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A Pandora’s Box: Mary Balogh’s Only a Promise

Today, Dabney and Maggie tackle the latest Survivor’s Club by Mary Balogh, Only a Promise. The book comes out on Tuesday, June 9th. We’ve tried to avoid overt spoilers.

Maggie summarizes the novel here:

As a schoolboy Ralph Stockwood, Earl of Berwick, was a natural born leader. When he convinced his friends to join him in glorious combat he had no idea that he would be the only one returning. Guilt ridden and heart sore Ralph has been able to move forward with life only by deadening himself to emotion. When he is ordered by his grandmother to find a wife and get an heir to secure the family title and fortune, he is reluctant to do so. On the outside he is a fine catch; A handsome man with a long established title, prominent position and great wealth. Yet he fears he has nothing to truly offer a wife, for he cannot give her love or real companionship or affection and what kind of woman would want marriage on those terms?

A desperate one. Chloe Muirhead had not one but two Seasons end in disaster and is (very reluctantly) resigned to spinsterhood. The last fiasco resulted in a wedge being driven between her and her beloved papa and she has taken refuge at Manville Court, home of the Duke of Worthingham. The duchess was a dear friend of her grandmamma and has invited Chloe to spend some time with them. When she overhears the duchess order her grandson to marry a crazy idea takes root in Chloe’s mind. What if Ralph were to marry her? He has no love to give, she has no expectation of any. A bargain is struck and the two wed. But when circumstances change and Ralph reneges on part of their deal, will Chloe be able to forgive him and make a real marriage out of their sham of a wedding?


Maggie: I’ve loved the Survivor’s Club novels. The ProposalThe Arrangement and Only Enchanting have all made my keeper shelf.  What have you thought of the series?

Dabney: This is not my favorite series by Ms. Balogh, though I am enjoying it. My favorite of this batch is Only Enchanting.

Perhaps the best thing about these books is their unflinching look at the trauma war leaves on the bodies and souls that fight it. Each survivor has struggled in different ways and all have been tragic, powerful, and intellectually engaging.

Maggie: Yes! Well said. I’ve found seeing the affects war has on the survivors one of the best aspects of the series. I’ve also enjoyed how each story involves overcoming a serious challenge – such as being blind or memory loss – to arrive at an HEA.

Only Enchanting was my favorite as well. I felt the romance in that story had more spark than this one did. Ralph and Chloe were sweet together but I never got a sense of chemistry. What did you think of their love story?

Dabney: Ah…. not much. I didn’t feel any urgency in their emotions or passions for one another. Additionally, I found Chloe and Ralph to verge just the teeniest bit in frustratingly self-indulgent rationalizations for their behaviors. I wanted Chloe to say, “OK, things have changed, I can step up to this plate,” and for Ralph to quit berating himself for asking Chloe to change especially given that neither of them had any choice in the circumstance that cause their circumstance to change.

Maggie: I suppose I sympathized with Chloe just a bit regarding the circumstantial change. She had her reasons for not wanting to go back to London and justified or not she had made her position clear. To me circumstances hadn’t really changed – the timeline had changed but not the circumstances. Ralph admits that neither of them had really thought out that portion of their agreement. If they had, they would have realized that it was impossible. So I empathized with Chloe’s position because she had been clear and he had been thoughtless.

And I don’t think either was that concerned with the actual decision but with the emotional turmoil they were putting the other through. Chloe had said some nasty things in the initial argument over London and felt guilt over the hurt she inflicted. Ralph seemed concerned with the trauma he was putting her through and the fact that he couldn’t control what would happen once they arrived in London. Perhaps the scandal surrounding Chloe really would make her something of an outcast. For me the resolution was good.

I have to admit, though, that I have a fondness for marriage of convenience tales and I thought that aspect of the story was handled fairly well. They had a quiet, practical type of love story which can seem flat but which I found sweet and heartwarming enough to enjoy. I can definitely see why it wouldn’t work for everyone though.

What did you think of the interaction with the other survivors and the characters from the Bedwyn Saga? Too much, too little or just right?

Dabney: I too like marriage of convenience stories but I so like Only Enchanting better that perhaps this one paled in comparison.

