An AAR Top 100 Romance
review originally published on December 18, 2000
Blythe: Few people who knew me in high school would have guessed how much I loved Pride and Prejudice. The image I cultivated was more sarcastic and smart alecky than romantic, and I definitely preferred jeans to prom dresses. But deep inside I was really a closet romantic who knew every word of Mr. Darcy’s first proposal by heart. I first read Pride and Prejudice when I was a young teenager, plowing through my own self-guided tour of the classics. When I picked it up I knew almost nothing about it, which I think is an advantage, because I was in for a wonderful surprise. I quickly came to love the story of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, and over the years it has stood up to frequent re-readings to become a cherished keeper.
The appeal of Pride and Prejudice is so widespread that it is nearly universal. It touches on themes of class, social behavior, and family relationships. It’s a peek into a world that in some ways is nothing like ours, but it contains truths which seem to apply in any world.
While I love it for these noble, impressive, literary reasons, I love it most for the romance. Like Elizabeth and Mr. Bennet, I enjoy human folly. Who could help but be amused by Mr. Collins’ obsequiousness or the “peculiar condescension of Lady Catherine de Bourgh?” But the page I turn to again and again is the page where Mr. Darcy proposes, which in my opinion is one of the most romantic pages in the book, and possibly the most romantic page ever: “In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
When I first read those words I was as shocked as Elizabeth, because as far as I was concerned they came out of nowhere. As Mr. Darcy continues to propose, he manages to offend Elizabeth by telling her that he is proposing against his better judgment, and he goes on to insult her family and admit that he is responsible for turning his friend Bingley away from Elizabeth’s beloved sister Jane. Naturally, Elizabeth turns him down flat. But what I found so romantic is that Darcy felt such boundless, unstoppable passion (for her beauty and her mind) that he absolutely had to propose to Elizabeth. He loved her in spite of himself.
From here Elizabeth learns that Darcy is not quite the man she thought he was, and he learns that loving Elizabeth means accepting her family. His second proposal at the end of the book is a much more humble one as he tells Elizabeth that his feelings remain unchanged and apologizes for the manner of his earlier proposal. While I like that proposal too, it’s the first one that always gets me.
Teresa: I first read P&P when I was in the 8th grade. My English teacher, Mrs. McAlpine, assigned a book report to be written on the book of our choice from a pre-approved list. There must have been a hundred titles on that list, and I have no idea how I was lucky enough to choose P&P – maybe I liked the title? I started reading it but had a difficult time getting into it at first. I thought it was pretty boring. Being the diligent student I was, I doggedly continued until suddenly (it seemed to me) Darcy proposed to Elizabeth. Holy cow! And she turned him down. No way! I was suddenly hooked and stayed up the rest of night to finish it. I believe this was the very first romance I ever read. I read it without any preconceived notions of what a romance should be, and no idea of the conventions of the genre (which Austen instigated). Oh to be that innocent again. I felt like it was my own personal discovery – this amazing book that no one knew about.
What is amazing to me is how it stands the proverbial test of time. I read it on my own at age 13 and didn’t need a teacher walking me through it chapter by chapter the way I needed with Shakespeare or Melville. (Maybe it helped that the version in my middle school library had pictures?) It’s still as romantic to me now as it was then, and I have re-read it too many times to count. The beginning no longer seems boring to me at all. It is a charming and amusing time of character development. And of course I have the opening line memorized – it is one of the all-time best opening lines in any novel ever written: “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” Mustn’t he? He just doesn’t know it until he meets Elizabeth!
As I was trying to quantify all the reasons I love this book, I kept thinking about all the reasons I love it in spite of itself. If I look at it from my perspective now, having read many of Laurie’s ATBF columns and AAR Reviews, I notice that there were all these long separations which I normally would dislike in romance. Objectively speaking, Darcy and Elizabeth don’t spend all that much time together. Why do I still love it so much then? I think it is because the separations actually enhance our empathy for these characters. The lack of contact in the first half of the book allows for a fairly large misunderstanding as to the true nature Darcy and Wickham’s characters, but because of the deft handling, it never seems trite like the Big Misunderstandings that often show up in more modern romance. Indeed it is an example of how a Big Mis should be handled – make the reader believe it too, make it understandable, and clear the air in a straightforward manner at the most reasonable opportunity (the fact that she’s willing to tell him to his face what she really thinks of him is shocking!). Then the separation in the later half of the book allows our anxiety to build as we worry that Elizabeth’s refusal of him and later Lydia’s behavior will alienate Darcy for good. The separations are in fact much of what create the tension in this book, and somehow make for an incredibly touching romance.
