Demon Moon


When an author has the ability to make a reader lose herself in a story and to create characters who are so overwhelming that every word or action has a double meaning, you know you have a winner. And if the reader wants to go back and re-read the story a second time because the characters came alive and the words on the page were lyrical and beautifully written, well, that reader has been lucky enough to have read a masterpiece.

Demon Moon, Meljean Brook’s second full-length book, overwhelmed me with its brilliance, but also perplexed me with its complexity. Certain scenes and conversations were confusing enough that I re-read the start of most chapters to make sure I got it. This is not a lighthearted romance; instead there is gore, very over-the-top eroticism, and monsters like those you were told of as children who could be hiding in your closet. And I loved every minute of it.

Colin Ames Beaumont was introduced in Demon Angel and also appeared in the short story Falling for Anthony. He is a 200-year-old vampire who makes no excuses for the life he now leads. He loves blood, the sex that comes with it (he even stated he has slept with over 20,000 woman in his long life), and the booty he has attained over the centuries. I found Colin entirely swoonable because not only was he gorgeous, his personality wasn’t glossed over. Even better, although he was turned very violently and is virtually alone, he doesn’t brood or whine like too many other vampire heroes we have read about before.

The one thing in life he wants and can’t have is Savitri, a character also introduced in Demon Angel. She is in no way the sort of romance novel heroine you typically encounter. Savitri is of Indian background and was raised by her beloved grandmother after the murder of her parents and brother years earlier. She speaks many different languages, is a professional hacker, and is surrounded by angels and demons, whom she calls her friends. But her life is in constant danger since she helps the Guardians of Heaven keep Hell closed and the world of Chaos from opening up and allowing those creatures from trying to take over Earth.

At almost 500 pages, this book has so much action and constant sexual turmoil going on that it will make your head spin. Colin and Savitri are at odds most of the time, and simultaneously in such constant lust that Savirti may want Colin to change her to what he is. Intriguingly, Colin’s blood is tainted so that if anyone drinks from him, they will die. As if that weren’t enough, he is the direct link to knowing what is happening in Chaos and helps to keep it under control. And yet he takes it all in stride.

The story is filled with angels and demons and gore, and love scenes so intense they are painful (Colin has a way with his hands which Savirti doesn’t mind at all!). Because I’ve read both Demon Angel and Falling for Anthony, I can’t say so for sure, but my guess is that you probably can’t read Demon Moon without having first read what came before. That accounts for the minus attached to my A grade. Meljean Brook’s series should not be missed.

Reviewed by Kate Garrabrant

Grade: A-

Sensuality: Burning

Review Date: 25/05/07

Publication Date: 2007/06

Review Tags: The Guardians series

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.


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