I am almost embarrassed to admit that I read the Bedwyn Saga long ago and haven’t read it again so I think I missed a lot of that.

One thing I thought was unique and well-handled in this book was the issue of Chloe’s father. No one was made to be a villain and Ms. Balogh wrote beautifully about heartbreak in the past and how it so shaped the present.

Maggie: We saw Lauren and Kit (A Summer to Remember) and Lily and Neville (One Night for Love) very briefly.  The first couple in this series is related to those two couples so I felt the encounter was natural and handled well.

Do you mean Chloe’s biological father?

Dabney: Yes. I loved how that story was told. At first you thought one thing, than another, and the resolution was charming.

Maggie: I’m so glad you mentioned that as it actually segues toward the topic that inspired us doing a Pandora’s Box on this book. In a comment made on the Politics and Romance blog MD stated that:

I was once discussing Mary Balogh with someone who is skilled in literary criticism, and she said, “She is so Christian!” I was surprised, because I would not have identified it as such. She broke it down for me – don’t remember it all, we were talking about her earlier regencies, and it was both the topics (sin, forgiveness, rebirth) and even things like character names (Adam = first man). Now, I have to say that the more recent Balogh’s novels have become more “preachy” in my opinion, and I now enjoy them less. But that’s just the feature of the writing quality.

I found myself reading Only a Promise at the same time as the blog was published and I think reading this comment made me hyper-aware of certain themes in the book I wouldn’t otherwise have noticed. For example, how very forgiving everyone is to the mother, sister and father. All of them had taken actions that greatly affected various people’s lives and there was no resentment or accusation of thoughtlessness or anything. It was like no one, especially the heroine, had a right to harbor so much as a negative feeling.

I’ll add that I don’t find that to be necessarily a feature of Christianity or even faith. This is far from the first book I’ve read that encourages unquestioning forgiveness on the part of the heroine nor is it the worst (that honor belongs to Lois Lane Tells All) and most of them don’t involve religion or faith

What are your thoughts on that? Is there, as MD mentioned, an element of Christianity or preachiness to the subject matter in Balogh novels? What about this one specifically?

Dabney: Well, as an utterly non-religious person, I wouldn’t define being forgiving as primarily a Christian value. (I’m sure she didn’t mean to imply any such thing.) I see the behaviors championed in the Survivors series as those we hope we are all capable of. To forgive–and they don’t always forget in these books–is a way for all of these men and women to free themselves from the pains of their past whether the horrors of war or the slights that come from the cruelties created by the rigid hierarchies of the Ton. To me, these books don’t read as “preachy” but rather as hopeful. Balogh tells stories in which humans overcome their limitations by being generous and able to let go of memories that limit their abilities to be happy. I’d go a step farther and say these books are less forcibly instructive than much I see in contemporary romance where attitudes often strike me as proscribed.

Maggie: I’ll admit that I found the scene at the time of the funeral with Graham, the heroine’s brother, a mite preachy. Especially the portion where he describes his faith and says: “For that is what my religion is,” he explained without any suggestion of pious pomposity, “and what it impels me to do with my life. Simply to love and accept without judgment.”

Was that scene noticeable to you at all or did it blend into the framework?

Dabney: The world is full of people who refer to their faith. I’m watching the NBA semi-finals now. The greatest three-point shooter in the history of the game, Stephen Curry, says he thanks Jesus after every one he makes. This seems unexceptional to me. Leaders say “God bless America” in the States almost reflexively. So, this scene didn’t strike me as forced or preachy but rather as true for that character. I’m sure I’m influenced by my own non-Christian values here as well. I’m a big fan of forgiveness so Graham’s statement to me seemed right.

It is interesting how things like this strike us as romance readers. There are many things in the genre, when I encounter them (the lack of discussion about abortion as an option in contemporary romance insta-pregnancies, character with silver or violet eyes, the consignment of anyone over 50 to the elderly pile), push my buttons. Those are things I notice because they are so patently fake to me. But the steadiness of faith in this book didn’t throw me. Graham’s statement read to me as ethical thinking.

Maggie: It is interesting how things strike us differently as readers. I noticed the forgiveness theme primarily because of MD’s comments being fresh in my mind. When I did a re-read recently I didn’t notice it nearly as much.  And as a Christian I have to say that with the exception of A Gift of Daisies I’ve never found Balogh to be an overtly Christian writer.

