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An Interview (and Giveaway) with Kathleen Gilles Seidel

I’m a huge fan of Kathleen Gilles Seidel. Back when we did our reviewer Top Ten posts, I chose her Again as my top romance novel of all time, and mentioned how it frustrated me to love and want to recommend a book that’s out of print. Thank goodness for ebooks, because now Again, and three other Seidel classics (Till the Stars Fall, After All These Years, and Don’t Forget to Smile) are being released in digital form as the Hometown Memories books. Kathy agreed to talk with me a bit over email about this exciting re-release.


Not only that, but she is offering one copy of each of the four ebooks as prizes for AAR readers. Enter to win by leaving a comment saying which book you’d most like to win. (You can say “any of them” if you want, and we’ll enter you for all of them). We’ll choose one winner for each book from the comments.

Now, on to the interview!


Caroline: You are calling these four books “The Hometown Memories Books,” but they aren’t a connected series, are they?

Kathy: No, they aren’t. I know that readers love books with continuing characters, but I like exploring different settings so much that I have never written a series. So to call these four books a series would be very misleading. The publisher said that “collection” was also a misleading term, as readers might think that they were getting more than one book.  So because in each book the characters have a strong relationship, sometimes positive, sometimes wildly negative, with their hometowns, we are calling it the “Hometown Memories Books.”  

Caroline: Are these stories exactly the way they were when first published, or have you revised them at all?

Kathy: In general, they are the same. I did write one paragraph in After All These Years because the original quoted copyrighted material, and I had no idea if the permission to use the quote would cover a digital release. It seemed easier just to write it.  

The technology in the books is wildly dated. No one has cell phones or uses the Internet; a teen-aged girl is wildly impressed because her mom’s new boyfriend has a – hold your breath – VCR, which I spelled out as “video-cassette recorder” because VCRs were pretty cutting-edge at the time. But none of the devices had an essential impact on the characters’ experiences so revising didn’t seem worth the effort.

I did wonder about the phones in Again. The book is set in the former warehouse where a soap opera is taped, and none of the actors have phones in their dressing rooms. It is an issue in the book. If I would have rewritten it, I would have stipulated that the walls of the warehouse blocked cell phone and other wireless signals. So instead of standing in line at a pay phone, the actors would have clustered around the front door, and at the end of the book the executives would have installed fiber-optical cables inside the building. But the story wouldn’t have changed, and I might have had to learn what fiber-optical cables are. Easy choice there. I so don’t want to learn about fiber-optical cables.

I was told that the advantage of issuing a revision version was that readers who already owned the original would want to buy the new one. That seemed a little cheesy to me. I am so grateful to my readers, I feel that I owe them so much, that I don’t want to lure them into thinking that they are buying something new and improved when it is the same story, only with Instagram.  

Caroline: I’m actually really glad to hear you say this. I’ve never understood the idea that a contemporary has to be eternally contemporary. Why can’t we enjoy a book that is specific to a more recent time, like the 1980s, just as we enjoy books specific to the Middle Ages or the Regency?

What’s the story behind reissuing these books at this particular time?

Kathy: Various college professors have told me that they would like to teach Again in their classes about romances, but as the book was available only in used print editions or through illegal downloads, they couldn’t assign it. So that was initial prompt — now let’s see if any of them actually do it.

Caroline: Oh, I hope they do. I know you have an academic English background (Kathy has a PhD in English from Johns Hopkins) – do you like the idea of being analyzed by undergrads?

Kathy:  Bring it on.  And not just the undergrads.  Graduate students, post docs, people studying for their GEDs.  I love having people read and think about my books.  

Caroline: So did you have all the rights back?

Kathy: No, I didn’t. I have long had the rights back to the books published by Harlequin (including After All These Years and Don’t Forget To Smile). There was a period of about five minutes back in the 1990s when Harlequin was willing to return rights, and I got mine back then. But then, first, the markets that were formerly behind the Iron Curtain opened up, and second, Harlequin began to rerelease some authors’ backlists. So the company stopped returning rights, and my friends were suddenly making lots of money. I did wonder if getting the rights back had been a mistake, but now I am glad that I have them.  

