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Win a copy of The Modern Break-Up from Daniel Chidiac!

Almost everyone has lived through a break-up and, whew, it’s hard. Daniel Chidiac has written a book about modern break-ups and he’s giving one away to a lucky AAR reader. Make a comment below to be entered in this drawing.

When it comes to dating, I seem to be going in a circle. The ones I want don’t want me, and the ones who want me, I don’t want. It’s the same scenario over and over again. I feel like two people never remain on the same level these days—their “wants” change so rapidly. I’ve tried to look at it positively, but when you keep putting your heart out there and nothing comes of it, it’s a little hard. And the most frustrating thing is, even though I shouldn’t want some of these guys who screw me over, I’m still drawn to them. I keep trying to convince myself that I shouldn’t want someone who doesn’t want me, but my emotions keep getting the better of me. I know deep down that I should be stronger than this. I know that I need to close the door and accept that my love wasn’t appreciated. Not because it was wrong, but because I gave it to someone who couldn’t understand it. I know I went too deep in my emotions for him. I know that I surrendered my power, my trust, and my mind to him. I fell. And I’m not sure we should “fall” for anybody now. Why do we have to fall? I want to stand next time I love someone. I want to be stronger.

(excerpt from The Modern Break-up)


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10/30/2019 8:57 pm

Um. I feel like a cheerleader rather than a potential partner for someone. I struggle with a Developmental disability effecting me into adulthood. So since I try to struggle with reading to keep up, I would like a chance at reading this book. Otherwise, have a good day. I’m going to read some more books.

10/30/2019 9:08 am

I’ve basically given up on dating. Men don’t treat me in a way I want to be treated, I don’t know how to get them to treat me the way I would like to be treated, and I’m tired. Too much emotional and psychological abuse. Too much sexual violation. Too many men with Pygmalion complexes. Too much time spent dating men because they’ve decided they want me (they never do; they want a fictional person they’ve projected into my body) when I don’t really want them. I can’t do it anymore.

Reply to  Anonymous
10/30/2019 6:48 pm

I’m sorry you’ve had such awful dating experiences. It was when I gave up that my guy came along. So live your life do things you love, and take care of you. Maybe you’ll have the same luck I did. Here’s hoping!

Reply to  KesterGayle
10/30/2019 9:12 pm

Just to be clear, I have no interest in reading this so you can take my name off the list for the drawing. Thanks!