AAR loves you… let us give you a gift!

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As you know, because I constantly bring it up, AAR is financially dependent on the funds our readers so kindly donate to us. This year, donations will make up almost half of our budget. We literally wouldn’t be here without you. And we’d like to say thanks.

So, if you make a donation—our favorites are the ones that repeat every month—or have made a donation this year, your name will go into a drawing. At the end of the year, we will pick three names from our group of donors and give each of you a $25.00 gift certificate to Amazon. You can buy books, gloves, shampoo—whatever gift is right for you.

If you’re already a donor, your name is automatically on the list. And if you’re not, and you love AAR, please consider it.   We hope to be able to improve the site’s stability and interface in 2021 and your donations will help us do so.

Thank you for ALL that you do for us. You really are our favorite.


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11/30/2021 11:14 am

Thank you, this is a lovely idea!
And a lovely way to say thank you to those of us who support you in this way.
I am happy to continue to do so, with my very best wishes for your continued success!

Elaine S
Elaine S
Reply to  Lieselotte
11/30/2021 1:39 pm

Agree, Lieselotte. Well said.