Blog Archive

When “Nice” Girls Attack

Janet of Dear Author offers an excellent rebuttal to Michelle Buonfiglio’s jaw dropping remarks at the Princeton Romance Conference last Friday. I take exception to one point, however:  I would argue that Ms. Buonfiglio was referring...

Toddlers & Tiaras: A Totally Squicky TV Guilty Pleasure

You know, the kind that I’m sure is popular with all the pedophiles.  Because, gee, where else can you see a four-year old tot in a bikini getting a spray tan?  I’m talking Toddlers & Tiaras,...

Welcome to the New Off-Topic Blog

You may have noticed that we’ve been a bit derelict over at the old AAR After Hours Blog for a while now. As we’ve noted more than once since Blythe, Rachel, and Lynn and I took...

Books with Buzz: Sherry Thomas Interview and Giveaway (Contest Now Closed)

I don’t think it’s much of a secret to AAR regulars that I love books by Sherry Thomas.   I am so very impressed with her work, in fact, that, along with Elizabeth Hoyt and Joanna...

We have a Winner!

We have a winner in our Catherine Kean medieval giveaway! Our winner is commenter Sherry H, whose favorite medival romance is an oldie but a goodie – The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss....

Charlaine Harris Winner

I drew a number at random and I came up with 3.  Linda in SW Virginia, our third commenter, is the winner of Dead and Gone. Thanks again to Charlaine and to Ace Books for their...

What is it with Billionaires, Anyway?

  I know a dirty little secret, and it’s one that many of the most career-oriented women I know will admit to even as it makes us cringe.  And here it is: Those Harlequin Presents Billionaire/Tycoon/Prince/Dingdongdillionaire books tap into a...

Watching with my Finger on the Rewind Button: My Twilight Experience

Yesterday I checked out a library copy of the movie Twilight with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson and found myself unexpectedly enthralled by the chemistry between Bella and Edward onscreen.  Honestly, I cannot remember the last...

Books with Buzz: Charlaine Harris Interview and Giveaway (Contest Now Closed)

On May 5th, the wait is over for Sookie Stackhouse fans when Dead and Gone, the ninth entry in Charlaine Harris’ incrredible series hits bookstores. As if that wasn’t enough to get your buzz on, season...

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