I did not have the rights to Till The Stars Fall and Again. Originally I sold these books to Claire Zion at Pocket Books. I had worked with her before, and I respect her and like her. But her strength as an editor is, in part, helping authors make a book clear and realistic. I think of her as the kid on the ground holding the kite strings, keeping crazily imaginative authors from floating into outer space. But my books are already clear and realistic. I need an editor who can kick me into the magic of outer space.  So I bought the books back from Pocket and sold them to NAL.  

But Claire was lovely and supportive throughout all that. And now – and this is why you never ever burn bridges – she is an incredibly senior person at NAL. I approached her about digital rerelease, and she said that she would be happy to have NAL release the books, but that there would be no marketing to support it, and I probably wouldn’t like the price that they would set.  Or – in an act of great generosity –  she could return the rights to me. I accepted that offer.  

Caroline: Any plans to reissue other works in your backlist, like the Harlequins, or other single titles?

I now only have the rights to the five Harlequin Americans, and at the moment I don’t have any plans to re-issue them.  

Caroline: Careers are huge parts of your characters, and many of them are high achievers: a nationally renowned home restorer, a soap opera showrunner, a Miss America runner-up, a rock legend. What draws you to exceptional characters?  How do you make these lives and settings feel authentic?

Achievement matters to me, but achievement doesn’t have to be glamorous. One of my characters whom I admire the most is Curry of After All These Years, and her achievement was that, as a young widow, she opened and ran a paint store that was successful enough that she could provide for her son.

Caroline: That’s a really good point.

Kathy: I have selected these careers for my characters because I was curious about the world of soap operas, rock tours, and elite figure skaters, and I figure that if I am interested in something, a hundred thousand American women will be too. I agree with the precept, “write what you know,” but you don’t have to have known it your whole life. You can have learned it yesterday. So my advice is “write what you want to learn about”  — hence the lack of the fiber-optic cables in Again. I don’t want to learn about fiber-optic cables. I wanted to learn how soap-opera actors kept track of their characters’ jewelry (baggies clipped to the hanger of the costume).

Caroline: When I think of your books, I always think of those details. The difference that a special flower bouquet makes for a girl in a beauty pageant, or the culture of a Princeton men’s singing group.

You wrote these books pre-Internet. How did you do your research? Did you do interviews, watch documentaries, work mostly from books? Do you do research differently nowadays?

Kathy: Yes, I interviewed people and read books, especially first-person memoirs and popular sociology. The Internet is great from tracing down stray facts that in the past I would have to write around because to do the research wouldn’t have been worth it. I also like dipping into the message boards about a particular topic. You get a good feel for people’s voices  . . . at least once you’ve filtered out the crazy ones.

Caroline: All of these books contain at least one protagonist who has been married/engaged before. What draws you to “second-chance” stories and characters who have more relationship experience?

Kathy: I was plodding (as opposed to something useful like “plotting”) my way through the book I am currently working on. My agent read bits and pieces of it and then said, “Kathy, give them a past relationship.  That’s what you love; that’s what you’re good at.” And the story suddenly came alive for me.

I don’t know why this works for me. It isn’t biographical. I met my late husband during my freshman year in college. It’s nice being Facebook friends with my high school boyfriends, but the only reason I would have for wanting to meet them in person is to meet their wives as they seem to have married such interesting women.  

Caroline: So you’re working on something now – can you tell us about it, or would you have to kill us?

Kathy: I wouldn’t have to kill you, but I would almost certainly want to kill myself. Whenever I try to summarize a work-in-progress, it sounds awful.

Caroline: Thank you so much for talking with us, Kathy!


