Once Upon a Rose
Once upon a time, a long time ago in a land called California, there lived a little girl who believed in fairytales. In her heart of hearts, she knew that someday, when she was grown, a handsome young prince would ride up on his charger and sweep her away to his castle in the sky where they would live happily ever after. The prince would be stalwart, his horse a mighty steed, and the little girl would prove to be, in reality, a shy princess who truly believed that life really was just that simple.
It’s been a long time now since that little girl grew up and figured it all out – that a woman is her own best champion, and happily ever after takes a bit more work in the real world than it does in fairy tales. She stopped believing for a while, but happily, the four stories in this anthology have given breath to her fantasies once more. With a smile, a sigh, and the mist of sweet memories in her eye, she recommends these tales of love and bravery to you.