The Best Mystery & Suspense Novels of 2018
The suspense market is so glutted right now that is easy to find amazing books to fill your shelves. It is equally easy to find books which sound intriguing but wind up being deeply disappointing. To help you separate the gold from the dross, Shannon and I have compiled a Best Of List sure to be of use to even the most finicky of readers.
Best Price Point Novel
Maggie: No doubt about it, suspense is a hot market right now and publishers are taking advantage of that by putting some of these books in a high price range – many of my favorites for the year ranged from $12.00 to $15.00 in Kindle. I’m glad some of my favorite authors continue to publish at a slightly lower cost. Easily my favorite books in the lower price range were Lisa Clark O’Neill’s Shiver, which costs just $4.99, The Thinnest Air by Minka Kent for $5.99 and Loreth Anne White’s The Girl in the Moss which is $5.99. Both Shiver and The Girl in the Moss are part of a series, but you don’t have to have read the previous books to thoroughly enjoy the above.
Shannon: I completely agree with you about The Girl In the Moss. I actually loved that entire trilogy, but the third one was my absolute favorite. C.J. Cooke’s I Know My Name is another fantastic thriller that won’t break the bank. It sells for $7.99.
Best Gothic Novel
Maggie: When looking over the mysteries I read in 2018, I was surprised to see that I read several books that I would consider gothics. The English Wife by Lauren Willig had a definite gothic feel to it. The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware was assuredly a gothic and much to my surprise, A Forgotten Place by Charles Todd was as well. That is not the usual style for the author, but it really, really worked in that novel. Simone St. James is the queen of gothics in my opinion and her latest novel, The Broken Girls, was good if not spectacular. Of those books, my favorite was the Todd, although I’m not sure that could be enjoyed by someone who hasn’t read the rest of the series. My favorite standalones were The Death of Mrs. Westaway and The English Wife.
Shannon: I read a lot of gothic novels when I was in high school and early college, but I don’t find myself picking them up nearly as often these days. Having said that, I loved everything about The Death of Mrs. Westaway, which is often compared to the classic Rebecca. Rachel Rhys’s Fatal Inheritance had a decidedly gothic feel to it as well. Reading and loving these two makes me want to seek out more gothic mysteries in 2019.
Best Detective Story
Maggie: There were two novels I thought were absolutely excellent in this sub-genre. The best was Look for Me by Lisa Gardner. The tale of a missing teen and the extraordinary lengths D.D. Warren and a friend have to go through to find her, Look for Me is an absolute page turner. Jacqueline Winspear’s To Die but Once is a WWII historical mystery involving another missing teen and a group of people willing to profit from the ongoing horror of the war. It was a wonderful, engrossing read.
Shannon: I’m a huge fan of Angela Marsons’ D.I. Kim Stone series, and the eighth installment entitled Dying Truth is one of the best. It’s a difficult read, but I absolutely could not put it down. It’s not a book you can enjoy as a standalone though, so do pick up Silent Scream if you haven’t already. Force of Nature by Jane Harper was another one that really sucked me in. I loved the Australian setting, and the brilliantly flawed lead detective who would not allow himself to rest until he uncovered the grizzly truth.
Biggest Twist
Maggie: Lisa Jewell delivered big twists for me in both her novels, Then She was Gone and Watching You. Ms. Jewell is a fantastic writer and neither of these novels are to be missed. My runner up for this position is J.T. Ellison’s Tear Me Apart. Just when I thought that villain couldn’t get any more evil, they surprised me. In the end, I didn’t even truly believe the sad back story. I wouldn’t have been stunned to find they had lied about that, too.
Shannon: Tear Me Apart is hands down my favorite thriller of 2018, followed closely by Alice Feeny’s Sometimes I Lie. Both contained mind-blowing twists. I read a ton of thrillers, so it takes a lot to take me completely by surprise, but both of these managed to do that. I also have to give credit to Mary Kubica’s When the Lights Go Out, as the ending was something I was not expecting at all.
Intriguing Gimmick
Maggie: I was not expecting the ending of When the Lights Go Out either. I’ve seen that particular writing affectation used before but Kubica did an excellent job of really making that trope work in this novel. Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen used an unusual style/trope also, to create an added layer of intrigue to their novel The Wife Between Us. I loved that novel. Under My Skin by Lisa Unger used the trope du jour of 2018 by giving the heroine an addiction to deal with.
Shannon: Authors are trying hard to find ways to set their thrillers apart from the crowd, and some of them have found really clever ways to do that. My personal favorite is Emily Elgar’s If You Knew Her which takes place largely in a hospital ward.
Best Romantic Suspense
Maggie: I read a lot of good romances and some great mysteries but romantic suspense felt scarce on the ground to me this year. Jayne Anne Krentz’s Promise Not to Tell was easily the best of the few I read. A charming love story, great characters and interesting mystery made this a top read for me.
Shannon: I actually read quite a bit of great romantic suspense this year. Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts is at the top of my list. The killer was incredibly dynamic, and the romance made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I also found myself quite fond of Liar, Liar by Lisa Jackson, although some readers may find the romance might be a little lacking. I was completely taken by surprise by J.R. Ward’s first romantic suspense novel. It’s called Consumed, and it’s every bit as fantastic as the paranormal romances that have made her famous, but in a totally different way of course. I also have to mention Jennifer Hillier’s Jar of Hearts. It was my first book by this author, but I bought her entire back list as soon as I finished this one. Both the romance and the suspense were phenomenal.
