Everything for Her


Alexa Riley ramps up the passion and intensity in her first full-length novel Everything For Her.  A man’s singular pursuit of his perfect woman is romantic escapism at its best and I was quickly swept up in the emotional fervor of the story.  Written with a wink to the fantastic but grounded in the reality of a young professional finding herself, this is a great book for those who appreciate the addictive nature of true love.

New York City glimmered like a beacon at the end of a very long road for Mallory Sullivan.  Despite growing up in foster care, Mallory’s drive to succeed enabled her to reach her goal of a degree.  After graduating, she has the chance to prove herself comes with an internship right out of school at the prestigious Osbourne Corporation.  Her years at Yale were spent with her nose in a book and thus her first night in one of the city’s hottest clubs–she’s there to celebrate her new job–gives Mallory her first taste of flirting with handsome men and enjoying their attention.  One man in particular seems to have his eye on Mallory and he introduces himself while her girlfriend is occupied with another hot guy.  The physical reaction Mallory experiences while speaking with this mystery man is extreme.  In an unusual move for her, she gives him her number before leaving the club.  Mallory’s whole life changes the moment she receives her first text from the man who calls himself “Oz.

Miles Osbourne has known Mallory much longer than she realizes.  His first vision of her came four years earlier when he was a college senior judging a high school mathematics competition where she was her team’s leader.  He was impressed by her intelligence and her humility at being one of the smartest competitors but he was also taken by her beauty.  From that moment there was no one else for Miles but Mallory; however at only seventeen years old she wasn’t ready for any kind of attention from him.  Using his money and influence, he guided her future so she could reach her potential and, from a distance, kept her under his care.  Now, after years of waiting, Miles is ready to begin his seduction so that he may keep Mallory in his life forever.

The excitement of her new job and a new relationship becomes a drug for Mallory.  Oz cannot seem to keep away from her and she revels in the attention of this handsome and intense man. She begins to shed her reserved demeanor and gives into his skill at physical pleasure.  It’s addictive to feel so needed by such a strong man.  The more she gives into his need the more possessive he becomes and yet there is still a sense that he’s keeping something important from her.  When the curtain hiding all of Miles’ machinations is finally pulled away it’s a test of Mallory’s heart to forgive and learn to trust again the man she loves.

Everything For Her is the kind of story that grabbed my attention and wouldn’t let go until the final pages.  The relationship develops quickly with Miles refusing to take any chance that Mallory might refuse his suit or escape his reach.  The lengths he goes to keep her can be a bit over the top but it matches the heightened feelings of both characters.  Their love affair isn’t for the faint of heart, as Miles isn’t above using Mallory’s sexual awakening to keep her by his side.  Their love scenes are scorching and serve to ramp up the tension when their relationship gets complicated.  It takes Mallory some time to understand just how deeply Miles loves her: it’s in everything he’s done in the now and in the past.  He is dominating but cares for Mallory so strongly that she is his only weakness.  Mallory has all of the power in their relationship and it balances out the ultra-Alpha moments where Miles’ jealousy or possessiveness rears its ugly head.

I normally have issues with overly controlling heroes in the books I read but I was so wrapped up in Everything For Her that the normal triggers never bothered me.  I fell right along with Mallory for Miles’ focused pursuit of what he wanted and couldn’t help but appreciate the lengths he went to.  His love for Mallory bordered on obsession but it was never malicious and in fact it saved him from a much darker fate.  Ms. Riley takes her readers through the whole progression of their relationship, following their ups and downs till they reach happiness together.  I was happy to be along for that ride.

Reviewed by Sara Elliott

Grade: A-

Book Type: New Adult

Sensuality: Hot

Review Date: 28/12/16

Publication Date: 12/2016

Review Tags: Contemporary romance

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.

I am a Fan-girl extraordinaire and romance addict. When I’m not obsessing over a fictional hero from a book I’m probably obsessing over a fictional Super-hero from the movies! I have long appreciated Romance stories and the escape they provide from all the dramas in real life. Historical Romances are my favorite (who wouldn’t want to be swept away by a handsome, rich English nobleman); however I love discovering new authors and stories in any romantic genre as long as the description sounds interesting. I’m living my own happy-ever-after in Phoenix, AZ (yes, it’s a dry heat!) with my two kids and my real-life hero.


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Lisa slater
Lisa slater
03/18/2017 6:52 am

So hes possessive and stalking her. And tricks her into making love? Isn’t that rape?

12/31/2016 10:28 pm

I had this book on preorder after reading about it prior to release. The night it was available on my Kindle, I began reading it. Finished it up the very next day in less than 24 hours. Not all of the New Adult stories I have read have been this good, but this one is definitely one of the best. The storyline was right up my alley from the getgo. Loved the hero and how he took care to watch over Mallory for the years before they formally met. So sweet and so romantic. I will belooking forward to more stories by Alexa Riley now. From what I understand, the next book which is related to this one and is the story about two of the body guards in Everything For Her is due out in March. I will definitely be preordeing this one too.

Maria Rose
Maria Rose
12/28/2016 3:18 pm

Great review, Sara! I’m looking forward to reading this, it’s on my TBR ! I’ve enjoyed the few novellas that I’ve read from this author duo. .

10/28/2016 4:59 am

I’m happy to see that Alexa Riley’s first novel is good. The novellas were becoming more and more repetitive and uninteresting.