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The Best of 2017 – Maggie’s List

2017 has not been a good reading year for me. So far, I have read only 110 books, while I typically average about 150.  The majority of the books I read that were published in 2017 were Women’s Fiction and mystery titles; romances comprised probably a quarter of what I perused. Adding to my woes is the fact that several of my go-to authors published downright lackluster fare this year. But there is some light at the end of this tunnel. Easily the most impressive, scintillating and addictive of the novels I read was Right Behind You by Lisa Gardner. If you haven’t read it yet, rush out and buy it. It’s absolutely fabulous. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a drop of romance. Not one teensy-tiny little bit.  Fortunately, I can recommend a few other books which are romantic, if not always romance, and which are well worth reading.

Buy Now: A/iB/BN/K

I Found You by Lisa Jewel (Suspense, Contemporary) Technically this is a mystery novel, but it delivers a heartfelt romance that is central to the story. When single mom Alice Lake sees a man sitting on the beach outside her home, in the cold for hours on end, she invites him inside to let him warm up. Learning he has no memory of who he is or why he is there, she sets out to help him discover his identity. Along the way they will solve a decades long mystery, catch a killer and fall in love. An explosive, addictive must read for fans of romantic, suspenseful stories.

Buy Now: A/BN/iB/K

Heart on the Line by Karen Witemeyer (Inspirational Romance, 1890s Texas) I loved this book for its unique premise and the charming writing style of the author. Amos Blesdoe and Grace Mallory are both telegraph operators. During their long shifts manning the wires the two ‘chat’ back and forth and become friends. Then Amos overhears a conversation that marks Grace as the target of a killer for hire and rides to the rescue – on his bicycle. Funny, quirky and with a sweet love story at the heart, this is a wonderful read even for those who don’t love Inspirationals.

Buy Now: A/BN/iB/K

A Dangerous Legacy by Elizabeth Camden (Inspirational Romance, New York, Early 20th Century) The core of Ms. Camden’s romances is the incredible history they convey, and this book is no exception. I learned a lot about the development of both the news industry and the infrastructure that makes New York the incredible city it is today while reading this novel. A story of love amid the intrigues of politics, this book has a to die for hero in Sir Colin Beckwith and a plucky, stalwart heroine in Lucy Drake. While the Inspirational message comes on a bit strong at times, the author lets her mystery and romance take center stage for most of the book.

Buy Now: A/BN/iB/K

Wildfire by Ilona Andrews (Fantasy Romance, Alternate Reality, Contemporary) I’ve re-read this book at least twice since its release. This is book three in the serialized story of the romance between Connor ‘Mad’ Rogan and Nevada Baylor and delivers the HEA fans have been eagerly anticipating. In this final (or not) installment, Mad Rogan and Nevada battle a conglomerate bent on world domination and an evil granny determined to enslave Nevada and her sisters. Fast paced, exciting and engrossing this conclusion is definitely worth the three-book commitment it takes to get the whole story.

Buy Now: A/BN/iB/K

An Uncommon Courtship by Kristi Ann Hunter (Inspirational Romance, Regency) I loved this lighthearted, incredibly sweet story of two people who find themselves married due to an unfortunate compromising situation. When Lord Trent Hawthorne brought the house down – literally- with Lady Abigail Bell standing beside him, the two were forced to spend an uncomfortable night together. He does ‘the right thing’ and proposes the next day. This lands the two in a marriage of convenience with a complete stranger and watching them work through that is a complete joy for the reader. The Inspirational message here is prevalent but light enough that even those who aren’t of the Christian faith can enjoy the book.

Buy Now: A/BN/iB/K

The Captivating Lady Charlotte by Carolyn Miller (Inspirational Romance, Regency) Lady Charlotte Featherington is richly dowered, titled, pedigreed and beautiful, and expects to marry brilliantly during her first season. William Hartwell, Duke of Harrington, knows he is no lady’s dream man. Slight, with bland features and a less than scintillating personality he has only his earnest sincerity and genuine faith to recommend him. Well, only that if you discount his enormous wealth and prestigious title. William falls hard for Charlotte and his position and fat pocket book assure him an easy victory for the lady’s hand. But not for her heart. Young and romantic, Charlotte dreams of a far more dashing, elegant and handsome suitor. Finding their way to true love won’t be easy but it will be worth it. What made this book stand out from the crowd was the author’s adept handling of Charlotte’s youthful dreams – written in such a manner that Charlotte came across as neither immature or selfish – and the skillful approach to the faith factor. The author shows us how in a period known for excess and extravagance, genuine Christian faith among the nobility was rare, yet she paints a convincing portrait of genuine belief and conversion in an era when the upper classes were known to play far more than pray.

Buy Now: A/BN/iB/K

Goodnight from London by Jennifer Robson (WWII, Women’s Fiction) A sweet, engaging romance weaves in and out of this story about young reporter Ruby Sutton and Captain Charles Bennett who fall in love as war rages around them. What made this novel stand out was the excellent depiction of life in an active but not militarized war zone.

