Janet of Dear Author offers an excellent rebuttal to Michelle Buonfiglio’s jaw dropping remarks at the Princeton Romance Conference last Friday. I take exception to one point, however: I would argue that Ms. Buonfiglio was referring...
You know, the kind that I’m sure is popular with all the pedophiles. Because, gee, where else can you see a four-year old tot in a bikini getting a spray tan? I’m talking Toddlers & Tiaras,...
You may have noticed that we’ve been a bit derelict over at the old AAR After Hours Blog for a while now. As we’ve noted more than once since Blythe, Rachel, and Lynn and I took...
I don’t think it’s much of a secret to AAR regulars that I love books by Sherry Thomas. I am so very impressed with her work, in fact, that, along with Elizabeth Hoyt and Joanna...
We have a winner in our Catherine Kean medieval giveaway! Our winner is commenter Sherry H, whose favorite medival romance is an oldie but a goodie – The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss....
I drew a number at random and I came up with 3. Linda in SW Virginia, our third commenter, is the winner of Dead and Gone. Thanks again to Charlaine and to Ace Books for their...
I know a dirty little secret, and it’s one that many of the most career-oriented women I know will admit to even as it makes us cringe. And here it is: Those Harlequin Presents Billionaire/Tycoon/Prince/Dingdongdillionaire books tap into a...
Yesterday I checked out a library copy of the movie Twilight with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and found myself unexpectedly enthralled by the chemistry between Bella and Edward onscreen. Honestly, I cannot remember the last...