The scene with Graham stuck out to me primarily because the line about loving without judgment seemed to be a way to hammer home the forgiveness theme. I’ve had some, for lack of a better term “issues”, with how often heroines are asked to forgive in novels while it is often perfectly okay for heroes to seek vengeance. In this case the hero didn’t seek vengeance but he was the one that had to be forgiven – by the parents of the other boys and most especially by himself. On the other hand, Chloe was the victim of other people’s carelessness and/or cruelty and she was expected to forgive them. It’s not that I want a plethora of evil, hateful heroines who never forgive. But I would like to see some apologies, some acknowledgment that wrong was done to others and not just a demand that heroines be sweet, forgiving angels who always make the best of things.

What did you think of the novel overall? I definitely didn’t feel the love like I did with Only Enchanting but quibbles aside, I felt a very, very strong like. How about you?

Dabney: Oh… I love that point. Another thing that irks me in romance is men who never forgive slights against their women–and often punch or stab those who commit them. The angry male does little for me especially given the prevalence of the all-forgiving female.

I liked this book. I always enjoy reading Ms. Balogh–her prose is routinely arresting in the best ways–but the story here didn’t draw me in. I’d give it a B-.

Maggie: It was a B/B+ for me. I am already anxiously awaiting Only a Kiss, just three more months! and then finally after that we get the Duke’s story sometime in 2016.He the character that has interested me most in this series, right from the beginning.



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06/09/2015 3:16 pm

Mary Balogh’s books are my go-to comfort reading. I’ve never really noticed the “”Christian”” themes within her work, although I tend to think of her books as mature. The relationships are often more quiet, less overtly turbulent but no less emotional. Her relationships grow through communication but still feel passionate. I feel that her books reflect the gentility of the times, if not a totally accurate portrayal of history, so that while she doesn’t expound a religion, her characters live with a sets of values we can all probably relate to, if we are fans of her work.

My favourite is Wulfric Bedwyn’s book, Slightly Dangerous, and I surprisingly liked the Simply books, when I think I about her works overall. Perhaps this also shows my reading age, too.

06/08/2015 11:27 am

I just wanted to say that I agree with pretty much everything you say here, Maggie and with your excellent review. The Marriage of Convenience is just about my favourite trope, and I rather liked that Chloe was the one doing the asking. I enjoyed this one, although like you and Dabney, my favourite is Flavian’s story.

I wouldn’t necessarily describe MB as a “”Christian”” writer – there are religious elements to a number of her stories, but I tend to see her as an author who reflects the importance of religion in the lives of her characters at the time her books are set. It’s easy, certainly here in the UK where we’re much more laid back about such things these days, to forget how important faith and churchgoing were two hundred years ago.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
Reply to  Caz
06/09/2015 9:00 am

In some ways, television is doing the best job of portraying how important faith was/is to cultures. My family is watching Game of Thrones which is essentially a battle of faiths. I wonder why we are more comfortable with religion on the small screen than we are with it on the pages we read.

Dabney Grinnan
Dabney Grinnan
06/05/2015 3:48 pm

The Huxtables might be my favorite.

It’s a tribute to Balogh that she’s done so many series well enough that people have different favorites.

Holly Bush
Holly Bush
Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
06/05/2015 5:53 pm

It is a tribute to her and since you mentioned it, although I liked the Huxtables, they just weren’t my favorites. The Bedwyns, including A Summer to Remember and One Night to Love, are my all time favorites and I’ve reread them again and again. The Simply Series, especially the last book, were also favorites of mine.

Tina S
Tina S
06/05/2015 12:48 pm

I have been really enjoying this series and Mary Balogh is one of my auto-buy authors (I only have four) and she’s definitely a favorite! In fact, “”A Summer to Remember”” is the book I let people borrow if they are interested in reading historical romance.

As I didn’t like the Huxtable series that much I am thrilled that I like this series. And as a Veteran with combabt-related PTSD I appreciate a realistic look at how soliders deal with war and find Balogh does a very good job of keeping it real but not maudlin or overdone (Elizabeth Hoyt is another one who is also very good at this). I of course understand that not everyone feels guilt or regrets/worries about their actions, but it is not a subject that gets discussed much at all and so I appreciate it when the cost of war is considered!

