fold: 1) I’m not always a fan of the scope of her enemies’ power, and 2) Mercy’s abilities are spontaneously growing. While I would want the threat of a coven to be a big deal, in my opinion, the supposed power of a coven is too large to be so numorous and tied to the whims of human committee.

As for Mercy herself, at this point I would have her specifically thinking and developing on her abilities as Joe Old Coyote’s daughter and specifically seeking out Coyote in Dream for example, with her own plan to remember things. That puts agency on her part. Instead, she has surprises occur at just the right time.

I enjoyed the book, but I wouldn’t say it’s flawless.

Maggie Boyd
Maggie Boyd
Reply to  Sean
05/09/2019 7:46 pm

I would agree. I do struggle with how Mercy constantly gains new powers and this latest “gift” was particularly annoying. Mercy is on the brink (if not already there) of becoming a Mary Sue. Hopefully the author will start to rein it in when it comes to making her character “a power”. .

Lynda X
Lynda X
05/04/2019 10:17 am

If you like fantasy, I suggest you start with the Alpha & Omega novella, so you won’t have too much invested, if it’s not your cuppa. I love that series which intertwines with the Mercy series which I also really like, but it’s not as romantic as A&O. I love Briggs’s imagination and her logical problems–for example, when Mercy and Adam come together, his people are not warm and welcoming to Mercy, initially. It’s almost impossible to write a series for what–13 years, did you say?–without losing momentum. However, what calls to a writer calls to the writer. I can say that I’ve enjoyed every single Patricia Briggs book in both series. If you haven’t read them, give one a chance.

Maggie Boyd
Maggie Boyd
Reply to  Lynda X
05/07/2019 8:15 am

For myself, I liked the information I received in Moon Called regarding the Marok, the packs and how they handle things before I read Alpha and Omega. That story is sweet – and absolutely should be read before Cry Wolf – but it is also short and doesn’t provide sufficient world building, imo. I do agree with you that I’ve enjoyed every single Patricia Briggs book and recommend them all. In order, though. People starting with Storm Cursed would be lost!