Blythe, at what age do you think young women should try this book?
Blythe: Thirteen certainly seemed to be the magic age for us! We were so lucky, weren’t we? And since I read it in a period of teenage superiority, I looked on it as “my” discovery. I would say 13 or 14 is a great age, at least for good readers.
Teresa: Hey it was “my” discovery first!
Blythe: When I reread it this last time, I noticed how many romance conventions get their start with P&P. Darcy’s character especially has been much copied, but I don’t think anything can touch the original.
Teresa: Ditto. But I also noticed how there are conventions that I ordinarily wouldn’t like, like all the separations – as I mentioned above, they really don’t spend that much time together!
Blythe: And there are so few scenes where they are even talking to each other that’s it’s easy to name them all. Then there is the matter of love scenes – these two don’t even kiss, or think about it.
Teresa: I know. It’s especially interesting to me because I normally prefer romances which are on the hot side, like those by Linda Howard or Mary Balogh. But then I go back and re-read this and realize it’s not the sex but the story that matters. Since these two don’t spend much time together, it means what time they do spend is not all taken up with thoughts of “Gee she’s so hot” but actual, meaningful, personal interaction. She comes to love him because she first learns to like him, not because she unwittingly feels sexually attracted to him and mistakes that for love.
And I love the letter from him. I could read that over and over. This could never work in a contemporary – who writes letters like that? And it wouldn’t be the same over a phone. The fact that he spent so much time shows how much he cared.
Blythe: I think the letter is in a way more of a turning point then the proposal. Elizabeth reads it and she suddenly sees that Wickham is not what she thought, and her opinion of Darcy rises accordingly. Meanwhile, I think while Darcy is writing it – and afterwards when he reflects on it – he realizes that Jane loved Bingley, and that his proposal to Elizabeth was really insulting.
Teresa: I agree about the letter. It is a real turning point, and for the reader too! The reader is really in Elizabeth’s shoes – we see Darcy through her eyes and until we get the letter we don’t know Darcy or Wickham at all.
Blythe: One thing we definitely miss out on is the hero’s point of view. But, in this case it certainly makes my favorite proposal scene more of a surprise. Can you just imagine a modern version with Darcy speculating about Lizzy’s physical charms? I like to get inside a hero’s head now and then, but I guess it’s something of a double-edged sword.
Teresa: Yes, exactly. The fact that it’s all from Lizzy’s POV means that events come as much of a surprise to us as to her. Like both the proposal and Lydia’s elopement.
Blythe: It adds to the suspense at the end, too. It’s very clear that Lizzy’s feelings for Darcy have changed, but she doesn’t know if he still loves her.
Teresa: Yes, it’s so poignant. I was certainly in suspense at 13!
You know, Austen (and Heyer) are supposed to be the mothers of the Regency Romance. So how come there’s none of that insipid language in P&P that always crops up in modern regencies? You know, terms like “chit,” “leg shackle,” “marriage mart,” and “parson’s mousetrap.” I always hate all that; it seems so affected.
Blythe: My guess is that all comes from Heyer. Hardly anyone uses slang in P&P, except maybe Lydia. Heyer is full of Regency cant, though. I don’t think it’s bad, but it makes for a very different read. Oddly, I find the author that comes closest to imitating Austen in speech patterns (but not a whole lot else!) is Amanda Quick, mostly because her characters usually adhere to a very formal style of address.
I think we should actually plug the movie here [The 1995 BBC production with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle, shown on A&E in 1996] as well, because I think it’s as good as the book, which is really saying something.
Teresa: I agree completely. If you love the book, then you should really rent this amazing movie. In the movie there are several scenes of dialogue that the book only implies and I even find these to be more satisfying than the sketches in the book. Sometimes I wish Austen had been more explicit in places.
Blythe: Yes, the movie adds dialogue in a couple of areas, and takes things Austen merely implies further. I can’t say enough about my favorite scene, which takes place during the Netherfield Ball. I could watch this for hours. Darcy and Elizabeth share a dance which grabs me every time I watch it. The intricacy of the dance goes on while Darcy and Elizabeth talk, and it’s just amazing.
Teresa: Oh yes. I wish people still danced like that. Sigh. Another small departure is that the movie ends at the wedding, but the book goes much farther into an epilogue of sorts. Is that more satisfying for you?
