In early spring this year, two events took place which had considerable impact on my life: I started in a new position at work, one that placed me more in the public eye than before, and...
While I have enjoyed some of Susan Wiggs’ contemporaries, I vastly prefer her historicals, especially the wonderful Lord of the Night , which I believe will be coming out in re-release soon, though the author’s website...
Long-time and beloved romance author Edith Layton passed away this morning following a long bout with ovarian cancer. She leaves behind three grown children, her grandchildren, and tens of thousands of readers who enjoyed her romances....
There are very few television shows that I watch while they’re new. The Office is pretty much the only one. This is mostly because I’ve had terrible luck with television shows; I’d say five of the...
Big changes are about to come to AAR’s message boards. But with any luck, you’ll barely even notice them. Here’s the deal: AAR’s message boards have previously been hosted on a separate server – not on...
I’ve got smokin’ hot Sookie and Bill season two posters courtesy of HBO to give away to four lucky winners. All you need to do to enter for your chance to win is comment to this...
If you’re not into the Skarsgard love, feel free to just move along. But if you are on board and haven’t seen the new Lady Gaga (I know, I know – regrettable) video that was “leaked”...