Favorites Not Listed Above
Maggie: I recommend all those listed above, and other favorites I would still strongly urge readers to pick up are Our House by Louise Candlish and Paper Ghosts by Julia Heaberlin. These two novels are easily my favorite suspense books of 2018. I also loved Stiletto Justice by Camryn King for its excellent examination of social justice issues.
Shannon: I loved so many mysteries and thrillers this year, but I’ll do my best to narrow the list down. Rena Olsen’s With You Always chilled me to the bone, as did Our Kind of Cruelty by Araminta Hall. Karin Slaughter’s Pieces of Her is very much worth reading, but I’ll freely admit that it’s not quite as stellar as 2017’s The Good Daughter. No list would be complete without mentioning Lying in Wait by Liz Nugent. I had no idea what to expect when I first picked this one up, and it was an extremely wild ride.
So those are mine and Shannon’s favorites for last year. What were YOUR favorite suspense/mystery novels of 2018?
~ Maggie Boyd
Titles are linked to AAR reviews where they exist; purchase links can be found there.
I, and my book club, really enjoyed Delia Owen’s Where The Crawdads Sing. It’s a riveting story and the writing, especially about the natural world, is stellar. I also like Christi Daughtery’s The Echo Killing. Perhaps my favorite mystery of the year was Dervla McTiernan’s The Ruin which reminded me of Tana French’s Dublin Murder Squad books but is still its own unique book.
Your friend didn’t like WTCS in audio though – right? I feel like I read that somewhere?
Have you listened to any of these?
She hated it. In fact, she’s the only person I know who didn’t like the book. I’ve not listened to any of these. I have a hard time listening to mysteries. I don’t have the patience for it!
I thought I would try it. I commute with my 9-year old and I’ve been struggling for kid (mostly) appropriate audio books. I listened to all of the St. Cyr and Lady Sherlock Holmes series & was telling Caz how challenging it is to find something new. I don’t mind listening to a book I’ve already read…but I’d rather not.
I’m starting Kennedy Ryan’s Blockshot when it releases tomorrow (for review here at AAR), but I already know that’s not going to work. I read it and it is SEXY as hell. (I loved it BTW). That will have to be for workouts. I’m listening to the Kinsale in the car during our commute to/from school.
The audiobook of Dread Nation is amazing. So is the audiobook of Educated. If you’ve never listened to the Patrick Rothfuss books, you’re missing out. The audiobook of The Time Traveler’s Wife is amazing.
If you enjoy the St. Cyr books andLady Sherlock, you might give Andrea Penrose’s Wrexford and Sloane books a try (first is MURDER ON BLACK SWAN LANE). Also Anna Lee Huber’s Lady Darby series starting with THE ANATOMIST’S WIFE. And Deanna Raybourn is really good as well. Love her Veronica Speedwell mysteries, but they are more adventure/caper in style, so you might like the Lady Julia Grey books a bit more starting with SILENT IN THE GRAVE.
Oh and THE RUIN was one of my top mysteries this past year so I’m thrilled to see that she has a new one coming out, THE SCHOLAR. I’m waiting to see if I get approved for a digital galley (fingers crossed). Also loved BAREFOOT IN THE DARK by Suzanne Enoch, first new one in her Samantha and Rick series since forever. Love this couple and loved the mystery.
Another great read was the second in Anna Lee Huber’s Verity Kent series TREACHEROUS IS THE NIGHT. This series is set in post WWI England and is just so good.
I picked up Tear Me Apart from Audible this weekend (I went on a credit binge) HOPING the narration would match your recommendation. I got about 10 minutes in and had to quit. The narration is terrible. But now I know I have to read the book. :)
I also picked up a Laura Kinsale book…and it’s what I’ll be listening to for the next week or so! I’d love to know which of these books have excellent narrators in audio too – any chance you’ve listened to any of these or could recommend one?
I’m sorry you didn’t care for the narration of Tear Me Apart. I absolutely adore the narrator of The Drowned Girls and its two sequels. The Death of Mrs. Westaway is also expertly narrated, so you might give that a try as well. I thought the Australian accent of the narrator for Jane Harper’s two novels did a great job.
I don’t consider myself much of a mystery/thriller reader but I stumbled across Stephanie Gayle’s “Idyll” series this year at DA and there are a number of AAR readers who might like it as much as I did. In the first of three books (Idyll Threats), set in the late 1990s, Thomas Lynch is a closeted small town chief of police with a murder to solve. There is a solid mystery in each of the books, but it is the overarching evolution of Lynch’s personal life that stays with me months later.
And, as usual, thanks for all the recs above :-)
I am just finishing Lyndsay Faye’s Timothy Wilde trilogy. I am amazed at how absolutely wonderful these books have been for me. Set in 1845 NYC, Timothy is part of the first police force in the city. Timothy is a character that I will not forget. If you love well written historical fiction, an excellent mystery and wonderfully portrayed characters, I recommend this trilogy of books – The Gods of Gotham, Seven for a Secret and The Fatal Flame.
My favorite suspense novel from 2018 is Sandra Antonelli’s _At Your Service_. AAR Maria Rose recommended it here and gave it a DIK rating and it so deserves it. It’s a slightly tongue in cheek rendition of a James Bond story with a 40-something British spy and his trusted butler, Mae. It’s quite romantic watching them fall in love as it features a very sexy middle-aged couple, and the suspense/mystery itself is superb. One of my favorite books of the year, and it’s also the first book in the series.
I really liked Simone St. James’s The Broken Girls and White’s The Girl in the Moss too. I’m currently reading The English Wife and find it quite captivating. I liked too The Witch of Willow Hall, though not quite as much as the others I listed.