Blythe: I do find the “epilogue” in the book more satisfying, because I really didn’t want the book to end at all. Darcy and Elizabeth converse further here about their feelings and the misunderstandings between them. After proposal #1, this is probably my favorite section to reread.
Teresa: In regards to point of view, the movie departs from the book and shows scenes that Elizabeth wouldn’t have been privy to. After Elizabeth confides to Darcy about Lydia’s elopement, we see a scene in Darcy’s parlor with just Darcy and Miss Bingley and the Hursts. Miss Bingley is trying to provoke Mr. Darcy with catty statements about Elizabeth, but you can tell he is preoccupied and worried about the Bennet’s situation and all Miss Bingley succeeds in doing is getting him to bark “What?!” at her. It’s a perfect way to give us some insight into Darcy’s real feelings that we don’t get in the book. Another scene in the movie that isn’t in the book is a brief bedroom scene between Lydia and Wickham which illustrates Lydia’s misplaced faith in Wickham. It’s wonderful that this movie is so faithful to the book that not only is nothing cut, but edifying scenes like these are added without altering the nature of the story at all.
Blythe: There is also a short but effective scene that takes place after Elizabeth visits Darcy’s home, Pemberley. Late at night we see him wander alone back to the music room where she played the pianoforte. He is obviously unable to sleep because he is thinking of her. It’s very romantic – and again, not in the book.
Teresa: I like the movie so much that it actually creates a dilemma for me. I want my daughter to discover and love novel the way I did. But if she watches the movie first (and how can she avoid it when my husband and I watch it at every opportunity?) – will that spoil the book for her? And even if she never sees the movie, what are the chances that this will become her favorite book like it is mine? My mother’s favorite books were Jane Eyre and The Mysterious Island. With my mother’s prodding I read the first and only thought it was okay, and never got around to reading the second. I can imagine giving my daughter a copy of Pride and Prejudice when she’s fourteen and having her read it under duress and telling me it was “only okay” and break my heart. <g>
Blythe: When I sat down to write my comments about this book, I kept getting distracted. I would look up a certain passage to comment on it, then realize that ten minutes had elapsed and I was still reading! Here I was reading a book I’d already read countless times (and indeed had just finished) and I couldn’t stop reading long enough to write a review about it. If I’m ever stranded on our imaginary desert isle I hope I have a trunkful of books. But if I can only take one I think Pride and Prejudice just might be it.
Teresa: In our latest poll of our 100 favorite romances, Pride and Prejudice was my number one choice, and came in number thirteen in the final results. I think this is in part due to the fact that many people weren’t sure whether or not to include the “classics” in their ballots (there must be some reason it wasn’t number one!). To me it doesn’t matter when it was published. It still outshines every other romance novel I have ever read and will always be my all-time favorite.
Grade: A+
Book Type: Classic Fiction
Sensuality: N/A
Review Date: 23/03/18
Publication Date: 1813
Recent Comments …
This sounds delightful! I’m grabbing it, thanks
excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.
I don’t think anyone expects you to post UK prices – it’s just a shame that such a great sale…
I’m sorry about that. We don’t have any way to post British prices as an American based site.
I have several of her books on my TBR and after reading this am moving them up the pile.
In addition to P&P (and both versions of the film for different reasons) I love Pamela Aidan’s trilogy written from Darcy’s point of view. If you are a P&P fan, you should check out the series referred to as Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman at Amazon.
I dearly love Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and it is second only to my love for Persuasion. (Perhaps because Persuasion was the first novel of hers I read, or because in my snobbish teen mind P &P was the most “popular one” I was drawn to Persuasion first.)
Pride and Prejudice is amazing because it works on so many levels. To some people it is the ultimate in social commentary, or a kind of comedy of manners, to others it’s a romance novel or a piece of early feminist literature but really its all that and more. It could easier veer into tragedy, for even though it’s mostly thought of as a comedy and less “serious” than Persuasion or Sense and Sensibility, Lydia’s actions are so dangerous and detrimental she could have effectively not only ruined her own life but that of all her sisters as well.
