Welcome to the first of our new semi-regular feature: Books with Buzz. In this new series, we’ll get the rundown on the upcoming releases we hear readers are looking forward to from the people who...
This seems to have been a week for all manner of random bits and snippets of news. So, I thought I’d share a few.
Sideways (2004) I recently rewatched Sideways. It’s funny that I expected a romance, and actually shelve the DVD in the romance section at home, because really the film isn’t in fact a romance, but a very...
So, do we have any Calvin and Hobbes fans here? Remember Calvinball? You never play it the same way twice, and the rules are whatever Calvin says they are. These rules sometimes change midstream and often...
When Blythe, Rachel, Lynn and I took over AAR, we decided to take a fresh look at virtually everything at the site. One of those areas was advertising. Since the inception of advertising at AAR, the...
Our annual staff poll for best romance is now in its eighth year, and it’s a tradition we’re continuing at a slightly different location: Our news and commentary blog. Sadist that I am, I always enjoy...
One of my favorite guilty pleasures in books is something I call, for lack of a better name, a “moment of triumph.” It’s a scene, usually a short one, that has some importance to the plot...
When I was a kid, I apparently had a remarkably sheltered upbringing compared to my peers. One day in second grade, my friends were all atwitter over a certain entry on the bathroom wall. I don’t...