Blog Archive

Today is the Last Day to Vote in the Annual Reader Poll

  And, as one of our commenters noted, no bitching about the results is allowed if you don’t vote. Polls close at midnight tonight.

AAR Goes to the Movies, Pt. 2

Ghost (1990) Truly Madly Deeply (1990) I first saw Ghost and Truly Madly Deeply in high school. I still remember how deeply and tragically romantic Ghost seemed to me back then. The quest for justice and...

Today is the Last Day of Publication for Book World

And somehow I just can’t bring myself to mourn. I’ve read the Washington Post almost daily since I was a teenager and I am, not surprisingly, a bookie.  And I was from the moment I first...

I Am A Poll Procrastinator

Yes, it’s true.  I’m down to the wire every single year.   Like this year, for example. I tend to procrastinate voting in the AAR Annual Reader Poll for a few reasons: It’s hard when you...


Don’t forget – the Colleen Gleason giveaway closes tomorrow! If you want to enter, please do so by following this link and commenting on the entry at AAR After Hours. Good luck to all! -Lynn Spencer

Why is "Settling" a Dirty Word in Romance?

While reading message boards online, I have happened upon a phrase that stuck with me. The reader said that she couldn’t stand to see how “Heroine X settles for Hero Y”. She expected her heroine to...

The Food of Love

I love food. I always have. Though my friends expect me to be more exacting in my tastes, I’m not exactly a food snob; I’ll gladly eat both store-brand macaroni and cheese, and seared tuna atop...

An Authorial Snit

Though it’s nothing to be proud of, the “can’t look away from a train wreck” mentality is deeply engrained in most of us poor humans.  And, sadly, the Brockmann Dead of Night kerfuffle has devolved into...

So, What Do Reviewers Get Out of it Anyway?

In a recent thread at our Let’s Talk Romance Novels Forum, the question was raised why reviewers write reviews, what they get out of it (if they don’t receive any remuneration, which is the case at...

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