The female Bennetts’ existence is so precarious and finely balanced it lends the reader some sympathy toward the very vulgar Mrs. Bennett and her genuine fears of what may befall them all when her husband dies. She’s foolish and grasping and silly and often works against her own goals but she knows better than anyone that they are racing against the hourglass. When Mr. Bennett goes, they lose not only their lifestyle but any chance of society and finding marriages for the girls. It’s that darkness mixed in with the light that really raises the stakes of the novel. It’s not just about some young girls trying to find love, or a husband, it’s about them having to decide what if anything, they need to sacrifice in order to maintain a life like the one they know –and it’s incredibly gripping.
My main problem with the Keira Knightley movie is the insta-lust in the initial dance scene. As the reviewers have pointed out, the development of Elizabeth’s regard is partly what makes the romance so lovely and believable. I dislike insta-lust in modern romances precisely because they undercut any true meeting of the minds, and it especially has no place in P&P.
My biggest problem with the Keira Knightly version is that it thinks it can write better dialogue than Jane Austen can. One thing I absolutely love about the 1995 version with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth is how incredibly faithful to the language of the book it is. Of course there are some small changes here and there as any adaption needs, but the language is presented so beautifully and faithfully that I think it’s the finest homage to Pride and Prejudice ever made. It may throw in a gratuitous Mr, Darcy swimming scene, but it never dumbs down the language or condescends to its audience. It really believes that Austen and her words are comtemporary and applicable to any age. It doesn’t try to be “relatable” by messing with the words or story to be more hip or find mass appeal. The producers obviously understood that if you present Austen well she is relatable to any age no matter what the characters wear.
My problem with this version was Keira Knightly. Just not right with her gurning and, IMO, over-acting. I really don’t care for her. And Donald Sutherland chasing a pig into the kitchen. No, no, no. Much better the 1995 BBC version which took the time properly to tell the story.
I’ve been reading P & P since middle school and still adore it. Studying it as an undergrad in college and grad school helped me to understand better the class politics within the novel. Elizabeth represents the emergent middle classes and her voice demands respect and is ultimately taken very seriously in the story. Darcy’s love for Elizabeth puts him in a unique situation as a member of the aristocracy to listen to her and reflect or otherwise lose her. He needs to be rebuffed initially so that he can consider the implications of his early scorn for Elizabeth and for her family. I consider this a great love story but more than that, I consider it an important middle class intervention into the rapidly changing class dynamics of the 19th century.
I just got my 10-year-old granddaughter the Manga P&P and she loved it! I am now re-reading it and look forward to our discussion!
I am confused. Which movie version are you talking about? The BBC series with Colin Firth or if an actual movie, which one? There’s more than one movie version of P&P.
Has anyone seen the Greer Garson/Lawrence Olivier version? It has a quaint charm, almost in spite of itself. If I remember correctly, it was adapted by Aldous Huxley .
I watched the Greer Garson movie years ago (I think not long after the 1995 BBC series) and I didn’t like it at all because of all the changes to the storyline. It’s probably more enjoyable as an old movie than as a version of this book. I think it was adapted from a stage play based on the novel, as was the truly terrible 1940s film version of The Great Gatsby, starring Alan Ladd. It gives away all Gatsby’s secrets in the first five minutes….. (shudders in horror).
I also hated the 2005 film version starring Kiera Knightley, which is interestingly grubby but far too cavalier with the manners and social conventions which are so important in the novel. I know some people who loved it, but I couldn’t buy the main actors as Lizzie and Darcy at all.
A+++++++++++++ I re-read it annually and never tire of it. It’s life in a microcosm, never fades, fails to please or lets you down. If ever there was a literary dinner party in Heaven and you could choose your guests, for me it would be a deux with Jane Austen. Then, the next time it would be Charlotte Bronte…………… Then Georgette Heyer…………………
I was also lucky enough to read Pride and Prejudice cold, at 17. I was studying Persuasion for my HSC exams and my English teacher recommended reading other Austen books for a better understanding of her world. I lucked out in picking P&P and Emma as the extras!
I think P&P never gets stale for three reasons:
1) Austen is a miles better wordsmith than most modern romance authors,
2) her books were contemporaries, not historicals, so the dialogue and attitudes ring true, and
3) she didn’t have to fit her plot and characters into the rules of a genre which didn’t yet exist. The characters and events develop naturally so that nothing feels manipulated.
And of course, as mentioned in the review, Lizzie and Darcy fall in love because they like and admire each other. The lack of lust in the book makes their absolute rightness for each other more convincing, in my opinion. This is a great book that happens to be a romance. I wouldn’t grant many modern romances novels (even books I have really enjoyed) that distinction.