A quiet evening

At the moment, I need to work a lot, which means often I sit at my desk until rather late in the evening. So it was a great pleasure when I could take yesterday evening “off” and just spend it relaxing and recharging my inner batteries. This is what I did:
I made a nice salad for dinner. Preparing a salad takes time, and when I’m really busy, I just don’t have that half-hour.
I spent the time after dinner reading in the living room while my husband was watch soccer. It’s nice and companionable to be in the same room with him even while we engage in different activities. Plus, I got 70 pages read and could still watch the goals.
I went to bed at half past nine. Really, this doesn’t sound like much, but it was pure luxury. When I work late, I need to time to relax and actually “get off” before I can go to sleep, which means I don’t hit the pillow until close to eleven.
As a result of this lovely evening, I am wonderfully relaxed this morning and more than ready to go back to work.
How do you spend your perfect relaxing evening?
– Rike Horstmann[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
Now that I’m retired from working outside the home, my evenings are usually much more relaxed, understandably. I recall one instance, though, while I was still working, when I felt a bit stressed, for reasons I can’t remember anymore. My husband was not going to be home until 8pm that evening and all day long at work I kept thinking that when I go home at 5pm (it was winter and getting dark early), I’m going to lock the doors, put on a nightgown and robe and just vegetate the rest of the evening. Never did that before and never will again probably, but it was delightful.
Funny thing is, these days, although I wear a nightgown to bed, I’m in sweats most of the days in winter and don’t take them off until I’m ready for sleep or going out to eat. They are so comfortable that I think I’m in pajamas all day anyway! No need for robes anymore because sweats are the first thing I put on in the morning during these cold days.
After a long day of work, then working out, I spend some time on the computer but then it’s on to the couch to read. Simple and easy.