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An Interview and a Giveaway with Lucinda Brant

AAR’s Caz interviews author Lucinda Brant today. Ms. Brant has generously offered a lucky winner the choice of an audiobook or eBook of her latest release Deadly Peril. To win, make a comment below.

Caz: I’m delighted to welcome author Lucinda Brant to All About Romance today. She’s currently writing two of my favourite series; one historical romance and one historical mystery, both of them set in the Georgian era. She never fails to impress me with her encyclopaedic knowledge of the period and, in the case of her Alec Halsey mysteries, her devious mind and gift for the tightly-written, complex but emotionally satisfying plot. The third book in the series, Deadly Peril, is released on 7th November, and I was keen to ask her about her inspirations and love of the Georgian era. Welcome, Lucinda.

Lucinda: Thanks for inviting me.

Caz: You’ve chosen to set your books in the Georgian Era (most specifically the second half of the eighteenth century).  Has that period always had a special interest for you, or was it a case of wanting to do something different – by which I mean, not Regencies?

Lucinda: I’ve had a fascination with the 18th Century since I picked up a copy of Alfred Cobban’s History of Modern France 1715-1789 when I was eleven years old. I bookend my interest between the 1740s and the 1780s, but stop short of the French Revolution. The Regency is on the other side of the French Revolution, and I’m not a great fan of George IV (whether Prince of Wales or King) and actually I don’t much like the clothes, which aren’t flattering for a big chested girl such as myself. Oh, and I prefer a man in a silk embroidered frockcoat and breeches any day!

Caz: I can certainly see the attraction ;) What else about the period particularly appeals to you?

Lucinda: The Georgian era is one wild ride! It would have been an amazing time to be alive, to bear witness to so much change and progress in such a short period of time. There had been nothing like it before, and since then, only our own era – from the end of the second world war until now, – that has seen that much upheaval and progress.

Caz: That’s a really interesting point, and not one I’d considered before.

Lucinda: Yes – the Georgian era was the beginning of the age of mass consumption, which continues on to this day. Those working the land were finding it increasingly difficult to make a living, began drifting to the big cities in search of work, and found this in the factories which were springing up everywhere to satisfy the demand for goods—everyday goods such as plates and cups, right up to the luxury end of the market with gold pocket-watches, snuffboxes, chatelaines, carriages, and furniture.

This change in the way people worked had a profound effect on the shape of cities, and the countryside, and how people viewed themselves and their place in the scheme of things. No longer were these people beholden to a liege lord, but to an employer who paid them wages. In much the same way today workers no longer have job security and feel loyalty to a company, for increasing numbers are now working on contract, or at home, with a good deal of the work done on line.

The Georgian era was also the beginning of the Age of Comfort when chairs, sofas, and furniture in general were no longer being produced just for utilitarian purposes, but for their aesthetics and how comfortable they were to sit on and use. Parisian townhouses installed flushing toilets, English great houses began to secure doors on bedchambers for privacy, and factories produced sofas, commodes, chaise lounges, and footstools in all manner of silks, velvets and feathery down luxuriousness.

I also prefer the aristocratic clothes of the 1740-1770s, even the outrageous hairstyles, the gigantic widths in the court mantuas, and the embroidered excesses in the frockcoats and waistcoats worn by gentlemen. Georgian Fashion for those who could afford it was all about experimentation and taking dress to the next, almost extreme, level. It was all about what you could get away with. And isn’t that much like our own times, where famous Fashion houses compete on the catwalks to be the most extreme and most talked about label. The same would have occurred in the ballrooms and royal drawing rooms in England and across Europe. Ladies wore their best silks and in widths that meant they were essentially walking billboards for their family and husband’s wealth. It was all about being seen and talked about. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde “it was better to be talked about than not talked about at all”.

Caz: That’s fascinating, and has certainly given me a different outlook on that particular period. As someone who reads a lot of historical fiction and romance, I always like books that give me an insight into the period of time I’m reading about, and that’s certainly something I have found in the books of yours I’ve read and listened to. I know that you’re currently working on two different series of books, one historical romance, and one historical mystery.  Which came first, and how do you manage to keep track of both series?

