Dabney explains romance to Survivor fan favorite Erik Reichenbach
Confession: I’ve never watched an episode of Survivor which is uncool because my nephew by marriage Erik Reichenbach has been on the show twice. Erik is one of the loveliest men I know so this makes me feel a bit… guilty.Erik has now settled down into everyday life and is, among other things, doing something he calls Outsider Interviews. He asked me if I’d be up for chatting about romance and, duh, I said yes.
The interview is long, yes–26 freaking minutes–but is enlivened by Erik’s art which is fantabulous. Erik’s show looks at how an outsider make sense of something unfamiliar and, well, I gave him my perspective on romance. In doing so, I recommend books by Joanna Bourne, Kristan Higgins, and Loreth Anne White.
Erik asked me to suggest romances for someone who’s never read romance. I picked six:
The Drafter by Kim Harrison (for those who like gritty urban tales). In our DIK review we wrote:
Alex + Ada by Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn (for those who love graphic novels). In our DIK review we wrote:
Dark Horse by Michelle Diener (for those who love sci-fi). In our DIK review we wrote:
The romance here is slow and subtle and perfect. I loved how Rose and Dav built carefully on the chemistry between them and developed a strong relationship. I loved too how they dealt with the issue of Sazo and his effect on them as a couple. It was an interesting and important part of the plot and I was impressed by how it was handled.
Firestorm by Rachel Grant (for those who love suspense). In our DIK review we wrote:
Not Quite A Husband by Sherry Thomas (for those who love history). In our DIK review we wrote:
Famous by Jenny Holiday (for those who love Taylor Swift, modern life, and the ways in which we are all trying to make it work). In our DIK review we wrote:
Aww, this was delightful, Dabney!
And this one made me — finally! — buy and read Firestorm by Rachel Grant. And, yes, it is quite good: well researched, great plot and fantastic romance. Thanks, Dabney. :)
That was great Dabney! I loved the illustrations as you were talking, your nephew is very talented! And Famous is a favorite for me too.