August 2018 TBR Challenge – Time for Serials
For this month’s TBR Challenge prompt, we were called upon to read books that are part of a series. This month, we both went with historical romances. Caz chose book 1 of a series while Lynn went with book 3 of a trilogy (don’t worry – it stands alone well!). Both were good reads, and we recommend them to you, especially the Gaffney.
The Tyburn Waltz by Maggie MacKeever
Finding a book in a series to read for this month’s prompt proved a bit harder than I’d anticipated. Oh, I’ve got plenty of series books, but I realised that most were in series I’d either completed or not started yet, so my option was pretty much limited to picking up the first in a series. I was going back and forth on my Kindle trying to work out what I fancied reading and actually started one or two other books before finally settling on Maggie MacKeever’s The Tyburn Waltz. Ms. MacKeever has a fairly large backlist of traditional regencies, but this book – the first in her Tyburn Trilogy (which has yet to be completed) – dates from 2010 and is a little bit sexier and somewhat darker than her trads.
When she’s just fourteen – as near as she can guess, anyway – street urchin Jules is caught stealing some silver teaspoons, imprisoned in Newgate and will most likely hang for the crime. But she’s offered a deal; release in exchange for working for the infamous Cap’n Jack – the mysterious, seemingly omnipotent lord of London’s criminal underworld. It’s Hobson’s Choice; Jules agrees, and for the next four years, she lives comfortably, and is given lessons in refinement and deportment so that she can move easily among the upper classes.
Ned Fairchild, Earl of Dorset, is a rather reluctant earl, having come into the title upon the unexpected death of his cousin. Until then, he’d been an Exploring Officer (a spy of sorts) in Wellington’s army in Spain, a dangerous life, but one he’d relished. Back in England, he and his closest friend, Kane, Lord Saxe, are still working for the government – but mostly Ned is bored by the round of balls, parties, visits to clubs and his mistress that seem to comprise his life and longs for something more.
He returns home late one night to find his fifteen-year-old sister, Lady Clea, out of bed and waiting for him, proudly showing him what looks to be a young woman wrapped in a curtain and tied to a chair in his library. Clea explains that she – with the help of his batman, Bates – caught a housebreaker; Ned sends her to bed, intending to find out what he can about the young woman’s intentions, but she’s too quick for him, and knocks him over the head with an ornamental statue before absconding out of the window – with the statue, and without the curtain.
Shortly after this, Jules is manoeuvred into a situation as companion to Lady Georgiana Ashcroft. As Miss Julie Wynne, she accompanies her mistress to a number of society events, where she’s instructed to steal various items from the hosts. She has no idea to what end, just knows that she’s got to follow Cap’n Jack’s orders quickly and without drawing attention to herself. She’s engaged in stealing a glove from the bedroom of the wife of the French Ambassador when she’s confronted by the Earl of Dorset who idly wonders if she’s lost something. She tries to bluff her way out of it, but quickly realises its futile; he’s recognised her and he’s clearly not going to let her get away this time. She’s worried he’s going to report her to the authorities and is surprised when he doesn’t, instead asking her to meet him again so they can talk further. Ned quickly realises there’s more going on that meets the eye, and assigns Bates to keep an eye on Julie, to protect her from whomever has her under his control.
The romance between Ned and Julie is a fairly slow-burn, and the author does a great job of building the attraction that thrums between them from their very first meeting. They’re both extremely likeable; Ned is a terrific hero – handsome, clever and compassionate, he’s impressed by Julie’s tenacity and gumption as much as he’s attracted to her and is determined to keep her safe at all costs. Julie has an old head on her young shoulders – not surprising, considering she grew up on the streets – she’s quick-witted and independent, although she’s sensible enough to recognise when she needs help and to ask for it. Their interactions are lively and entertaining, they have great chemistry and their relationship moves at a good pace, while they’re also trying to work out exactly who Cap’n Jack is and what he’s up to. The mystery element of the novel is intriguing and unfolds gradually, with the reader finding clues and information at the same time as the characters, which certainly helps to build the suspense.
The story is set against the backdrop of the state visit which doesn’t really have a lot to do with the plot, although it does provide a number of events at which our heroes can interact, and allows the injection of a little light comedy in the forms of Lady Georgiana and Ned’s cousin, the dowager Countess, who are sworn rivals and always trying to score points off each other. There are some other intriguing secondary characters as well; Ned’s friend Kane is a notorious rake, his sister, Clea is clever, vivacious and has a Latin quote handy for every occasion, and the coolly collected and lovely French spy, Sabine worked with Ned and Kane during the recent war.
After all those positives however, comes the negative; the final quarter of the book doesn’t quite live up to the promise of the rest of it. The reveal about Cap’n Jack is weak and anti-climactic, and although everything is neatly wrapped up – and it’s not all rainbows and happy bunnies – the book seems to have run out of steam, and the author throws in a couple of plot points (like the one about Ned’s cousin pushing him to get married) which add little (if anything) to the story as a whole.
The Tyburn Waltz is, on the whole, a well-executed, funny and sensual romantic adventure story, and even with the reservations I’ve expressed, I enjoyed it and plan to read the other books in the trilogy.
