Malice, the latest standalone novel from author Pintip Dunn, is a hard book to categorize. It’s a mix of YA romance with a hint of apocalyptic terror thrown in for good measure and then, just to make things extra unique, an element of time travel is introduced. If you like books that fit neatly into specific categories, Malice might not be your cup of tea, but if you’re looking for something completely new and different, you should give this one a try.
Sixteen-year-old Alice has a lot on her plate. Since her mother walked out on her family, Alice has been trying to keep her father and older brother on track, and it’s not an easy task. Still, she’s utterly devoted to them, so she’ll do whatever she has to in order to ensure their happiness, even if it comes at the cost of her own dreams.
Things are going along pretty normally until Alice suffers from what she can only describe as a strange spell. She experiences an extremely intense headache and for a few minutes, she swears she’s hearing a voice speaking to her from inside her own mind. The voice claims to be Alice herself, ten years older and with an important message that she must deliver to the present-day Alice. The world is in terrible danger, and it’s up to Alice to stop a terrible virus from spreading.
As you might imagine, Alice is stunned by what she has been told. None of it seems the least bit plausible, especially since the voice has instructed her to kill the person who will one day develop the virus that will wipe out two-thirds of the world’s population. Alice is no killer, but there’s something so persuasive about this voice in her head, something that urges her to pay attention lest everyone she loves suffer the consequences.
To make matters all the more confusing, the voice refuses to divulge the identity of the person Alice is supposed to kill. She’s told she has to figure it out for herself, but that’s not at all an easy thing to do. Slowly though, things begin to add up to a terrifying conclusion; the only boy Alice has ever loved might just be her intended victim.
Malice isn’t a straightforward book. In fact, if you don’t pay close attention to every detail, you’re likely to end up more than a little confused. Still, this gem of a book is unlike anything I’ve read before, and I was riveted from start to finish.
I loved watching Alice navigate all the emotions that go along with first love. She’s not sure she can trust her love interest and the reader isn’t sure of his motives either. This confusion adds an extra layer of danger to what is already a difficult situation, and I found myself yearning for Alice to come up with a solution that would save the world from destruction without costing her this chance at happiness.
There’s so much more I wish I could tell you about this masterful story, but doing so would ruin the book for you. So, I’m just going to urge you to pick up Malice as soon as you possibly can and allow Pintip Dunn to sweep you into a world of great danger and even greater love.
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Grade: A
Book Type: Young Adult
Sensuality: Subtle
Review Date: 06/03/20
Publication Date: 02/2020
Recent Comments …
This sounds delightful! I’m grabbing it, thanks
excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.
I don’t think anyone expects you to post UK prices – it’s just a shame that such a great sale…
I’m sorry about that. We don’t have any way to post British prices as an American based site.
I have several of her books on my TBR and after reading this am moving them up the pile.
I loved Forget Tomorrow and Remember Yesterday by Dunn so I’m delighted this one is great too! She really does a great job with tight detailed plotting.