
Art: What's on Your Walls

IMG_1776From an early age, I’ve been a frustrated artist. When someone asked me what I wanted to be before the age of 9, I would tell them “I’m going to be an artist.” Sadly, things didn’t quite work out that way.

I was in for a rude shock, when, in third grade, I received a grade of C for an art class. I thought I’d drawn just a lovely cat, but my teacher, not recognizing it as such, gave me the horrible C (and I was pretty much a straight-A student).

I kept trying, but finally, by 8th grade, when everyone — including my parents — discouraged me in my art, I gave up. Now don’t go thinking everyone was mean to me. I was just bad, really bad.

Since then, I’ll have occasional moments when I think I might actually be artistic. All it takes is the purchase of some paints, paper, and brushes, and a few frustrating hours for me to recognize once again, that the talent just isn’t with me.

But, if I can’t be an artist, I can appreciate art. Over the years, I’ve spent many a happy day in art museums. I usually gravitate toward the impressionist or modern art sections of museums. I’ve even wandered into a number of contemporary art museums, but often find myself laughing more than anything else at some of the constructions.

But even more fun, has been the time I’ve spent at various art fairs in the summer. I’ve never been able to spend a lot of money on art, but each summer, I treat to myself to one piece of art. I have to shy away from the “award winners” at the shows (way too expensive for me), and search out some of the first-timers.

But just as I don’t have any formal artistic talent, I also don’t have any formal training in art appreciation. I just know what I like. And for the most part, what I like are bright splashes of modern art or beautiful pastel impressionistic paintings.

However, in the last few years I’ve also picked up a couple surrealistic South American paintings, including the one pictured here. I don’t have a clue what it’s supposed to represent, but I find it pretty intriguing. I even thought it was rather cheerful, with it’s pretty blue sky. Then, a few weeks ago, a friend saw it for the first time and told me it was scary, and asked how I could feel comfortable with it on my wall.

Hugh? Clearly she saw something in it that I didn’t. I’m going to go on thinking it’s cheery, but am not going to spend too much thought on just what might be escaping from those giant eggs.

So what about you, what do you like to hang on your walls?



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Assunta Su
Assunta Su
10/03/2011 8:04 pm
sturgeon fishing
sturgeon fishing
05/20/2010 12:19 am

I think you have a great page here… today was my first time coming here.. I just happened to find it doing a google search. anyway, good post.. I’ll be bookmarking this page for sure.

Hugo Neonakis
Hugo Neonakis
02/16/2010 12:05 am

Interesting this is not easy to find. Thanks for a good article.

02/08/2010 4:30 pm

I have a lot of photography. Some bought, others taken by family members. I like outdoor scens, flowers. I’ve got several mirrors that I’ve collected over the years. One has a silver frame that is very old. Another, from Pier One hangs over the fireplace in the living room. It has colorful tile surrounding a very small mirror. Very heavy. It took my husband and I hours to hang it. And when we finished, I thought for sure it would fall during the night. It has stayed put for 3 years, so I think we’re in the clear. Also, I have iron patina squares hanging in my dining room.

02/06/2010 9:58 pm

LinnieGayl: I can so identify with your frustration as an artist. I am SO envious of people who can draw and paint. I just can’t. Stick people, sure. Abstract renderings of a bunch of different colors, sure. But to follow in the artistic realm of Pre-Raphaelite artists, never gonna happen.

Modern art — blech! Well, I mean some sculptures and paintings are okay, if I can figure out what they are. My workplace has a lot of modern art hanging on the walls and a few weird sculptures. When I really look at them, I shake my head and think “how much did we pay for that?” I like paintings/drawings that show real people or real places — pictures that tell a story or make me want to visit.

On my walls at home, I have Pre-Raphaelite framed posters (surprise!), water color paintings done by a friend’s mom, a decorative map of London and some of my framed photographs.

02/06/2010 9:57 am

LinnieGayl wrote: And for the most part, what I like are bright splashes of modern art…

Me, too. I love color that way from art. What’s even greater, is that my husband is attracted to that also. So it makes it quite easy to choose a piece to place on a wall.