Buy Now: A/BN/iB/K

Seeing Red by Sandra Brown (Romantic Suspense, Contemporary) Ms. Brown is the grand dame of romantic suspense; a consummate professional who hits it out of the ball park nearly every time. This high-octane thriller featuring Kiera Bailey and John Trapper, two people caught in a mess resulting from their own curiosity, is sexy, riveting and utterly intriguing. A must read for fans of this genre.

Buy Now: A/BN/iB/K

Christmas at the Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan (Women’s Fiction, Contemporary) This is another serialized set of books, telling the story of Polly and Huck’s romance over the course of three novels. In this last installment of the saga, Polly and Huck tangle over weddings, children and money before finally arriving at an HEA. Ms. Colgan’s stories are always gently witty tales which deal with life’s everyday problems with veracity and humor. I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

Buy Now: A/BN/iB/K 

Someone to Wed by Mary Balogh (Regency Era Historical Romance) This is the third book in the Westcott series and for me, the best of the bunch. Wren Hayden needs to buy a husband; she has been a recluse much of her life due to a disfigurement and can think of no reason why any man would marry her aside from her money. Alexander Westcott, Earl of Riverdale, needs money but refuses to be purchased outright like some prize bull. He insists on a courtship, to which Wren reluctantly complies. Naturally, a genuine, beautiful love emerges from their fortuitous relationship. I love Ms. Balogh’s ability to write a heart-touching romance and she delivered that with this charming book.

Buy Now: A/BN/iB/K

This is the first year that forty percent of my top reading was Inspirational Romance. I think that was due more to the lackluster offerings in other sub-genres as opposed to brilliance in this one, but it does speak to how the Inspirational market maintained its quality this year. This is also the first year two serialized novels (one story told over the course of two or more books) made my list. I’ve been noticing this trend in the genre and don’t know how I feel about it. No, I take that back. I know how I feel: a bit cheated. Why should I have to pay for three books to get to my HEA? I know it is not a popular view, but I really do appreciate stand alone novels.

Did any of my novels make your list this year? What absolutely outstanding reads have you found published in 2017?


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12/13/2017 11:28 am

I’ve read a few inspirational romances over the past few years and really enjoyed Elizabeth Camden’s (as well as Deeanne Gist’s) so I’m looking forward to checking out the Camden book you recommend. One thing I have noticed is that the publisher for many, but not all of these books — Bethany House — does a marvelous job with the cover art, size of the book, and overall publishing quality. Don’t know why that is, but I particularly noticed it at the recent session they put on at the Romantic Times convention. All the books looked very well produced, even if I wasn’t attracted to the story, I liked the way they looked.

12/03/2017 1:58 pm

The only one on this list I’ve read is WILDFIRE, which I absolutely love and have read twice already. I liked WHITE HOT a bit more (the best in that trilogy, I think). I “discovered’ Ilona Andrews this year, and I just want to read EVERYTHING.

12/02/2017 4:51 am

What awonderful list! I love them! I´m just reading Right Behind You. I loved Heart on the Line !

12/01/2017 7:42 pm

I also found slim pickings this year in the romance genre. I read more mysteries, non-fiction and classics than I have in a long time. I did read 42 romances but looking back through the list reminds me that they were mostly mediocre.

The best thing by far I read that was published this year was The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. It’s YA but I found it more emotionally engaging than any of the adult romances I slogged through. I used an audible credit because YA ebooks are always so expensive and it was the best decision ever. The audio versio is sublime, with narrator Christian Coulson completely inhabiting the main character and bringing his emotions to life.

Caz Owens
Caz Owens
Reply to  oceanjasper
12/02/2017 1:49 pm

The Lee is on my radar – I’ve heard really good things about the audio as well (Em, who reviewed the book here said the audio is even better than the print version!) so I’m definitely planning on picking it up.

Em Wittmann
Em Wittmann
Reply to  oceanjasper
12/03/2017 9:04 am

The audio of AGGTVAV is my favorite book of the year. I loved the story, the characters, the adventure…but the audio version is exceptional.

Caz Owens
Caz Owens
12/01/2017 11:54 am

I think the only book on your list I’ve read is the Balogh, although I’m planning on checking out the Andrews series (I bought the first one when it was on sale a while back), and I’ve liked the sound of some of the Elizabeth Camden books you’ve reviewed in the past.

There have been some good romances published this year – although I think our overall choices are going to be more fragmented; there doesn’t seem to be an out-and-out runaway success like last year’s The Hating Game, for instance, although there are some books that appear on several reviewers’ lists.

12/01/2017 10:33 am

Oh, NO- not the end of the year lists! I scramble around adding more to my TBR pile! (Thanks for some great recommendations) ;-)

12/01/2017 9:48 am

I’ve read Goodnight from London, Someone to Wed, An Uncommon Courtship and Christmas at the Little Beach Street Bakery. All excellent picks. Will investigate The Captivating Lady Charlotte. Like Dabney, I too have read mysteries and suspense books too.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
12/01/2017 9:18 am

I had a hard time loving romance this year. I found myself reading mysteries and suspense novels rather than love stories.