
AAR Staff Top Ten Favorites: Dabney’s Picks

RMBIt was the summer of 2008 and I, a passionate reader, had my first Kindle. It was magical–a device you could just push a button and get books, as many as you could find and afford, and read to your heart’s content. I’d had the thing for a couple of weeks and was perusing the Amazon Kindle page. I can’t remember if it was free or it was the most downloaded book of the day but that day I decided to buy Karen Marie Moning’s Darkfever. At the time, I hadn’t read a romance novel for over thirty years. That book sucked me in and I still haven’t been spit out. I had a problem, however. I wanted to read more romance but had no way to figure out which ones sucked and which rocked. Thank the gods for the internet. A few clicks and, boom, I discovered AAR. For the next two years, nearly every romance I bought I found through AAR and its Power Search feature. I discovered quickly that I loved well-written romances that were, well, hot.

I thought of this as I tried to pick my top ten favorite romances. As all of us who have participated in this set of columns can tell you, it’s nearly impossible–if you love romance–to pick just ten books. (Honestly, ten books? What were we thinking?) Ultimately, I chose the ten books I reread the most often, the books I never tire of, the books I confidently recommend. After I made my list I decided to check my choices against AAR reviews. And guess what? I’m still in sync, five years later, with AAR. Of the ten books I picked, five are DIKs and none received less than a B. One of them is rated Burning, five are Hot, and four are Warm.

Listed in no particular order, are my top ten favorite romances, four of which I discovered as a reader at AAR.

Romancing Mr. Bridgerton by Julia Quinn. (AAR grade B+, rating Warm) This was not the first Bridgerton book I read, but it remains the one I like best. Many romances tell the story of the brainy non-beauty who falls for a gorgeous hero but few have a heroine to rival Penelope Featherstone. Here’s a woman who on the surface seems to be a wallflower with awful fashion sense and an even worse mother. But, as written by the extremely capable Ms. Quinn, we know from the beginning Penelope is so much more than what society sees. We see her as the fearless, brilliant, justifiably proud woman she is. It’s a book in which the hero, despite being wonderful, is almost undeserving of the woman who loves him. But, because he’s a Bridgerton and because he slowly sheds his limited perceptions of Penelope, by the time he is arguing with her mother about which sister he wishs to marry, Colin Bridgerton has stolen our hearts, just as he stole Penelope’s two days before her sixteenth birthday.

RReckless by Anne Stuart. (AAR grade A, rating Hot) Anne Stuart is one of my favorite writers of romantic suspense. If asked to pick a series I reread the most, her Ice books would be in my top three. (Favorite: Cold as Ice) Her early historicals, however, didn’t wow me. And while I like the first in her House of Rohan series, Ruthless, it didn’t knock my socks off. Reckless did. I was entranced from the very first line, “Move your bleedin’ arse,” Miss Charlotte Spenser’s maid, Meggie, said to her.” Charlotte is a wonderful heroine but, oh, Adrian Rohan makes me tingle. He’s so bad and almost unbearably hot. The scene where he first has sex with Charlotte is jarringly erotic and utterly seductive. Reckless also has a lovely secondary romance–I am a sucker for these–between a rake turned parson and a woman famed for her legion of lovers. It also, without an once of heavy handedness, presents sexuality as something broader than boy meets girl. It’s one of Ms. Stuart’s best works and that is saying something.

IHOAIt Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas. (AAR grade A-, rating Hot) When I began reading romance, I read every historical romance Ms. Kleypas had published. She’s a strong writer who fills her books with interesting historical tidbits, engaging characters, and smokin’ sex scenes. Of her Wallflower books, many prefer The Devil in Winter with louche hero Sebastian St. Vincent. Not me. The hero of It Happened One Autumn, the smart, responsible, too tightly wound Marcus Westcliffe is the kind of guy I’d fall for had I been invited to house parties in 1840s England. Marcus, an earl, is appalled by the forthright, opinionated, curious Lillian Bowman who is, of all things, an American soap heiress. Lillian, reasonably, thinks he’s an ass. Neither of them, however, can keep their hands off the other every time they’re alone and watching them fight their mutual attraction is a joy. How can you not love a book where the heroine, rather drunk on pear brandy, reduces the hero  to a man in lust by saying to him “Sometimes when I look at you, I want to tear off all your buttons. Or set your trousers on fire.” This book should come with an antique painted fan.

