Good Morning, Love


I liked the central conflict in Good Morning Love, Ashley M. Coleman’s début novel, very much.  But the hero didn’t really set me aflame due to his pushy and occasionally controlling nature.

Carlisa – Carli – Henton is a blossoming singer-songwriter who has moved to New York City to try her luck in the entertainment industry and Tau Anderson is a superstar on the rise.  Their paths shouldn’t cross, but when they do, both of their worlds are completely rocked.

Carli thinks nothing of her initial meeting with Tau, but it’s clear that he wants more from her.  He presumes she’s playing hard to get; she presumes he’s not interested in the kind of woman she is.  But they’re both wrong, and the connection between them is unmistakable.  Yet Carli is attracted to other men, and she’s not entirely sure that Tau is being faithful to her.  But as they begin to collaborate both professionally and personally could Carli’s connection with Tau complicate everything she holds most dear – and ruin the dream she’s been hugging to her chest?

Good Morning, Love is a wonderful story about a woman who’s trying to figure herself out.  Carli has to decide who she wants to be on the job front, romantically, and as a daughter (her father is a superstar singer)  and a musician.  That’s a tall order for any young woman, but her stumbles are wonderful to read about because they’re incredibly relatable.  She’s a wonderful heroine.

I was less impressed with Tau, who is pushy and pesters her even when she tries to maintain a professional boundary between them.  He does not take no for an answer, and for some that’s going to be a repellant quality.  It certainly didn’t really work for me.

Carli’s friendship with her roomie Talia is delightful, and the imperfect but lively Dawn (scion of a media empire) is a great presence.  I found myself more interested both in the family and friend-related conflicts Carli goes through than anything else in the book, along with the incredibly vivid picture Coleman paints of the music industry.  I really wanted more of everything except the romance here.  Maybe if Carli had ended up with another guy instead of Tau I’d’ve liked the book better.  As it is, Good Morning, Love is one part Empire and one part total frustration.

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Reviewed by Lisa Fernandes

Grade: B

Book Type: Women's Fiction

Sensuality: Warm

Review Date: 23/06/22

Publication Date: 06/2022

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.

Lisa Fernandes is a writer, reviewer and recapper who lives somewhere on the East Coast. Formerly employed by and Next Projection, she also currently contributes to Women Write About Comics. Read her blog at, follow her on Twitter at or contribute to her Patreon at or her Ko-Fi at


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