Grade: B Sensuality: Warm
~ Caz Owens
Buy it at: Amazon/Barnes & Noble/iBooks/Kobo
Forever and Ever by Patricia Gaffney
Ah…the Wyckerley trilogy. At one time, this trilogy was very well-known to historical romance fans. The first two books, To Love and To Cherish and To Have and To Hold, tend to garner lots of discussion among readers. As it came time to pick a TBR Challenge read, I realized that while I have read these first two books several times apiece, I somehow never got to the final book of the trilogy, Forever and Ever, a 1996 release.
Since the book is now 20 years old, I wondered to myself if it would work for me. After all, a LOT has changed in romance publishing since this book came out. However, as I revisited Wyckerley for the first time in years, I found myself enchanted yet again. Just as its predecessors, this novel tackles some tough issues, but the characters are vividly written and the story is just achingly romantic.
In this final installment of the trilogy, Gaffney turns from the local gentry of Wyckerley to the daughter of a successful businessman – now a business owner in her own right. Sophie Deene inherited her father’s copper mine and to the delight of her employees and the surprise of her doubters, she has kept it running successfully. From the beginning we see that while Sophie keeps an exhausting schedule, she genuinely loves the mine as well as loving the connection it gives her with the late father she so cherished.
As the story opens, Connor Pendarvis has come to Wyckerley. His goal is to seek employment at Sophie’s mine. He has been sent by a labor reform society bent on exposing mine conditions and forcing improvements and reform. Connor grew up desperately poor in Cornwall, and he has seen virtually everyone in his family broken down and even killed due to the effects of mining.
While he gets his job under false pretenses, Connor does work hard and the feelings his interactions with Sophie cause are very real. Obviously, the two are in quite a bind. For starters, Sophie has no idea that Connor is working undercover – or that he is anything other than a simple miner. And then there is the class divide. Sophie is not of the aristocracy, but as the owner of one of the local mines, she does hold a position in society that would make it unthinkable for her to enter into a relationship with one of her employees. To her credit, the author spends a great deal of time developing this ethical dilemma and the reader sees just how real an issue it is for the characters.
As a young woman living alone and owning a business, Sophie occupies a precarious position in Victorian society and one can see that she feels the weight of that. Connor and others in the story are conscious of it as well, and the author works with that. As a reader, I could at times almost feel how constrained some of Sophie’s choices were.
Frankly, even if Sophie wants to throw caution to the wind and be completely her own person, she has others to think about. As a respectable business owner, Sophie can provide a living for her employees. In addition, her uncle owns a neighboring mine and if Connor represents the modernizing and changing forces in England, Sophie’s uncle is all about restraint, convention and tradition. In fact, Sophie’s uncle would like nothing better than for her to marry a suitable man who can control her business while she devotes herself to a more traditionally feminine life.
Forever and Ever is fraught with tension and full of emotion. If you like your historicals meaty and angsty, this one delivers in spades.The romance itself has plenty of conflict points, and the author draws on the historical setting to paint a very rich backstory. Victorian England was far from placid, and the details of old traditions giving way to new technological advances and changes in labor practices play out vividly in the lives of these characters.
One thing that really made this book work for me were the characters. Sophie is a mixture of good business sense and impulsiveness. She is sometimes heroic and sometimes her own worst enemy. In that sense, she felt real. Connor likewise has noble impulses but falls short of perfection. These two are flawed, but somehow they develop to suit each other well by the end of the story.
The secondary characters work well also. Gaffney gives even the secondary characters a certain multidimensional quality that makes the village of Wyckerley come to life. Sophie’s uncle is a stick in the mud and sometimes a bit of a villain in her eyes, but we also get opportunities to see how much he genuinely loves his niece even if he doesn’t wholly understand her.
In case you still wondered, this novel does indeed stand the test of time. It’s beautifully written and a joy to read. I just wish there were more historicals like this.
Grade: A- Sensuality: Warm
~ Lynn Spencer
The 1990s were the Golden Age of historical romance, in my opinion, before the subgenre came to be dominated by Regencies written by authors with little feel for the period. It seems like other periods of history might be making a comeback but I don’t really know since I’ve pretty much given up on historicals now.
I liked all three Wyckerley novels back in the day, but I tried to reread To Have and to Hold a few years ago and couldn’t finish it, whether because I’ve changed or the world has, I don’t know. I found the hero’s behaviour too reprehensible to redeem.
To Have and To Hold has always been the most difficult of the three books in this trilogy for me. I do like it, but yes, the hero’s redemption is arguably questionable. I found Forever and Ever a much easier read because while the characters are still very human and flawed, this story isn’t nearly so dark as that one.
The 1990s were the Golden Age of historical romance, in my opinion
I’ve always read historicals in some form or other – mostly historical fiction and a lot of literary classics – but I didn’t start reading historical romance in a big way until about a decade ago, so I have a lot of those older books to catch up with. But judging from those I have read, and compared to the ones I’m reading – or passing on – nowadays, I’m inclined to agree.