Day of the Dragon


There are a lot of great shapeshifter romances out there, and I was particularly excited to find one with a hero who could turn into a dragon. Unfortunately, despite this compelling plot device, this is one of the most disappointing romances I have ever read.

Ramsey Gallagher can turn into a dragon, manipulate minds, and he drinks human and animal blood. Though he is over 2,000 years old, he has no idea where he comes from. He was found in Italy and adopted by an elderly couple and he has made it his mission to discover his heritage. Additionally, he has recently been in a bloody battle with his twin brother in an alternate universe that has left him unable to shift into a dragon or use his powers.

Ramsey hears of an archeological dig near the place where he was found and seeks out the head archeologist, Dr. Madison Dartmoor, at a conference in Las Vegas. She has made an unprecedented discovery and has come to reveal these treasures to other scientists. However, it becomes immediately clear that someone is out to stop her, and she is forced to flee the conference with Ramsey conveniently saving her. While they are fleeing the villans they are simultaneously trying to discover the origins of Ramsey and his powers. There are about 10 different sub-plots and each one is less interesting than the last.

I am almost at a loss of words to describe how much I disliked this book. First, the plot was ridiculously confusing. There were a hundred different things going on at once, and if it got really confusing, something absurd would happen, making it almost impossible to follow along. Second, the characters were some of the most boring I have ever come across.

Starting with Ramsey, the book focuses mainly on his quest to find his heritage. He goes through the motions of an alpha hero – killing easily and maneuvering them out of perilous and harrowing situations – but he has zero personality. He is just a meaty hero killing bad guys and saving the heroine, and little else. Then there is Madison. If it is possible, she has even less personality than Ramsey. She is the quintessential heroine who follows the hero around, having sex with him way too often in incredibly dangerous situations. As an renowned archeologist it would make sense for her to show a great deal of intelligence, but that is not the case. She remains bewildered through most of the novel and is willing to accept direction and explanations from Ramsey, no matter how absurd they may seem to the reader.

Further, the dialogue is so clunky that it is distracting. Additionally, there is a sub plot about a woman Ramsey was once in love with who closely and creepily resembles Madison. Because it is never fleshed out, the past relationship just hangs in the air without any purpose. Finally (and this was the clincher for me) when Ramsey cannot find a human to drink from for sustenance he can call animals and drink from them. Early on in the book he drinks from a herd of deer, and there was something about it that just grossed me out. I am pretty sure I’ll never be able to erase the image of a grown man sucking the blood out of Bambi. Ultimately, I think this is the end of the line for Rebecca York and me.

Reviewed by Jacqueline Owens

Grade: D

Sensuality: Warm

Review Date: 15/01/11

Publication Date: 2010/12

Review Tags: 

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.


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