Kill and Tell


Narrated by Natalie Ross

Kill and Tell is a terrific combination – one of my favorite narrators with a work by one of my favorite authors, set in one of my favorite cities, New Orleans. Marc Chastain, NOPD, has a gut feeling that the death of a man deemed homeless just doesn’t fit the normal profile. For one thing, the man was fit and healthy; for another, the circumstances seem to point towards a professional kill. When he brings Dex Whitlaw’s daughter, Karen, in to identify the body, he’s even more convinced there are things that don’t add up.

Karen is a nurse from the Midwest, and she holds a grudge against the father who left her mother when Karen was a child, ruining their lives. The tale she gives of her father, a trained sniper in Vietnam, doesn’t answer why a professional would kill him, or why Karen suddenly has several close calls with death herself over the next few months.

Natalie Ross has the whole New-Orleans-thing down pat. She gives Marc just the right amount of the NOLA mix with some slow Creole flavor, a little Southern spice, a touch of street cred, while giving Karen a more rapid Midwestern patter. She also gives Dex and his buddies enough bad-guy-vibe that you know where it’s going – you just don’t know exactly how it gets there.

Marc is another of Howard’s heroes you love to hate. He’s pretty clear, after his initial negative reaction to Karen, that she’s his woman. He touched her, she turned him on – that’s all he needed. “The most important thing right now was to stake his claim…” he thinks as Karen identifies her father’s body. Yep, he’s a real sensitive guy. No matter – when LH writes him, you love him anyway. And when Ross gives him voice, you start wondering if the killers will get Karen so you can step in and comfort Marc yourself.

Oh yeah, a Linda Howard suspense narrated by Natalie Ross – just the Southern Comfort summer listen you need.

Breakdown of Grade – Narration A and Book Content A

Reviewed by Melinda Palmer

Grade: A

Sensuality: Warm

Review Date: 09/07/12

Publication Date: 2010

Review Tags: Natalie Ross

Recent Comments …

  1. excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.


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