Lucinda: The historical romance series came first. I wrote Noble Satyr (Prequel and Book 1) to the Roxton Series, and after completing Book 2 – Midnight Marriage – I embarked on the Alec Halsey Mystery series. I’m sure this mild change in direction was a subconscious decision because I knew what was to come in Autumn Duchess, and how emotional I was about Antonia’s life as a widow. I think I needed to distance myself for a little while before taking a deep breath and plunging in as it were!

Writing about Alec Halsey energized me, and as it was a mystery I felt I could write a bit more about the grittier side of life.

So far I alternate between the two series. One year I research and write an historical romance, the next year I research and write an historical mystery. I am not so much a slow writer as a very thorough one. And I won’t put out a book until I am very sure my readers have a top quality read and product. That takes time and more than just my skills. I may write the books, but I have a team that helps me get the book to market.

Caz: Alec Halsey is – in a nutshell – utterly delicious.  Tell us about your inspiration for the character and how he came into being.

Lucinda: Thank you! I think he is too! ;)

I wanted a hero who was an aristocrat but who was on the periphery of his class – born with the silver spoon but had it taken away at birth. Alec is brought up by a forward-thinking (many would consider a lunatic for his ideas) uncle, Plantagenet Halsey, who is an MP, and because this uncle is the son of one earl and the brother of another he can say and do as he pleases. And so Alec has had this unconventional upbringing, which means he looks at the world differently to his peers. He is also patient, kind, a good listener, attuned to his emotions (a bit more than is good for him!) and the emotions of others. This makes him a very good amateur sleuth. And of course he is devastatingly handsome, said to be the product of his mother’s (a countess) affair with her mulatto footman. Ladies want to fall into bed with him, and gentlemen are envious and suspicious of him.

Caz: How has he developed over the three books so far?

Lucinda: Enormously! Well, in the first book Deadly Engagement, Alec is convinced he has overcome his feelings for Selina Jamison-Lewis, who was married off to another, and is intent on moving on with his life. Only to realise, almost too late, that he is still in love with her. The death of a friend draws him back into the social class that has shunned him for years. And then when something happens to point the finger of suspicion of murder at Alec, he again withdraws from society. Thus in Book 2, Deadly Affair, he only returns to London at the behest of an old school friend, and the murder of an old vicar sets him on the path of investigation. Alec is now a marquess in his own right, has inherited his mother’s enormous wealth, and so can pretty well do as he pleases, and does, with the help of his uncle and his unconventional valet. Yet, domestic harmony still eludes him when Selina refuses to marry him for reasons she keeps to herself. It takes until Book 3, Deadly Peril, with their lives, and the lives of their friends, in danger in the midst of a Continental civil war for the couple to finally reconcile, and for Alec to come to terms with a past that is haunted by unspeakable memories.

Caz: Do you have any idea at the moment how far you intend to take this series?

Lucinda: I have at least two more books in the series planned. Deadly Kin, which takes place in Edinburgh and at Alec’s estate in Kent; the fifth will see Alec, Selina and their family return to Bath and Somerset. But I wouldn’t be surprised if a third pops up, as one story tends to lead to another. In some cases, I just let the characters lead me!

Caz: Having read and/or listened to all three books, I am in awe at the deviousness of your mind!  Without giving too much away, tell us more about Deadly Peril.  Was it always your intention for this to be THE book which revealed Alec’s past?

Lucinda: Oh I do like to be devious (on paper)! I have intelligent readers, so it is imperative I provide them not only with an entertaining read but also with enough plot twists to keep them on their toes and hopefully never bored!

