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And the Results are In!


Thanks yet again for your continued support of the Annual Poll. We would also like to thank all the authors, publishers and readers who publicized the poll, whether online or just by word of mouth.

This year’s AAR Annual Reader Poll for Best 2012 Romance Books had some pretty interesting new obstacles. With the proliferation of so many ebooks being published, the votes for authors, titles and characters were incredibly wide-ranging. Publication dates also caused some confusion for readers and for us. As a result, we took extra precautions to make sure books were published for the first time in 2012 and were not previously published in a digital format. Another interesting outcome is that only two categories yielded honorable mentions meaning almost every category had a standalone winner showing that this year our readers were very decisive about the books they loved. And finally, there is a phenomenon that we pollsters are familiar with called ‘vote splitting’. This is where an author has more than one book published in the year and each title garners its own set of votes thus splitting the author’s chances of winning in a specific category by up to 50%. Many authors have had this obstacle in their path and still found their way into the winner’s circle, for example, this year, Sarah Mayberry had two books vying for attention, nevertheless, she won a category while Sherry Thomas was able to pull off an outright win even with a three title handicap. So without further ado, here are some favorite authors and a newbie who received wins and an Honorable Mention. (Note: Honorable Mentions are awarded when a second (or third) place title receives within 20% of the votes cast for the winner.)

For complete poll results, continue reading here.

– Lee Brewer, LinnieGayl Kimmel, and Cindy Smith


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maggie b.
maggie b.
02/04/2013 6:47 pm

I didn’t read many of the winners. It was exciting to see Andrea Nash as best kick ass heroine and congratulations to Julia James on her win. I really enjoyed the book so I am glad that its awesomeness was acknowledged.

02/04/2013 12:28 pm

OH! I meant to add– I’m very happy that paranormal is getting split into PNR and SF/Fantasy! Thank you!

I also love the idea of a “”strong romantic elements”” category.

02/04/2013 11:41 am

I am probably the only person that DNF A Week to Be Wicked. I’ll have to give it a another try.
Glad that Ilona Andrew’s Andrea Nash won best kick ass heroine.

Reply to  leslie
02/04/2013 1:10 pm

Leslie – nope, you’re not.

Amanda DeWees
Amanda DeWees
02/04/2013 10:36 am

I’m so glad to see Cecilia Grant is a winner. Her “”A Lady Awakened”” surprised me with how moving it is and how much I love the hero and heroine.

02/04/2013 9:10 am

I’m going to have to expand my reading to include more historical romances! I haven’t read many of the historicals that won awards. I’m pleased to see Rivited made an Honorable mention. It was fun to see several I voted for won or received HM. Congrats to Sarah Mayberry, Meljean Brook, Nora Roberts, Courtney Milan, Julie James, and all the winners. This poll is a great place to find new reading material. ;-)

Irina G.
Irina G.
02/04/2013 8:26 am

Thank you for all your efforts!
Every year I’m looking forward to the poll and the results, I love reading what actual Romance readers picked as the best of the year.
“”A Week to Be Wicked”” was my Best romance of the year, so i was very happy that it won multiple categories.

I also like the 3 suggested additional categories for the next year, especially the “”Novel (non-romance) with strong romantic elements”” category.