WIDFADWhat I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long. (AAR grade A-, rating Hot) This book has it all. It’s witty, sexy, smartly plotted, resists expectations, and the plot turns on a painting by Titian. The interactions between Genevieve Eversea and Alexander Moncrieffe, the rather terrifying Duke of Falconbridge, are sublime. I, like fans of Ms. Long’s Pennyroyal Green series, am deeply invested in the lives of the Everseas and the Redmonds. This book continues that narrative but works well as a stand alone. What I Did for a Duke begins with a couple you perceive as being a poor match–he is too old, she is in love with another–and over the course of the next 388 pages makes you believe neither could live happily without the other. It’s my second favorite of all of Ms. Long’s books.

IKAEI Kissed an Earl by Julie Anne Long. (AAR grade B+, rating Hot) There are, thus far, eight books in the Pennyroyal Green series. This book is indisputably my favorite. This series, from the beginning, has posed as its central question why are Olivia Eversea and Lyon Redmond broken hearted and apart. I Kissed an Earl pursues that plot line with finesse and style. As its heroine Violet Redmond travels the seas on Asher Flint’s boat, determined to find her missing brother, she falls in love with the man tasked with bringing Lyon back to England to face death for crimes he is attributed to committing. In a lesser book, Violet would let her love for Asher overcome her effort to save her brother. In I Kissed an Earl, there are no easy answers for Violet or for Asher and the ways in which they are forced to foil the other are presented as difficult and painful. Ms. Long writes strong sex scenes; the lust and the passion between Asher and Violet is brilliantly done.

EDExtreme Danger by Shannon McKenna. (AAR grade B, rating Burning) I dislike the words guilty pleasure used to describe a romance novel. That said, if I had a guilty pleasure read, it would be Ms. McKenna’s Extreme Danger. The hero, Nick Ward, is a sullen, surly, rude, sex-obsessed alpha-male who takes far too long to believe in the lovely caring woman who stumbles into his deadly and messed-up life. The heroine, Becca, is a tad sweeter than I usually like my female leads and, at times, she comes across as irritatingly stereotypically female. The bad guys are so evil they’re unpleasant to read about and I find the majority of the McCloud tribe (this book is part of an ongoing series) annoying. And yet, I think I’ve read this book twenty times. I love the sex, I love the way Nick is overcome by love, and I love the necessary grovel at the end. Ms. McKenna writes about female anatomy as though she were channeling Georgia O’Keefe and her celebration of pleasure works for me every time.

GHOMThis Heart of Mine by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. (AAR grade A, rating Warm) This book makes many in Romancelandia furious. The heroine, Molly Somerville, has nonconsensual sex with football star quarterback Kevin Tucker. As Kevin himself points out, after the fact, if their roles had been reversed, it would be called rape. But, just as Kevin forgives Molly, so do I. Molly pays for her crime in many ways and, as written by Ms. Phillips, she’s such a likable heroine her bad decision doesn’t define her. I love the Stars series–and I hate actual football–and in this book, as she does in the rest of the series, Ms. Phillips gives the reader a rich plot with an excellent secondary love story. Molly is a successful author of children’s books and snippets from her stories are woven into the novel in endearing and enlightening ways. The book is sweet, funny, sexy, and slightly sad. Ms. Phillips is one of the reigning queens of contemporary romance and this book shows why.

PAPrivate Arrangements by Sherry Thomas. (AAR grade A-, rating Hot) I am a serious Sherry Thomas fan girl. This is the first book I ever read by Ms. Thomas and has remained my favorite. I love Gigi and Camden and their messy, sexy, struggle for power. Gigi is one the strongest female in Ms. Thomas’s books and it’s great fun to see Camden empower her even as he tells himself he can’t stand her. The scene where Camden takes Gigi against his desk, divesting her of her clothes as he explains the way he’s built his yachts, is one of my all time favorite seductions. But the thing I love best about Private Arrangements is the secondary romance between the Duke of Perrin and Gigi’s mother, Mrs. Roland. It’s my favorite secondary love story in any novel. It’s the rare romance that features a witty, steamy relationship between a couple in their late forties. Langford’s and Victoria’s is all that and more.