In Deadly Peril, Alec must return to the Continent, to the margravate of Midanich, one of his first postings as a junior diplomat when he was in his early 20s. Midanich is a fictitious country but it is set in the real geographical region of Lower Saxony known as East Frisia. As an ex geography as well as history teacher, I was a bit OCD about getting the details right. The country might be conjured up in my imagination but I researched the region’s geography and history and all of that is spot on. So says one of my editors, who just happens to be Dutch and knows this area well (he was also in the Dutch army, but that’s another story – but he did have an eagle eye on my depiction of the Margrave’s army!). So as you can imagine there was absolutely no pressure to get the details right! Ha! So he was VERY picky and ultimately impressed with my knowledge (I am as ever thorough! Ha!). Here’s a link to the area if you’re interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Frisia

And, yes, Deadly Peril was always going to be the book that sees Alec and Selina reconciled, and allows them to move forward with their relationship. From Books 1 and 2 we learn about Selina’s abusive marriage and what unspeakable horrors she had to endure at the hands of her husband. Alec knows this has left her with deep psychological scars, scars she must heal and overcome to be able to marry Alec, the love of her life. But what she is unaware of until this book is the depth of Alec’s empathy for her past. She thinks that while she was married to a monster he was off cavorting around Continental embassies bed hopping, and doing his best to forget about her. She does not judge him, but she is unsure whether he is truly aware that it is no easy thing for her trust completely. And then he confides in her something so utterly shocking and heartbreaking, that she will never doubt him again.

Caz: Being an avid listener to audiobooks as well as an avid reader, I was delighted when your books began to appear in audio format.  I’ve listened to your two Salt Hendon books, narrated by Marian Hussey, who is very good, but with Alex Wyndham, you’ve struck gold.

Lucinda: I’m absolutely thrilled with the reception Alex has received as the narrator of my audio books. And so is he!

I knew as soon as I listened to his sample narrations that I’d found my Alec Halsey. And once he had recorded the first two books I knew I had, as you so perfectly put it “struck gold”. I just had to have Alex perform my Roxton series. He had never narrated a romance before, so I wasn’t sure he would be interested. But he was not only very interested, he embraced the books wholeheartedly. You see, he “gets” my characters. And that comes out in his performances, doesn’t it? He feels what they feel. He laughs along with them, becomes emotionally fraught when they do—he inhabits each character, and that’s what makes Alex’s performances masterful. Oh, and of course he has the most deliciously swoon-worthy baritone.

Caz: What are you working on now?

Lucinda: I’ve just finished the Deadly Peril audiobook production notes for Alex, and sent those off to him. So he’ll be starting to record that very soon. Hopefully readers/listeners won’t have a long wait for the audiobook. I hope before Christmas.

I am also working on a very special project for Alex, and we hope to have that in place and revealed in the New Year. Watch this space!

And I am presently completing my research notes to begin writing the fifth Roxton book Proud Mary. Lady Mary Cavendish, Antonia’s long-suffering first cousin and widow of Sir Gerald, deserves her happily ever after. Of course, Antonia and Jonathon, Julian and Deb, and Dair and Rory all put in more than an appearance. And there are a few surprises along the way that I think will please readers of the Roxton Family Saga enormously.

Caz: Well, you’re obviously a very busy lady! Thanks for taking the time to talk to me, and good luck with the new book.

Lucinda: Thank you for having me as your guest, Caz! Your insightful questions gave me lots of food for thought, and were a pleasure to answer.



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first time
first time
11/26/2015 7:11 am

Spot on with this write-up, I truly believe that this site needs far more attention. I’ll
probably be returning to see more, thanks for the advice!

11/11/2015 3:37 pm

I loved the first part and will start the second (the audiobook this time as well) this week. Glad there soon is a third published. Cross my fingers for luck.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Ingela
11/14/2015 1:42 am

TY for stopping by, Ingela. :) I hope you enjoy Deadly Affair as much as you did Deadly Engagement, and Deadly Peril in audio is not too far away! :) Good luck in the giveaway! :)

Jane A
Jane A
11/11/2015 10:15 am

I have been so happy reading your Georgian romances, which is a favorite era of mine. Thank you for many hours of listening pleasure. However, I have yet to dive into your Georgian mystery series. Now that I know there is an underlying romance with an HEA (which I assume happens from what I read in this interview), I’m about to glom this series, too. I just have to have my romance, no matter how subtle!

