Blog Archive

Eagerly Awaiting for January

AAR staff once again got a sneak peek at the romances on sale for January 2009.  This is what we are really looking forward to reading.  What about you? Title and Author Reviewer Marrying the Captain...

More on the Publisher Situation

While the Washington Post and Publishers Weekly have both reported this week on Harcourt Houghton Mifflin’s decision to freeze acquisitions, there seems to be news of a somewhat more optimistic kind unfolding in other sectors of...

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Freezes Acquisitions

From the Washington Post this morning and as reported Monday on the Publishers Weekly Web site, the publisher has told its editors to stop acquiring books. Several sources site this move as the first time a...

Hard Times

It seems that everywhere you go, all anyone is talking about is the economy and how bleak the forecast is.  I can’t speak for other people, but it doesn’t help my anxiety level any to hear...

Kindle: Oh, I Believe!

    It all started as a result of getting regularly dissed by my local Borders.  Let me count the ways:  Their complete lack of interest in shelving romance anywhere even remotely close to the lay...


All About Romance is proud and happy to premiere its news and commentary blog – Ta da!  For quite some time the staff here has been wanting to participate with AAR’s readers in a more immediate...

Big Mary Balogh News

Beginning in late February 2009, Mary Balogh will publish four – that’s right four – new books over four consecutive months. The series will follow the existing pattern familiar to Balogh readers with the first three...

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