An Accidental Seduction


As a whole, I enjoyed An Accidental Seduction. It is not a story I will soon forget because it has many unique elements. But I almost want to give this book two grades – one for the first half and one for the second. The story starts off very well. Savanna and Sean have some great high-chemistry scenes. Then, all the sudden, the author bombards us with so many different plot twists that it is hard to keep up with the romance and how the characters are feeling.

The book has a Prince and the Pauper-esque storyline. Savanna Hearnes is approached by a mysterious Baroness who looks like her. The Baroness – Clarette – wants Savanna to impersonate her while she goes to meet her lover on the continent. Savanna is one of those romance heroines that takes a little getting used to. She was raised by a group of traveling gypsies called the Dook Natsia. Because of her upbringing, she is quite rough around the edges, frequently crawling up trees, balconies and the like.

In addition to Savanna’s monkey-like behavior, she is an actress. Although this makes her very unique, I was always wondering whether the things she shared with Sean Gallagher or her interactions with others were genuine. Throughout the novel, she finds out many things about her birth mother who deserted her as a young child. She definitely had good potential as an excellent romance heroine, but she just had too much going on with her life to really focus on a budding relationship.

I liked Sean Gallagher because he was your typical alpha male romance hero – strong, supportive, and jealous. However, besides that, there wasn’t much that was special about him. He begins working for “Clarette” as a blacksmith for mysterious reasons – but the reader can tell right away that he is no ordinary blacksmith. We figure out why he is there in the first half of the book or so. What really bothered me, however, is that the author didn’t even reveal who he was until the epilogue. I would have liked to read more about him a little earlier in the book.

Sean and Clarette are almost a good couple, and they would definitely make good friends. They have good conversations and seem to like each other’s personality quite a bit. I can’t stand it when an author tries to make it seem like the hero and heroine are so in love – but they are just constantly fighting. I could see some genuine camaraderie developing between the two characters. But if the author had added another 100 pages or so, I think the relationship between Sean and Clarette could have been better developed.

I think the love scenes could have been better written. It is also possible that I have been spoiled by 50-page love scenes with every detail explicitly outlined. Either way, Greiman tended to spend 20-odd pages building up the lovemaking, and then one paragraph for the culmination (if you know what I mean).

An Accidental Seduction is worth picking up just for the intricate and unique storyline, but not really for the romantic relationship. Greiman is a good storyteller and I would like to read more of her novels to see how they compare.

Grade: B-

Sensuality: Warm

Review Date: 01/01/11

Publication Date: 2010/10

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Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.


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