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Jane A
11/14/2015 1:40 am

TY so much for your kind words about my Georgian romances, Jane. :) I’m so very pleased my writing and Alex’s narration have provided you with many hours spent in my 18thCentury world. I am particularly excited you are now going to dive into the mysteries, too! Yes! There is an underlying HEA. It is not a smooth ride for Alec and Selina, but by book 3 their issues are resolved and… Well, I won’t spoil it for you. ;) I look forward to your feedback. :) Good luck in the giveaway! :)

Dorotha Holloway
Dorotha Holloway
11/09/2015 9:50 am

I have been reading as many of your books as I can afford as I like a lot of historical background and accuracy in my reading. I get kinda distracted unless the author lets you know from the start is PURE fiction LOL.
Keep up with the good work.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Dorotha Holloway
11/09/2015 10:23 pm

Thanks, Dorotha! :) I’m so glad you are enjoying my books! I appreciate you stopping by and letting me know. :) Good luck with the giveaway, too! :)

Barbara Elness
Barbara Elness
11/08/2015 12:43 pm

What a delightful interview and Deadly Peril sounds like a fantastic read. I’m looking forward to a story set in the Georgian period, since it’s not a time I know a lot about.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Barbara Elness
11/08/2015 10:08 pm

Glad you enjoyed the interview, Barbara! :) I do tend to put a lot of history into my books, so you should discover quite a bit about the 18th Century. Though I always do so in a way that doesn’t overwhelm the reader, and never at the expense of the story. In fact, I leave a great deal more history out of the story, than I put in to it, if that makes sense. :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy my books, and good luck in the giveaway! :)

11/08/2015 11:55 am

I have always liked historicals-I seem to learn things, like what they wore, what they ate, and their manners.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Joye
11/08/2015 10:04 pm

Thanks for stopping by, Joye. I’m so pleased you enjoy historicals. I always find reading them does give me an insight into all those things you mention, and they are a lovely introduction into a particular time period. Good luck with the giveaway! :)

Susan Dong
Susan Dong
11/08/2015 11:13 am

What an amazing interview. I learned so much and LOVE Lucinda’s insights and perspectives, especially noting the similarities to today’s society. I was not familiar with her as an author, but both the historical mystery and historical romance are right up my alley. Ms. Brandt is now on my radar and I will be looking for her backlist as well as her new ventures. I’m soooo excited about finding such a highly regarded author, who will provide me with hours of reading enjoyment. Thank you for the opportunity to possibly win a copy of your latest book.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Susan Dong
11/08/2015 10:02 pm

So very pleased you enjoyed the interview, Susan, and my “”take”” on the Georgian era and our own not being too dissimilar. Of all the historical periods I’ve studied and taught about, it is the 18thCentury that I find most resembles our own when looking at the rate of change, and acceptance of that change, in technological innovations, working conditions, ideas, and scientific and medical breakthroughs. Though I find that when it comes to human nature, that is pretty much the same in any era, modified only by the social and moral constraints of the society of the times.
I’m thrilled to now be on your radar! I wish you many hours of reading pleasure diving into my 18th century world, and I look forward to your feedback. :)
Good luck in the giveaway! :)

Jackie Wisherd
Jackie Wisherd
11/07/2015 11:17 pm

I have not read much on the Georgian period in history but would like to. This book seems like an interesting one.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Jackie Wisherd
11/08/2015 9:53 pm

Thanks for stopping by, Jackie. :) I hope you’ll give my books (and the Georgian era) a try and let me know what you think—of the books and the 18th Century. I love feedback. Good luck in the giveaway, too! :)

11/05/2015 7:59 pm

I enjoyed the interview very much. I have one of your books on my Kindle and another on my Nook – the letters and Midnight Marriage. It’s time to read them. :-)

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  elainec
11/05/2015 8:44 pm

Glad you enjoyed the interview, Elaine :). Just a heads up—the letters are a companion to the first three Roxton books and are best read after those three books, so after Autumn Duchess, and before Dair Devil. :) Trust you enjoy Midnight Marriage, and the letters. :) Good luck with the giveaway. :)

