

Emma Holly is just a pleasure to read. Sexy, erotic, hot, steamy, it’s true, but also smooth, considered, well-crafted, and oh-so-easy to read. Holly is one of those writers whose writing never gets in the way of the story.

Fairyville, Arizona isn’t like other towns. Fairyvillers are always just a little different, have something just a little special about them. Zoe Clare is not only the town’s most popular medium, she also has unusual friends: fairies. Her unique gifts help her professionally – and the fairies are great with her curly hair – but they haven’t benefited her personal life. Though she tries, she just can’t seem to get past her obsession with her manager, Magnus Monroe.

Magnus, however, seems oblivious to both Zoe’s charms and her feelings, spending each full moon with a different woman but never looking her way. So when her first love, sexy private investigator Alex, blows back into town with his equally sexy partner Bryan on a case, Zoe is primed and ready to renew relations. And maybe explore some new ones.

Alex’s return, however, brings with it unexpected consequences for Zoe, Zoe’s relationship with Magnus, Alex and Bryan’s case, and even Fairyville itself.

Fairyville is a quality story, with great characters, deftly used paranormal effects that never overshadow the humanity of the story, and a strong, hot, sensual plot. Zoe and Magnus are great, but it was the secondary love story between Bryan and Alex that really touched my heart. I’m a big fan of best friend and unrequited love stories, and Holly really hits the right notes here. Further, the erotica elements are well-explained, well-written, and never seem gratuitous or for mere titillation.

My only teeny, tiny, insignificant, minor little disappointment lies in the off-camera resolution of a problem. It makes absolute sense to have the resolution off-camera, but I would have liked to see just a little bit more of that world.

I was sorry to put this book down, and I can’t wait until it hits the review boards, so I can gush about my favorite parts without falling into spoilers. Luckily, a bonus e-book epilogue is available online right now. I’m off to get my fix.

Reviewed by Kate Cuthbert

Grade: A-

Sensuality: Burning

Review Date: 29/08/07

Publication Date: 2007/09

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.


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