Here are Kathleen Gilles Seidel’s Hometown Memories ebooks:

Again: Alec Cameron joins the cast of a regency soap opera as a duke and inspires showrunner Jenny Cotton to make some changes in her writing and her personal life.

After All These Years: Widowed single mother Curry James finds a second chance at happiness when Tom Winchester, who used to be best friends with her and her late husband, comes back to their small town.

Till the Stars Fall: Quinn Hunter wrote some of the greatest rock songs of his generation for Krissa French before they and his band broke up. After over a decade and Krissa’s marriage to another man, have they changed enough to be together?

Don’t Forget to Smile: Meeting former Miss America contestant Tory Duncan, who now runs a local bar, makes Oregon logger Joe Brigham question his small-town life and his goals for his future.

Would you like to win one or any of the Hometown Memories books? Enter by leaving a comment with the book title or titles that you’d like to be entered for! Don’t forget to provide a working email when you leave your comment. Comments close on Friday, August 28th at midnight.


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Kathy B
Kathy B
09/08/2015 4:15 pm

Great interview!

I read AGAIN last year for the first time and was blown away. Such a great book and I loved how the soap story/characters mirrored the book and its characters. My copy is a battered used copy (and I’m keeping it!), but I’d love to win AGAIN. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anne Stuart
Anne Stuart
09/08/2015 1:29 pm

Great that Kathy is getting her books out in e-format, and wonderful that she’s writing. Kathy is a one of a kind writer — there’s no one like her — and she should be treated as the treasure she is.

09/06/2015 6:22 pm

I read my first Seidel book, More Than You Dreamed, for the TBR challenge last month, so I’m very happy to hear more are now available in ebook! I’d like to try for Again, since it seems so beloved.

Jane A
Jane A
08/30/2015 10:48 am

I will say that Please Remember This is probably my least favorite Seidel. If it doesn’t work for you, I hope you will try a different one too.

Thanks for this comment, I’ll keep it in mind!

Katie (kat)
Katie (kat)
08/29/2015 2:20 pm

any of them!

I haven’t read any of Kathleen Gilles Seidel books so I would be happy to get any one of her books to try. :)

08/29/2015 10:40 am

Thanks all! Winners have been selected by random number generator and will be notified over email in the next couple of days.

08/28/2015 10:18 pm

I love her books ;) I got in trouble for laughing out loud to The Same Last name in class once. My favorite of the Hometown Memories is Don’t forget to smile. Hope Kathleen finishes the book she is working on soon … I’d take any of them though for the kindle!

Hazel B
Hazel B
08/28/2015 9:25 pm

I don’t care about winning, since I have copies of all of these books. I just wanted to say Hurray! Seidel is a terrific writer and her stories have depth and heart. I’m glad they are being made available again. I have reread Again many times–it’s one of my favorites. I also like The Same Last Name and Mirrors and Mistakes. I hope they make it to ebook one of these days.

08/28/2015 8:59 pm

I’d like to read Again because I am a Regency addict. I’ve recently purchased Till the Stars Fall but haven’t had a chance to read it yet. I’m looking forward to it.

08/28/2015 3:42 pm

I would like to read any of these. “”The Same Last Name”” has been a part of my keep shelves for many, many years. Every year I purge, but this one always makes the cut.

Lady Wesley
Lady Wesley
08/27/2015 9:55 pm

Again sounds like just my thing — I love Regency romances and soap operas! And I adore learning about a new-to-me author.

Reply to  Lady Wesley
08/28/2015 2:20 pm

You will love it! I appreciated how respectful she was of soaps. I think TV people sometimes treat them like literary people treat romances, and she wrote in a way that showed that she understood the genre as a specialized medium and what it means to its fans.

08/27/2015 9:09 pm

Thank you for the offering free e-books. I’d like to win any of them. Ms. Seidel is a new-to-me author.