11/05/2015 5:20 pm

I have everything that Lucinda Brant has written and have been overwhelmed with delight, and re read…better than antidepresssants (semi serious joke) and the combination of historic detail and accuracy and emotional authenticity is highly unusual, with such empathetic and understandable characters, the reader is so happily immersed. BUT why oh why is not everything in book form, have just ordered the 3rd Halsey hooray, but so wish it to be a book. I don’t alas alack from what AAR has said and others in praise etc listen to audio books, (will when eyes give out) I may be the only participant in this discussion NOT TO HAVE A CAR. I live in a great city London with a PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM. very struck in the fine interview with the 18th century comparison to our own post war (one hopes) period; very stimulating.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  MarinaV
11/05/2015 6:04 pm

Hi Marina, thank you so much for your praise of my books – I am truly touched. That you have re-read them and taken them to heart is the best compliment an author can receive. So thank you.
All my books will eventually be in paper format. What’s holding that process up is that we are waiting until all the audiobooks are done (only one to go!) and then the final print editions will be produced. The print of Deadly Peril should be out about a month after the audiobook (which is due end of Dec). So hopefully that’s not too long to wait… TY for your patience.
btw, I don’t own a car either… But I wish I lived in London! :) Lucky you!!! :)
Good luck in the giveaway, too! :)

Kelly Braun
Kelly Braun
11/05/2015 2:05 pm

I LOVE Alec Halsey! I listened to Deadly Engagement with absolute rapture! I have Deadly Affair in my TBL pile… I would ADORE Deadly Peril!! Loved this interview… so many tid-bits :)

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Kelly Braun
11/05/2015 5:57 pm

Fantastic you love Alec Halsey, Kelly!!! :) And what’s not to love. ;) He is rather swoon-worthy, IMNSHO. :) He just gets better in Deadly Affair, and with Deadly Peril he…No! No spoilers!!! :) Glad you enjoyed the interview, too! Good luck in the giveaway. :)

11/05/2015 10:51 am

I valued friend highly recommended Deadly Engagement and said that I would be smitten with Alec Halsey and the craftiness of the author’s writing ability. I haven’t delved into Alec’s world yet, but the interview was a wonderful teaser of good things to come. Thanks so much for it. I’m off to the mountains this weekend to watch the leaves change color and this seems like the perfect time to meet Alec.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  jftee
11/05/2015 5:53 pm

TY for stopping by, jftee! Please pass my compliments on to your friend. :) Trust you too will be smitten by Alec Halsey! Enjoy the weekend in the mountains…with Alec ;) I love this time of year in the US when the leaves change color – spectacular! Good luck in the giveaway. :)

11/05/2015 8:55 am

This is a wonderful interview thank-you. I love that Lucinda spent time talking about Alex Wyndham, he is a treasure to be sure. I am one of her fans and am also a greedy reader can’t wait for Proud Mary, so tickled that she will get her time in the sun, she deserves it.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Jerelyn
11/05/2015 5:50 pm

Thanks for stopping by, Jerelyn.*waves* :) Very pleased you enjoyed the interview with Caz. :) And yes, Alex is very much a treasure! :) Oh! And yes, you’re so right. Mary does deserve her HEA. :)

Louise B
Louise B
11/05/2015 8:55 am

I have started the Alec Halsey series and truly love historical mysteries. On one hand, I’m thrilled that your books are researched for a year so they are products of their time. On the other hand, they take a year to research and write!

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Louise B
11/05/2015 5:48 pm

Great! Very pleased you’ve started reading the Alec Halsey series. :) I wish I could write faster, Louise, but because I want the story and the historiography to be the best it can be for my readers, I’m afraid I don’t think I can take less than a year and do both justice. And once the book is out there, it’s out there! :) Good luck in the giveaway! :)

Hazel B
Hazel B
11/05/2015 6:49 am

The regency period has been done to death–to the point that the actual social conventions of the time have been overshadowed by a 21st century outlook. The idea of a historical series that respects the real historical period is definitely refreshing!

