Blog Archive

TBR Challenge May 2022 – Tales of Old

For someone who started out their romance reading career with historicals, a prompt like “Tales of Old” is the perfect catnip. Lynn and Caz took this prompt in rather different directions, with Lynn heading way back...

Shiver me Timbers–I love Our Flag Means Death!

The buzziest romance show streaming this spring turned out not to be season 2 of Bridgerton, but HBO Max’s pirate comedy Our Flag Means Death (you can watch the trailer on HBO’s site here). OFMD stars...

the ask@AAR: What series have the worst endings?

Dr. Feelgood and I just watched the final half season of Ozark, something I’d been wildly looking forward to, and it was a serious let down. I didn’t like hardly anything about it–the way the characters’...

Will authors keep their e-books alive?

Disclaimer: I am not an author and have only a generalized sense of what is involved in regaining the rights to one’s work.  I keep, at Amazon, lists of books I care about. I plumb these...

How to use tags instead of our Special Title Listings

We haven’t updated our Special Title Listings since 2016, but that doesn’t mean we’re not committed to making AAR the best place to find the kinds of stories you want. It’s more searchable and more up-to-date...

the ask@AAR: What issues matter to you in elections?

I’ve been reading endless articles about whether or not and, if so, how the probable overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States could influence the 2022 midterms and the 2024 election. The answer seems...

What’s your favorite opposites attract romance?

A while back, a friend who doesn’t didn’t read romance asked me to recommend a historical romance. I suggested Laura Kinsale’s Flowers from the Storm. I ran into her this weekend and she raved about the...

the ask@AAR: Who’s your favorite family in romance?

One of the great things about all those Bridgertons–besides more fodder for Netflix seasons–is that Violet and her children are a fun brood to read about/watch. One of my favorite things on the show is watching...

Heroes and Heroines in Romance Novels with Unusual Occupations

I’ve been developing our “unusual occupations” tag, and I need your help! I stated by visiting our old Special Title listings for Unusual Professions. Let me tell you, some of those jobs are a LOT more...

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