Bridal Boot Camp


Y’all. This book made me angry. First of all, it’s maybe fifty pages long and ends at 86% of the way through the Kindle copy. Second of all… well, let’s return to the fifty pages.

Roberta ‘Rob’ James runs a boot camp fitness class at the local gym for engaged folks looking to get in shape for their big day. It’s a pretty routine class and she enjoys it, but she enjoys it more when the new completely gorgeous sheriff’s deputy, Ryan Martinez, accidentally enrols in the class. They flirt a bit, then they have sex, then the book ends.

There are some other minor issues. Cabot gives them as much characterization as one can in a hiccup’s worth of pages, but mostly, that’s it. It’s charming, sure, but…

I was frustrated with some of the language used to talk about bodies and health – it bordered on body shaming in a way that may be character appropriate but was not something I wanted to spend time with. I was also mystified that Cabot seemed to think this would set up the world of her new series, which is how this book is billed.

I have no more real sense of Little Bridge, Florida than I did before I started reading and, unless Rob and Ryan end up being cornerstones of the new series, I cannot see how this is necessary reading for anyone other than the most diehard of Cabot fans.

I read a lot of fanfiction and one of the things about one-shots in fanfiction is that you never need to spend time worldbuilding. The world has been built for both the author and the reader and so the action can get started straight away. This book read like that, except it wasn’t fanfiction and I’m deeply annoyed people are going to pay money for this. So my recommendation? Don’t.

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Reviewed by Kristen Donnelly

Grade: D

Sensuality: Warm

Review Date: 04/07/19

Publication Date: 05/2019

Review Tags: 

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.

Voracious reader, with a preference for sassy romances and happily ever afters. In a relationship with coffee, seeing whiskey on the side.


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Lisa Fernandes
Lisa Fernandes
07/04/2019 4:00 pm

Whoof, that’s super disappointing. Reminds me of the makeover aspect of Mia’s story, which I never was wild about.