Transporting her friend Wendy’s wedding dress from New York to Florida has turned Gia Gallo into a bridesmaid-zilla, so groomsman Bennett Buchanan’s initial encounter with her yelling at airline employees to fix a weather cancellation doesn’t leave him with a positive impression. With flights down, a road trip becomes their best option. But sexual attraction and growing mutual respect weren’t in either Gia or Bennett’s plans. If you loved Jenny Holiday’s other Bridesmaids Behaving Badly books, you can relax: the fourth and final book in the series sticks the landing.
I feel very strongly about being nice to airport officials during crises, so Gia had some mileage to make up with me. The revelation that she was hungry helped, because a) I’m also a raving monster when I’m hungry and b) it introduced an interesting, slow-burn subplot about eating issues triggered by being a model hitting thirty and falling in love with a chef, especially one who is with you 24/7 and can see exactly what you’ve eaten or not. I am not someone who’s had an eating disorder so I can’t speak to how this plotline would affect someone who has. Personally, I appreciated that the author clearly characterized it as a struggle Gia would continue to face, and one that love and professional success outside her body could mitigate but not cure.
I had so much trouble remembering Bennett’s name, and I have, at various times, referred to him as Bronson Beckman, Brett Buckley, and Braxton Beauregard, and I just now almost typed ‘Bradley’ instead of ‘Bennett’. It sounds like it came out of a Southern Name Generator that creates alliterative combinations of items in an atlas and the names of prominent Confederates, with the added stipulation that the name must work both forwards and backwards. But that didn’t keep me from liking his character. Bennett broke free from his old-money Charleston family after they disowned him not for his drug or alcohol problems, but for refusing to attend university in family tradition after he realized that the prevalence of substances there would jeopardize his recovery. One of the most powerful scenes demonstrating his connection to Gia was when Gia understood him well enough to help him face a reunion with his parents, and also to be his wingman during that reunion, and deftly extricate them when Bennett needed support doing that. It felt like a scene featuring an extremely supportive married couple.
Bennett and Gia are both characters with ‘rules’ about relationships (she’s ‘one and done’ or ‘two and through’; he doesn’t have sex outside of relationships that have the potential to be long-term) which they break for each other. The author deftly balances keeping the tension going with not hiding behind ‘rules’ as a plot device. The sex scenes are excellent, as Bennett smugly enjoys Gia’s ‘Oh my God’ reaction to his cooking flavors, and starts to pursue that reaction elsewhere.
What keeps this book from an A: Gia’s random brilliant restaurant insights seem contrived in order to give her a path to an HEA and make Bennett seem oddly ignorant of aspects of his own business; Bennett’s emotional reactions to the past feel misplaced; and the actual nitty-gritty of Bennett’s charity pay-what-you-can restaurant project is under-explained. (I didn’t know anything about it, so I read one Washington Post article, and am currently in possession of more details than are in the entire finished book). Similarly, the stories Gia relates from her modeling life to explain her issues with food and men are so mild compared with some of the least appalling #metoo stories and modeling exposés that I felt as though they had been sanitized.
On the whole, Three Little Words is an enjoyable conclusion to a series that has honored female friendship. It doesn’t neuter Gina’s tough-girl character from the earlier books, and it does what, for me, is nearly impossible in featuring returning characters in relationships without depicting obnoxiously unrealistic bliss. I enjoyed it, and I look forward to wherever Holiday’s muse takes her next.
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Grade: A-
Book Type: Contemporary Romance
Sensuality: Warm
Review Date: 27/01/19
Publication Date: 01/2019
Recent Comments …
This sounds delightful! I’m grabbing it, thanks
excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.
I don’t think anyone expects you to post UK prices – it’s just a shame that such a great sale…
I’m sorry about that. We don’t have any way to post British prices as an American based site.
I have several of her books on my TBR and after reading this am moving them up the pile.
I know this is a hit with our review staff but for real, I’ve almost DNF’d it twice.
The story, the characters, the cover – SHE HAS BLUE HAIR – nothing about it is fresh or original. I keep plodding through HOPING, HOPING it will improve…but I’m concerned at the 65% mark. The sex is super orgasmic too (OF COURSE IT IS), and well, his reasons for abstaining and then giving in, and her constant mental battles of Do I like him/Do I hate him/Do I like him/Do I hate him grew tiresome after the first chapter. This guy has pulled himself up from rock bottom and is now taking business advice from a total stranger. I’m struggling with this. So hard.
Did everyone else love it too??!! I love Holiday but…well, I still have 35% to go.
Okay. I see she colored her hair again. So blue hair cover forgiven.
If you’re struggling Em then this isn’t the book for you. In contrast, I devoured it and kept slowing down so it wouldn’t end. If you don’t care how it ends, I’d say ditch it and move on.
You’re probably right! Different strokes for different folks and all that. Maybe it’s just the timing – I’m listening to a Laura Kinsale novel (Seize the Fire) & it’s so wonderful. I think it might be affecting my actual reading. Sorry to be such a debbie downer!
Moving on!
Yayy! Jenny Holiday is the queen of the realistic romance and has never disappointed me, I’m glad this continues her winning streak, even though there are a few bobbles!
I’m on the fence with this one. I tend to love or hate Holidays books and this series was a mixed bag for me. Loved book 1, didn’t like book 2, didn’t read 3. I’m curious about this one though!
This is book 3 Em! (there have been some novellas out though too). Personally I’m loving this one, it may surpass #1 for me.
THAT’S RIGHT! It was a novella in the middle – pregnancy or some other shenanigans. I think I’m going to give this one a try – I thought #1 was pretty great. Thanks for the heads up!
I’m finished it now, highly recommend it Em!