HANHis at Night by Sherry Thomas. (AAR grade B+, rating Warm) This is a masterpiece of a novel. Each time I read it, I try to imagine being an iota as inventive as Ms. Thomas is here and fail miserably. The hero, Lord Vere, is one of the most sympathetic characters in romance as well as one with perhaps the most distinctive role. His personas, warring as they are with one another, would have, in a lesser book, been unbelievable. In His at Night, they’re a marvel. Elissande is a match for him and watching the two navigate the necessary deceptions they throw in each other’s way is a tremendous fun. This book also contains my favorite love scene in Ms. Thomas’s works. Oh to be shushed.

NBCNatural Born Charmer by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. (AAR rating A-, rating Warm) I love this book. Dean Robillard is the funniest of Ms. Phillips’s heroes and his snarky battle of wits with Blue Bailey is dazzling. The two giggle their way through sex that’s actually sexy. The secondary romance is barely that–it’s almost as important a part of the plot as Dean’s and Blue’s. It features Dean’s parents, a rock god and a model, both in their 50’s. The two are filled with regret for a past they can’t undo and struggling to make things right in the present. Dean’s dad, American rock star Jack Patriot, is written with so much verisimilitude, I half expect to hear him on XM. Every time I read this book, it makes me laugh.

This list, of course, is arbitrary. Were I writing it a different week, I suspect it would include Uncommon Passion by Anne Calhoun, one of the Seattle Chinooks books by Rachel Gibson, a book or two by Joanna Bourne, and at least one novella by Courtney Milan. Oh, and Heat by R. Lee Smith. There are too many books and too little space on my top ten list. In fact, I bet if I began searching AAR, looking for well-written books with heat, I’d (re)discover many I’ve missed. Thank heavens for that database.

Dabney Grinnan


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09/26/2013 9:28 pm

You are my romance review twin (well…maybe half-twin. or 2/3 twin. whom you don’t know from eve.) and thank you for making this list! I agree with most – with Uncommon Passion, too – and it is “”most”” only because I haven’t read the others in your list! Now off to search and read them!

elizabeth williams
elizabeth williams
09/25/2013 7:37 pm

Oh I would love to read your top 10 in each genre. I think it’s a great idea.

Dabney AAR
Dabney AAR
Reply to  elizabeth williams
09/26/2013 9:51 am


Lady Wesley
Lady Wesley
09/25/2013 12:03 pm

What an excellent list! Like you, I rediscovered romance after getting a Kindle. I can’t remember how I found AAR, but soon I had downloaded the Top 100 list and started working my way down it. (I read only HR, not contemporary.) I’m looking forward to the new list (hoping that Lord of Scoundrels keeps its number one ranking) coming out . . . . When?

Dabney AAR
Dabney AAR
Reply to  Lady Wesley
09/25/2013 3:06 pm

I started with HR and then, after two years, moved to contemporary too.

09/25/2013 9:46 am

Like so many commenters, I do get all warm and happy inside when I see a top ten list that so closely mirrors mine! That is my favorite Bridgerton, too, and my favorite of the Pennyroyals as well. And I love Sherry Thomas and Anne Stuart. THIS HEART OF MINE and EXTREME DANGER are the only ones I haven’t read.

I also loved your description of hitting romance reading hard around 2008 and using the AAR power search to locate your best bets — that, too, sort of mirrors my experience with romance reading. I started in high school and never stopped entirely, but around 2006 I just kind of stopped reading other fiction and started going online and steeping myself in the reviews and commentary of romancelandia. AAR was my go-to source every time I finished reading someone’s entire backlist and needed a new author!

Not to diss anything about your top ten — and I know it’s impossible to choose only ten — but I’m intrigued to see you like so many of my fave historicals and yet don’t have a Loretta Chase on your list…

And I’m in agreement with Renee that DEVIL IN WINTER is my favorite Kleypas historical, but would have been hard pressed to pick only one from that series.

Dabney AAR
Dabney AAR
Reply to  pamela1740
09/25/2013 3:05 pm

I do love Ms. Chase. I picked, for this list, books I re-read a lot and for whatever reason I don’t re-read her work as much as I do the books on this list.

