
It’s another survey!

This survey will close today, Saturday October 17th, at one pm!

Three little questions… one’s about the next book club!


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Violet Bick
Violet Bick
10/15/2020 11:29 pm

I’m making a concerted effort to read either library books or books from my existing tbr pile (with a few exceptions). In terms of a book club pick, my library system has 6 of the 14 books, so of course I’d choose one of them (although I didn’t check hoopla, so there might be more available to me).

10/15/2020 10:05 pm

I picked All I Ever Needed by Goodman because I already have it and 3 other books in the same series tbr. I’ve read several on the list and have some others tbr.
I picked 100% purchased, but some of my ebook reading is freebies, so I’m not sure if they should count as purchased. I donate to my local library system, but don’t use it because I have an extensive personal library.
I picked physical book because you didn’t give a choice of a non-Kindle eReader (I have e-ink readers from Kobo, since all my earlier e-ink readers from Sony have died).

10/15/2020 9:10 pm

Voted for the Jo Goodman because it turns out I have it, unread, in my bookcase. I’m trying to whittle down the number of books in my TBR, and this would be a great excuse to finish at least one of them. There are several Jo Goodman titles on my shelves, but this is the only one I’ve not yet read.

As for what percent of books I buy, I wrote 100%, but that only relates to romances. Most of my non-romance reading is from the library. I buy some recently published books new in order to support authors, but it should be noted that most of my purchases are older books bought from UBS, so the average cost per book is about $1.

10/15/2020 8:46 pm

I voted for Jeannie Lin’s book because even though I’ve read it, it opened up an whole new world for me. I loved it, so I probably won’t be able to add anything but squees to a discussion. But I would love for more people to read and love it.

10/15/2020 5:47 pm

What’s the time limit on this? Y’all caught me by surprise with the one day survey last time?

10/15/2020 2:24 pm

Interesting . . . I’ve read about half the list. I voted for a book I’ve already read and think will lend itself to an interesting conversation. And have added several I have not read to my tbr.

10/15/2020 12:06 pm

I voted for ‘Orientation’ because I’ve seen people rave about Gregory Ashe here on AAR and I’ve already read ‘Slippery Creatures’ twice. :-)

Carrie G
Carrie G
Reply to  chacha1
10/15/2020 12:37 pm

Funny, the only two books on the list I’d read were Slippery Creatures and Orientation, which I just recently finished. I think I picked Orientation (I was debating until the last second,and now can’t quite remember), because it’s a book with complex characters and I wouldn’t mind some discussion about them.

Caz Owens
Caz Owens
Reply to  Carrie G
10/15/2020 2:19 pm

I’d certainly be up for discussing either of those book!

Carrie G
Carrie G
10/15/2020 12:04 pm

That was tough! The only question I felt at all sure about was how many books I buy. I’d only heard of 4 books on the list, only read two, and didn’t know half the authors. What a diverse list! It was so hard to decide based on the book blurbs. No matter what, though, I’ve now learned something about 6 new-to-me authors in the process!

Wendy F
Wendy F
10/15/2020 11:11 am

Are we supposed to choose a book we haven’t read or one we don’t mind reading again?

Wendy F
Wendy F
Reply to  Dabney Grinnan
10/15/2020 11:33 am

Okay, I’ll go with a reread then!

I don’t think the survey has saved my answers to the first 2 questions though……….