If you have the ability to suspend belief and go with the flow, then you will enjoy the sequel to Ms. Warren’s book The Sheriff of Horseshoe, TX more than I did. For me, it was disappointingly average.
Britt Davis, an international flight attendant, is on her way home to her mother’s to pick up her son when she is a victim of flash flooding. Swept into the creek, she manages to grab hold of a log. The only thing she can do is hold on and pray for help, all the time thinking of her son. Quentin Ross is on the way home to Austin from Horseshoe for a date with his on again-off again girlfriend when he reaches the flood banks of Brushy Creek. Realizing that there is no way that he is going to be able to cross it, he turns around, and sees what he thinks is the top of a car. Investigating further, he sees a person clinging to a log. Without any thought of the danger, he dives in to help. Both of them cling to the log as the rapidly moving water moves it down the creek. Reaching an area when their feet are able to touch the ground, they make it to safety.
Britt’s marriage has made her very leery of men. But when Quentin touches her, she feels emotions that she hasn’t felt for a long time. Quentin doesn’t feel like he is the marrying type, but Britt’s pin-up looks and her natural, fresh appeal touches something in him. Only the next time they meet is in the judge’s chambers; Quentin is representing Phil, Britt’s ex-husband, and has just helped take her son away from her.
I know that many Harlequin books have Mary Sue and Gary Stu type characters, and while that isn’t a particular flaw, it isn’t an asset either. I didn’t particularly like the over the top characterization of the ex-husband as a liar, cheater, and drug addict. Two elderly characters are added for humor, and to be honest, sometimes the scenarios were humorous and sometimes they weren’t. The biggest struggle I had was with the set up of the plot. The author gives a reason for Quentin’s continuation as Phil’s lawyer while he fights his attraction to Britt. But I just couldn’t buy it. Some readers may be able to ignore the ethical questions. However, since I work in a field that requires a license, I couldn’t get past it. Also, the book implies that the judicial system is open to granting favors. And yes, I know it happens, but with everything else, it was just too much.
One of the appealing aspects of the book is the Christmas period and the happily every after. So while the plot device brought this book grade down to a C, I am still open to checking out other books by this author.
Grade: C
Book Type: Series Romance
Sensuality: Kisses
Review Date: 11/01/11
Publication Date: 2010/12
Recent Comments …
This sounds delightful! I’m grabbing it, thanks
excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.
I don’t think anyone expects you to post UK prices – it’s just a shame that such a great sale…
I’m sorry about that. We don’t have any way to post British prices as an American based site.
I have several of her books on my TBR and after reading this am moving them up the pile.