Reply to  Dabney AAR
09/25/2013 7:51 pm

Hmm, it’s so true that the urge to re-read doesn’t occur with every book I love, even some I might put on an all-time favorites list. Thanks for reminding me about this angle…

09/25/2013 9:42 am

Great list! I’m with you all the way except for Sherry Thomas who, for some reason, just doesn’t resonate with me and I’ve never connected with any of her books.
I would include R. Lee Smith’s “”Heat”” in my top 10 for sure, but it is a difficult book to give a ringing endorsement to since it is so very dark and violent, but what a great read and I will never ever forget the characters! I also loved “”Cottonwood”” by her which came out in the last year or so. It’s another disturbing and compelling read since it involves the internment of aliens in concentration camps on Earth and interspecies romance.

Dabney AAR
Dabney AAR
Reply to  pamelia
09/25/2013 3:04 pm

I want to read R Lee Smith’s latest one. It’s gotten some great reveiws.

Dabney AAR
Dabney AAR
Reply to  Dabney AAR
09/25/2013 3:04 pm

reviews, I mean

Reply to  Dabney AAR
09/25/2013 4:32 pm

Do you mean “”The Last Hour of Gann””? I just bought that yesterday. I’m waiting till the weekend to start it so I don’t have the compulsion to read it at work (thus getting zero work done!)

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  pamelia
09/25/2013 5:10 pm

PLEASE let me know if you liked it. I haven’t bought it yet.

Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
09/25/2013 7:33 pm

I’m loving The Last Hour of Gann. Amber, the heroine, got a bit on my last nerve as she protected her enemy. To my mind, a person’s instinct for self-preservation would have to kick in and you’d give up your enemy. I like that she is multi-dimensional. I read the first 80% so fast, I realized I’d best slow down and savor the read. Totally recommend it. Also, it is not as dark as Heat. Oh yeah, it has 23,412 Kindle pages. Yay!

Reply to  pamelia
09/26/2013 9:49 am

Just out of curiosity, did you read “”Not Quite a Husband”” by Sherry Thomas? I really liked that one best. How wonderful that we all have different tastes. Now I really will have to try R Lee Smith.

Dabney AAR
Dabney AAR
Reply to  Marlene
09/26/2013 9:51 am

I have read them all. I like that one. If you go to my blog I have a glom post on Sherry Thomas.

09/25/2013 8:04 am

My list would have looked like your list except for Heat which I am now contemplating. It is really so affirming to see someone else pick the books that you would have.

Dabney AAR
Dabney AAR
Reply to  Marlene
09/25/2013 3:03 pm

I think I’m going to do lists of my favorite ten in each genre next. That would be fun too!

Reply to  Dabney AAR
09/26/2013 9:42 am

That sounds like a wonderful idea. I constantly switch between genres. I even read lots of books outside of romance, so I like diversity.

09/25/2013 3:40 am

Your taste and mine are very similar, if I have to judge for the books I’ve read on your list. So I will try those that I haven’t read yet. But what I love best about your post is this sentence: “”I wanted to read more romance but had no way to figure out which ones sucked and which rocked. Thank the gods for the internet. A few clicks and, boom, I discovered AAR. “” I do wholeheartedly agree. Many romance novels suck. I don’t want to lose a minute with them. But many are good, and a few are great. And I don’t want to lose the opportunity to know it and read them.
So… Thanks to this kind of web pages we have a little idea on what to read.

Dabney AAR
Dabney AAR
Reply to  Joane
09/25/2013 3:03 pm

I can honestly say AAR changed my life! Had I not found them, I’d never have begun to so love romance, and I would have a very different life than I do now. Three cheers for AAR!

Lady Wesley
Lady Wesley
Reply to  Dabney AAR
09/25/2013 4:18 pm

Hear, hear! I almost never buy a book without checking to see if AAR has done a review.

elizabeth williams
elizabeth williams
09/24/2013 8:35 pm

Wow interesting list. I never liked h from It happened one Autumn she was a shrew, and Colin who I loved in previous Quinn books totally changed in Romancing mr. bridgerton his sense of humor disappeared. I loved your Ballin Bodice rippers though and got so many great recs from them so I definitely am going to try some of the others on this list that I haven’t read.
Also loved Heat so different.