I cannot wait to buy this one and am really looking forward to the next two, especially the Duke’s story, as he’s an older hero and I appreciate older heroes/heroines now that I am in my thirties!

maggie b.
maggie b.
Reply to  Tina S
06/05/2015 8:25 pm

I really want the Duke’s book too, like you I appreciate older heroes and heroines when I can find them.

06/05/2015 11:12 am

I have found this series disappointingly dull. They are not for me. And I’ve been really liked Balogh’s books in the past. And I am in the minority in this one, but I am OVER deliberately emotionless hereos. Makes me want to get out a hammer and start pounding on the cold emotionless one’s thumb, saying: “”Yah feel that,huh, huh?! How ’bout, now? Huh?! Huh?!”” :)
On a more serious note, there seems to be only one way of writing the war veteran.always suffering, physically or mentally. Always in need of “”healing.”” For a change of pace, it might be nice to read about a genuinely, brave, good man, who WASN’T eaten alive by guilt and whose past actions DON’T cast a permanent pall over everything he says, does and thinks for the next one thousand years. Guess I am a little tired of the same ‘ol conflict.

maggie b.
maggie b.
Reply to  Maria
06/05/2015 8:23 pm

Suzanne Brockmann has soldiers who don’t suffer from PTSD. I enjoyed her Tall Dark and Dangerous series and the start of her Troubleshooters series. Recent books have lacked the punch that her early work but those first books were really great.

Holly Bush
Holly Bush
06/05/2015 9:43 am

I’m a Mary Balogh fan and have never found her books or themes preachy, and would never place them in the ‘Inspirational’ category although I suppose I can see how a reader may think of some parts of them as such. I think Balogh’s books often have a more complex theme than other romances and that may lend to that interpretation, as the resolutions to problems are more varied or complicated than other books. Some of my favorite books are about redemption, justice and forgiveness and are not labeled as Christian books, which is fine with me as I would most likely not choose them if they had been.

I’ve found it strange that faith does not play into more historical stories, as the church was often the center of a community and family interaction. I don’t read Inspirationals often but what I have read loses me when religion is the central focus of the plot rather than a part of the character’s being. A heroine’s actions or words can tell me that faith/morality/core beliefs are intergral to how that character deals with important life issues and questions, or decision making, and can make my sense of the character fuller or more real.

I am looking forward to reading Only a Promise for all the reasons mentioned above – especially Balogh’s dialogue. Can’t wait for the next ones either!

maggie b.
maggie b.
Reply to  Holly Bush
06/05/2015 4:51 pm

I’ve found the lack of faith in many books strange as well, especially in Medieval period novels where my understanding is that the church was very powerful.

Violet Bick
Violet Bick
Reply to  Holly Bush
06/05/2015 11:11 pm

Do you have any recommendations you can share? Your mention of the themes of redemption, forgiveness, and justice–but that are not specifically Christian books–immediately caught my interest.

Holly Bush
Holly Bush
Reply to  Violet Bick
06/06/2015 7:51 am

Hi Violet,
A few that come to mind right away:
To Kill a Mockingbird – still my number 1 book. I try to reread it every year and it never loses its impact, although I imagine you have read it, I can hardly not list it considering the topic!
Silver Spoon by Maggie Osborne. This book is in my top 10 and Ms. Osborne just started to release some of her backlist digitally. Yeah! Also by Osborne – The Wives of Bowie Stone. I’ve been corresponding with Ms. Osborne for quite a few years and she is a lovely person, unfortunately she’s retired from writing.
The Rolling Years by Agnes Sligh Turnbull. I read this years and years ago but it stuck with me. I should dig it out.
I think many of Balogh’s titles have these sorts of themes, one that comes to mind right away is A Summer to Remember and of course, A Precious Jewel.
Grace Burrowes’ The Captive was a recent (great) read for me that really struck some interesting themes I thought and some of Courtney Milan’s do as well, although for the life of me I can’t place the titles! I’ll be curious to know if you find any of these interesting.