Night Into Day


I always like a book that’s a little different from the norm and although this is an older book, if you get an opportunity to find it in a used bookstore, grab it and run with it. It’s well worth your time.

Patrick O’Casey is a jock – big time. He’s been a quarterback for a long time and at 36, he knows his days of being a star football player are coming to an end. He loves this life but he’s running scared – scared of what life is going to present to him when it comes time to hang up those cleats. He’s been single, footloose and fancy free, and he’s got a marriage behind him, but he feels life is so empty. He’s not certain what’s missing, but he hopes that someday he’ll find a way to fill that void.

Into his life, unexpectedly comes a woman who turns his world around – knocks him on his backside as it were. It’s that old, corny situation, he sees her across a crowded dance floor and he can hardly wait to get there to ask her to dance. He wants to run away with her. He wants to keep her to himself. And then, in one single moment, his whole world changes.

Alex Farrell is self-reliant, independent and not looking for a man in her life. She runs a travel agency for the handicapped, which takes up most of her time. She doesn’t have time for a man. Besides, who would want her? You see, Alex has arthritis, an extremely debilitating type of arthritis, that has left her crippled and scarred and afraid to even think that any man would want her, never mind handsome Patrick O’Casey. A broken engagement confirms her feelings about how all men probably feel about her.

This is a love story that one only comes across once in a great long while, and it’s a book that should not be missed. The humour was great, often subtle. Patrick, like most people who have never had to deal with those with disabilities, does everything wrong from asking Alex to dance, to taking her to a restaurant where the only way to get inside is to go up a long flight of stairs.

There were times this book brought me to tears, but I just couldn’t put it down. I felt for both Patrick and Alex. For Patrick, because he tried so hard. For Alex, because of her insecurity. Her ex-fiancé laid a real guilt complex on her when she overheard a conversation he was having with a friend who asked how any man could bear to live with a woman who was so fragile and so wracked with pain. It was the reason Alex broke their engagement. On top of that, Patrick had been a devil-may-care man, married to a professional model. No wonder Alex is insecure.

But, Patrick perseveres, he gets angry at Alex, he begs, he pleads and finally, he’s willing to walk away from the woman he loves because she won’t give him the whole enchilada – marriage. After all, what man in his right mind would want to be stuck for the rest of his life with a woman who sometimes has a little pain, and sometimes can be so wracked with pain, it’s was hard to watch. The man willing to do that is Patrick O’Casey, jock, football player, and so much in love with Alex that this book is a true joy to read.

If you get a chance to find Night Into Day, grab it. This is definitely a keeper and one to be read over and over again.

Reviewed by Deborah Barber

Grade: A

Sensuality: Hot

Review Date: 01/07/98

Publication Date: 1987/10

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.


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