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Hazel B
11/05/2015 5:45 pm

TY for stopping by, Hazel! :) Yes, I hear what you’re saying about the Regency period… so I hope you’ll give Alec Halsey (and my Roxton Series) a try! :) Good luck in the giveaway. :)

Diana Lerro
Diana Lerro
11/04/2015 10:19 pm

I can’t wait to listen to Deadly Peril, especially with Alex reading it.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Diana Lerro
11/05/2015 3:34 am

Hi Diana. :) I can’t wait to listen to Deadly Peril, too. :) I’m so looking forward to hearing Alex give another wonderful performance. He’s just so talented, isn’t he?! :) Good luck in the giveaway. :)

11/04/2015 10:16 pm

Thank you for the interview and introducing me to Ms Brant’s series. I will definitely be checking them out! Fingers crossed for a win too!

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Lily
11/05/2015 3:31 am

TY for stopping by, Lily! And for checking out my Alec Halsey series. Good luck in the giveaway! :)

Mary Jane
Mary Jane
11/04/2015 9:25 pm

Fabulous interview! The depth of your research is evident in the details of your books but I had no idea that you spent a full year researching each one. I cannot wait for the next Halsey mystery to be released…I wish I could wait for the audiobook but I know won’t be able to. And yay for the next Roxton story! LOVE the title :)

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Mary Jane
11/05/2015 3:30 am

Thank you, Mary. :) Glad you enjoyed it. Caz asked me some great questions.
Yes, I take quite some time to research and plot my books (and I write all my notes by hand just to have a break away from the computer) before I put fingers to keyboard. I’ve been researching the 18thCentury for almost 40 yrs now, collecting books for my personal library, and learning all I can about the 1700s, so that all adds to the mix! :)
Alex is busy recording the audiobook as I type, so hopefully that will be out for Christmas… Fingers crossed. :)
The next Roxton title – Proud Mary – is just perfect IMHO. ;)
Good luck in the giveaway, and thanks for stopping by! :)

11/04/2015 8:52 pm

This series looks so interesting…I look forward to reading it! I’m sorry you’ve not been on my radar but I bought a couple of your romances today. Look forward to reading those, too!

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Karen
11/05/2015 3:24 am

Please, no need to apologize, Karen! There are so many wonderful books and talented authors out there for you to chose from, and I am just so grateful to have this opportunity, through Caz’s wonderful interview and fantastic review of DEADLY PERIL, to reach more readers like you! :) I hope you enjoy Alec Halsey’s adventures, and TY so much for picking up a couple of my historical romances. :) Drop me a line sometime and let me know what you think. I’m always open to constructive feedback! :) Good luck with the giveaway. :)

11/04/2015 8:39 pm

Very informative interview and yes, now I want to read all the books.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  LeeB.
11/05/2015 3:20 am

Thank you, Lee! :) Enjoy Alec Halsey’s adventures! And TY for stopping by. Good luck with the giveaway. :)

11/04/2015 6:54 pm

Great interview, the way the author talks about her passion for the time period makes me want to read these books. The talk of research is exciting, too; accurate history in a historical ;) I’m going to have to get going on this series.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Kyraryker
11/04/2015 8:12 pm

TY for stopping by, Kyrarker. Glad you enjoyed the interview. Don’t get me started talking about research!!! I could research all day long, the Georgian period is so chock-full of interesting and often surprising people and events. If you’d like to explore more of my 18th Century world, please check out my Pinterest boards: https://www.pinterest.com/lucindabrant/ :) Good luck with the giveaway, and enjoy Alec Halsey’s adventures! :)

11/04/2015 6:46 pm

I’ve listened to all of Lucinda’s titles and I love the characters and setting she uses. It’s refreshing to find historical titles not set in the Regency. Looking forward to this new release.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Moriah
11/04/2015 8:09 pm

Oh, I’m so very pleased you’ve listened to my audiobooks, Moriah! Isn’t Alex Wyndham’s performances divine? He IS Alec Halsey, isn’t he? :) And of course I’m thrilled you enjoy the books. Can’t wait for you to read this next installment. Good luck in the giveaway! :)

11/04/2015 5:12 pm

Thanks for this interview, Caz, and the great review this week. This series sounds wonderful and is definitely now on my list. Love the Georgian period too!