Jane A
Jane A
08/27/2015 8:51 pm

I have heard so many wonderful things about this author, but as of yet have never managed to pick up any of her works. I looked at my library and they have Please Remember This which I put on hold. Thanks for putting Ms. Seidel back on my radar. I’d be happy to win any of the ebooks offered.

Reply to  Jane A
08/28/2015 1:12 pm

I will say that Please Remember This is probably my least favorite Seidel. If it doesn’t work for you, I hope you will try a different one too.

Kathleen Gilles Seidel
Kathleen Gilles Seidel
Reply to  CarolineAAR
08/28/2015 9:21 pm

I agree, Caroline. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS is not my least favorite of my books, but it isn’t kne of my favorites either. So appreciate your encouraging a new reader to keep trying.

Reply to  Kathleen Gilles Seidel
08/29/2015 10:26 am

I’m glad you took that comment in the spirit in which it was intended. That could have been awkward!!

There’s the interview question I forgot to ask – “”Which are your favorite and least favorite of your own books?””

08/27/2015 3:07 pm

I don’t know if this is open to foreigners, but anyway, the one I’d like to read, and I will read it sooner or later, is Again as it won a RITA award, and I’ve seen the best reviews and it’s been in my virtual TBR list for years.
After that, I think the second one would be Till the Stars Fall.
I like what Caroline says here – I’ve never understood the idea that a contemporary has to be eternally contemporary. Why can’t we enjoy a book that is specific to a more recent time, like the 1980s, just as we enjoy books specific to the Middle Ages or the Regency? because that’s exactly what I’ve always thought. I mean, Jane Austen did not write trad Regency, she published in the Regency times, so her books were -for her- contemporary.

08/27/2015 5:42 am

I would like to win Again and plan to look at all of the Kathleen Gilles Seidel books I can find. They sound so interesting.

08/26/2015 11:21 pm

Great interview, Caroline! The best part was knowing that Kathleen is working on something new! I love her books, and Till the Stars Fall is one of my Top 10 favorite novels of all time. I think I love it so much because all the three key relationships in the story felt equally special and real to me: the romantic relationship between Quinn Hunter and Krissa French, Krissa’s relationship with her brother Danny, and the friendship between Quinn and Danny. And I always wished I could actually listen to one of Quinn and Danny’s music albums – I believe their band Dodd Hall would be one of my favorite bands if they were real… :)
As for the giveaway: I already have bought the ebook version of Till the Stars Fall and Again, so I would love to enter to win Don’t Forget to Smile or After All These Years.

08/26/2015 10:56 pm

Great interview. Kathleen Gilles Seidel is one of my favorite authors and had a lot to do with my developing a love for romance novels. I would be happy with any of her novels.

08/26/2015 10:51 pm

I haven’t read Kathleen Gilles Seidel. (But then I’d never read and Mary Balogh before I discovered AAR!) All of the books sound interesting, and I’d be happy and grateful to win any of them.

Leslie Lemon
Leslie Lemon
08/26/2015 10:34 pm

I am so glad that Seidel is writing again. I keep looking for the new ones as she is one of my all time favorite authors and her books are on my keeper shelf. I would chose After All These Years as my book of choice because it is one of my favorite books. It makes me laugh and cry whenever I reread it. Curry is a favorite heroine because she was so strong and she kept going when things were going wrong.

Louise B
Louise B
08/26/2015 8:49 pm

To win Again! I have never forgotten that story even though I read it years ago. I remember when Jenny finally understood and so she carried lilies at her wedding. Sigh.

08/26/2015 7:43 pm

I love Seidel books – and have always regretted that they are not in digital. Shipping used copies is just too expensive outside the US. I now own a “”Till the stars fall”” as an ebook, but I would love to win any of the others.

08/26/2015 4:43 pm

This is why ebooks and self publishing has made it a great time to be a reader. We don’t have to hope that a publishing house will see the wisdom in reissuing beloved authors and their books.

I would love a copy of any of these books, but Till the Stars Fall is definitely calling my name!

