Blog Archive

High concept TV is…?

I am three episodes into HBOMax’s mini-series, Station Eleven, based on the award winning and best selling novel by Emily St. John Mandel. I haven’t read the book, which, I suspect, would help me better understand...

the ask@AAR: I am a cranky old lady, not a cranky middle aged lady, right?

I will be 61 next month–woo hoo! I was discussing my life with my daughter and when I referred to myself as an old lady, she said that was absurd. “You’re, like, middle-aged, Mom,” she said....

TBR Challenge April 2022 – Location, Location, Location

When your prompt is simply “Location, location, location,” the TBR Challenge can go all kinds of places (I know, I know…) Caz took this prompt and went for a romance set in a faraway corner of...

Coming Soon – The Romances We’re Most Looking Forward to Reading in May 2022

It’s time to have a look through the myriad of new books coming out in May and, hopefully, point our readers towards the ones we think are likely to be the most engrossing and entertaining. As...

the ask@ AAR: Do all artists deserve our support?

Do I have to support/promote the art of someone I dislike or whose thoughts/actions I dislike or disapprove of? Here’s why I ask. There’s an author who’s been really nasty about AAR who has a book...

Something’s coming….

As AAR has aged, the way our readers interact with us has changed. Over the past five years, those who read AAR on their mobile devices have now surpassed those who do so on a computer....

the ask@AAR: What matters most in true love?

I was at a wedding this past weekend and found myself in an interesting discussion. My tablemate, a woman a bit older than me, married to her high school sweetheart, said she thought it was a...

A gripe about series….. or maybe it’s just me.

I love a good series. It’s a joy to follow a well-built world or hero through several books, watching their secrets and adventures unfurl. And yet….. I don’t love series with large gaps between release that...

What have you been reading?

I’ve spent a lot of time on planes and airports lately. An upside of this has been more time to read. Yay! I finally finished listening to Leigh Bardugo’s duo, Six of Crows and The Crooked...

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