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Blackjack1
11/04/2015 8:06 pm

TY for stopping by Blackjack1. Glad you enjoyed the interview and Caz’s great review! :) Lovely to meet another lover of the Georgian period. What’s not to love. ;) Good luck in the giveaway. :)

Violet Bick
Violet Bick
11/04/2015 3:02 pm

When someone says Georgian period, I think men wearing makeup and high heels (and Ben Franklin taking air baths). I would love to read a historical mystery set in this period.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Violet Bick
11/04/2015 8:04 pm

Hi Violet. I’m sure that’s what (perhaps most) people think when the 18th Century is mentioned – men in high heels, and wearing makeup! And there was certainly a very small percentage of the population (men and women) who could afford the time and money to saunter about in heels, make up and wigs. But of course this was not the case for the vast majority. And even the wealthy tended to keep their most outrageous makeup, wigs and clothing for special occasions, such as attending a soiree or ball. And who doesn’t like to dress up! :) Good luck in the giveaway. :)

11/04/2015 2:40 pm

These books sounds so interesting and I like the covers! I hope I win the book.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Mervi
11/04/2015 7:54 pm

So glad you like the covers, Mervi. They were created by award-winning digital artist and cover designer Larry Rostant. And the model is MOT model Dan Cook. I particularly asked for Dan to model for the covers, and waited about 9 mths for him to become available to do the cover shoot. You can see more of Dan’s modelling work here: http://www.motmodel.com/Detail.aspx?model_id=5965
Good luck in the giveaway! :)

11/04/2015 2:09 pm

I enjoy historical mysteries, but I haven’t read one in this time period.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Kim
11/04/2015 7:51 pm

Hi Kim, then you are in for a treat (if I do say so myself!) :) The 18th Century as I describe it above lends itself well to a good mystery! :) TY for stopping by and good luck in the giveaway. :)

11/04/2015 1:00 pm

I love historical mysteries–have put the Alec Halsey series on my to-read list.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  susan
11/04/2015 7:48 pm

TY Susan! :) Good luck in the giveaway, and TY for stopping by! :)

Valerie L
Valerie L
11/04/2015 11:50 am

My early teen years were filled with a fascination with the French Revolution, and I soon learned I couldn’t really understand those times without understanding what preceded them. The 18th century definitely was a wild ride. Thanks for bringing that ride to life for us and also for this contest.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Valerie L
11/04/2015 7:47 pm

You’re very welcome, Valerie. I too was fascinated with the French Revolution as a teenager, and while I love the ideals behind it, I am repelled by the Reign of Terror. So I’m happy to remain in the pre-revolutionary 18thCentury for my novels. And you’re so right, one must understand what went on before the revolution to understand the whys and wherefores of the revolution itself. Good luck in the giveaway! :)

11/04/2015 11:31 am

These series sound great. Thanks so much for the post and giveaway.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  LSUReader
11/04/2015 7:43 pm

Good luck in the giveaway, LSUReader, and thanks for dropping by! :)

Patricia M
Patricia M
11/04/2015 9:49 am

I look forward to starting the series. I love a good historical mystery and the Georgian period really interests me.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Patricia M
11/04/2015 7:42 pm

TY for stopping by, Patricia. :) What’s not to love about the Georgian era. :) If you’d like to dive head first into the 18th Century, check out my Pinterest boards: https://www.pinterest.com/lucindabrant/ Enjoy! :)

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
11/04/2015 9:08 am

Damn. My TBR pile was already big enough to hide behind. This series has been added. It sounds phenomenal!

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
11/04/2015 7:39 pm

Fantastic, Dabney! TY. :) Hope you get through that TBR pile as quick as possible so you can become better acquainted with Alec Halsey! :)

Sally W.
Sally W.
11/04/2015 7:56 am

This series sounds wonderful.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  Sally W.
11/04/2015 7:38 pm

Trust you’ll give Alec Halsey a try, Sally! TY for posting and good luck in the giveaway. :)

11/04/2015 7:32 am

Historical mysteries are my catnip. Thank you for introducing me to a new to me series.

Lucinda Brant
Lucinda Brant
Reply to  SandyH
11/04/2015 7:37 pm

TY for stopping by, Sandy. Here’s hoping Alec Halsey becomes your next catnip fix! ;)