08/26/2015 4:18 pm

Thanks for the interview! I’ve heard so much good things about Kathleen’s work, I’m excited to know that they’re available again. And the journey on how it came about in terms of rights was very interesting to learn too. Fingers crossed for a win on any of the titles!

08/26/2015 1:12 pm

Thanks for the interview. I’d be happy with any of the books.

Liz Flaherty
Liz Flaherty
08/26/2015 12:11 pm

I’ve read all of the books, and I have the available ones on my Kindle, too, so I don’t need to be entered for the giveaway. TILL THE STARS FALL is my favorite, but I’m attached to every one of the stories and their people–Curry is in my Top Five heroines. I’m so thrilled–it’s a groupie thing–that you’re working on a new one.

08/26/2015 11:37 am

One of the top reasons among many that I love ereading, old classics coming back.
Not long ago I read a reissued book written by Tom & Sharon Curtis. It was quite dated but I found that was part of its charm. I’ve read a few bookks by Ms. Seidel and really enjoyed them. Since they were in print, I would love an opportunity to win any of them in ebook form.

And how cool that they want to use one of her books to teach a course!!!

08/26/2015 10:58 am

I have not read any books by this author so I would love to win any of them. I used to read mostly historicals but got tired of the sameness of them. I think there is more variety in contemporaries, and I love how all these books sound so different. Although these novels are historical to the 80’s, which makes me feel old if the 80’s are now an historical period, haha.

Jo-Ann W.
Jo-Ann W.
08/26/2015 10:33 am

Great interview. I’ve only read Again and would love to read any of the others. Thanks.

08/26/2015 10:20 am

I discovered Kathleen’s books years ago. Glommed until I read as many of her backlist as I could find (13).I treasure those books and have enormous respect and love for her depth of compassion for her characters. One of my favorite authors.
The book that “”hooked”” me was Summer’s End.

Make Kay
Make Kay
08/26/2015 9:08 am

I’d love to win Again.
I’m always sorry when a book is updated when it is re-released. Leave it as it is, there’s nothing wrong with a “”period”” piece, even if the period is only 10 or 20 years ago.

08/26/2015 12:47 am

Thanks for the interview and so glad to see books coming back into readable form. My public library – one of the biggest in the country – only has 3 of Kathleen’s novels – and none of the ones listed above. (Took me forever to get a copy of Again via used book stores! On Dabney’s recommendation, probably, now that I think about it . . .)

08/25/2015 9:55 pm

Very interesting interview. It’s always interesting to read about buying rights and re-releasing books to make them more up to date or not. And how fantastic to have your books read in college courses! I’d be so flattered.

Reply to  LeeB.
08/26/2015 9:22 am

When I interviewed Kathy, she asked if I was sure about including that part, because she didn’t know if readers would find it interesting. I remembered people posting before in comments that they liked learning about the publishing world, so I kept it in. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

Karen Ballard
Karen Ballard
08/25/2015 9:52 pm

Kathy Seidel is one of my favorite authors too!
I just purchased the newly reprinted Don’t Forget to Smile, since my copy was falling apart (and re-read it, too).
I actually have all of her books in print (thanks to ebay) but would love another copy of any of the other Hometown Memories books.
–Again is a great book — I love the story within the story.
–After All These Years — I love the Midwestern feel — I think Kathy gets these characters spot on. (My dad was from Minnesota -and I enjoy her many books set there). Also love the parenting of teen-agers.
–Til the Stars Fall — This one always gets me crying. I always have a soft spot for young adults and their struggles to figure things out, and this has lots of good dramatic tension, with great background.
That’s what I enjoy about Kathy’s books — she tells us stories that show people who are like any of us, trying to solve life’s problems. They are fun to read because she finds interesting settings and then shows us characters who grow through facing up to their problems. (good grief — I don’t mean to be a moralist or a prude!! I think it’s that optimist in me who enjoys reading about people who grow and mature — I like to think that everyone can).