Blog Archive

the ask@AAR: Another side in the endless kerfuffle about accuracy in historical romance.

This week on Twitter, a famous historical romance author made the point that there are good reasons authors of historical romance break with convention. She argued authors do so not because they’re lazy or stupid but...

Return to the Tropical Romance Book Club – an Interview with Hana Sheik

Due to.. uh… (gestures widely at everything), AAR’s Tropical Romance Book Club has been on hiatus for a long time. I’m very excited to bring it back with a conversation with Hana Sheik, the Somali-born, Canada-raised...

The AAR Good Time Book Club: Fool Me Twice by Meredith Duran

Today we’re discussing Fool Me Twice by Meredith Duran. In her B+ review, Blythe said: Fool Me Twice is easily my favorite Duran book of the last few years. After having loved a few of hers...

the ask@AAR: Do you believe in destiny?

I’ve just finished reading Pachinko which I loved. It’s a multigenerational tale of Koreans living in Japan during the 20th and 21st centuries. One of the themes the novel explores is whether or not your nationality/race/ancestors...

August 2021 TBR Challenge – Author With More Than One Book in the TBR

For voracious readers, a theme like “authors with more than one book in your TBR” yields almost an embarrassment of riches. It could be contemporary, historical, light, angsty – so many choices. In the end, we...

Do you finish all the books you start?

My rule for reading a book is, if after 100 pages more or less, I’m bored/irked/appalled, I quit. This, however, is just me. (For TV shows, it’s watch at least three episodes.) My best friend believes...

The ask@AAR: What’s your favorite WWII novel?

I am on my yearly week long vacation with my extended family of 21 and almost all the women in the group are reading books set in or around WWII. My daughter and I are reading...

Sometimes the YA world is just… nuts.

As a reader who often heads to the Young Adult section first, I’m frequently called out by adults for my reading choices – usually by those who don’t know what the YA field is like and...

Her Heart For a Compass – An Interview with Marguerite Kaye

Last week, Evelyn and I reviewed Her Heart for a Compass, a work of historical fiction based on the life of Lady Margaret Montagu Douglas Scott, an ancestress of the book’s author, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of...

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