Dabney AAR
Dabney AAR
Reply to  elizabeth williams
09/25/2013 3:01 pm

I so connected with Lillian! I suspect I can be a bit of a shrew. And I see what you mean about Colin losing his sense of humor. I think he was having a life crisis which dampened his normal sunniness.

09/24/2013 7:36 pm

You have many of my favorite authors on your list. I have reread His at Night by Sherry Thomas and What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long a number of times. I love both of those stories. You have also given me a new author to try, Shannon McKenna. I have never read any of her books and plan to give Extreme Danger a try.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  Deann
09/24/2013 8:13 pm

I hope you enjoy it. It’s a very sexy book. Nick’s an alpha male all the way but oh does Becca leave him weak and wanting.

09/24/2013 6:30 pm

Love all the books on your list. The only one I haven’t read is Heat, and I’ll be looking for that one now.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  wendy
09/24/2013 6:48 pm

It’s a very unusual book. I’d look at the review at Dear Author before buying it. I love it but it’s not for the faint of heart.

Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
09/24/2013 8:19 pm

Agreed 100%. Heat is a DIK for me, but it is not for everyone.

09/24/2013 6:18 pm

So many of my favorites are on your list! I can’t begin to think how many times I’ve reread and re-listened to SEP’s Natural Born Charmer and This Heart of Mine. And I’m right there with you with the wonderful Romancing Mr. Bridgerton.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  LinnieGayl
09/24/2013 6:49 pm

That whole series is amazingly strong.

Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
09/24/2013 11:11 pm

Both of the series are great though I think my favorites in the series are It had to be you and Match Me if You Can for the SEP series and the Viscount Who Loved Me for the Quinn series. Also, I truly miss Anna Fields. She was a wonderful narrator who really brought the SEP series to life!

Edward J
Edward J
09/24/2013 5:01 pm

Some great recommendations here

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  Edward J
09/24/2013 6:49 pm

Thanks. Next year, I’m going to suggest we do our top twenty! Ten was really difficult.

09/24/2013 4:24 pm

I LOVE Natural Born Charmer. Your list is so close to mine that I’m going to have to check out the one book on your list I haven’t read yet.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  Mary
09/24/2013 6:50 pm

Which is….

Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
09/25/2013 7:22 pm

Extreme Danger. I’m excited to read it. Thanks again for the list.

09/24/2013 4:10 pm

I love these lists!

09/24/2013 3:09 pm

Great list! So many of them are on my top book list too, especially the two Julie Anne Long books, Stuart’s _Reckless_ and Thomas’s _His at Night_. I just adore that book and loved seeing it here. I need to reread _Natural Born Charmer_ again as it’s been a while.

09/24/2013 12:05 pm

Private Arrangements is by far my favourite historical. I love both main characters. Anne Stuart is one of my auto buys as well. Even when she makes me uncomfortable I can’t stop reading. I have not read Philips and Kleypas has been a dud for me. Otherwise I love your list, I will add the Quinn to my TBR. Somehow I have never read her.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  Emilia
09/24/2013 6:51 pm

Kleypas’s contemps don’t work for me nor do many of her historicals. That said, there are about eight of her books I do really like–she’s prolific–and It Happened One Autumn is one of them.

Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
09/24/2013 11:07 pm

I loved the Devil in Winter by Kleypas a lot, too.

maggie b.
maggie b.
09/24/2013 11:11 am

Love Natural Born Charmer. The opening sequence with the beaver suit is hilarious. I also really like This Heart of Mine. I keep meaning to read Reckless by Stuart. I will add it to my TBR today.

09/24/2013 10:30 am

Natural Born Charmer would be on my top ten too. I love the audio read by the late great Anna Fields. I’ve read/listened to NBC many times. It’s one of my comfort reads.

In 2004 I stayed at a lakeside lodge with my family. On the bookshelf were mostly mysteries, crime and a few romances. Julia Quinn’s Romancing Mr. Bridgerton was one as was Glory in Death by Nora Roberts. The beginning of a love affair with both series. Thank goodness there was USB in the town nearby. I think RMB and The Viscount Who Loved Me are Quinn’s best.

Westcliff would be the guy I’d go after too, he’s a terrific hero.

Reply to  leslie
09/24/2013 5:58 pm

Me too about NBC. Anna Fields was great and is sorely missed.