An AAR Top 100 Romance
originally published on December 9, 2008
Loretta Chase’s Lord of Scoundrels is an annual reread for me, and, when I close the book with a big smile on my face, I automatically reach for The Last Hellion, whose hero is the drunk Dain fights at the inn on his wedding night. The AAR review for The Last Hellion, written when it was released 10 years ago, is a C, and I’m pleased that the book’s reissue has given me the opportunity to write the DIK review I feel it so richly deserves.
The large, sprawling Mallory clan throws out a real hellion – an arrogant, rabble-rousing, selfish troublemaker (Loretta Chase calls him one of her “Regency Cowboys”) – at least once every generation and this one’s is the 6’4″ giant, Vere Mallory. Vere has recently become the Duke of Ainswood through a series of very painful family deaths, including that of the previous duke, Vere’s nine year old cousin. Vere’s already larger-than-life persona has taken on a dangerous fatalism since attaining the title and it isn’t hard to imagine him eventually winding up dead in a ditch somewhere. And then he meets Lydia.
Lydia Grenville is every bit as notorious as Vere. She is a 6′ Amazon, a “scribbler” – an investigative reporter – for the magazine The Argus for which she writes exposés on London’s seamier side, usually decrying the exploitation of women and children. She also writes, under a pseudonym, a wildly popular romantic adventure serial novel for The Argus which has all of London holding its collective breath awaiting the next installment.
Lydia and Vere meet when she is rescuing a young girl from a procuress and Vere sticks his big, bombastic nose into the scuffle. He winds up flat on his posterior after a well-timed blow from Lydia. It is the first of several highly public encounters between the two which titillates the gossip columns and leaves our couple hot and bothered. The sexual pull between the two is palpable and the air fairly crackles around them. The pages almost vibrate with Vere’s barely restrained lust in a scene where he has to loosen Lydia’s corset in the dark (long story) – great stuff.
The dialog is very reminiscent of the old 1930s screwball comedies – the comparison to His Girl Friday is obvious, but apt – with intelligent, snappy one-liners flying whenever Vere and Lydia are together. Vere has a habit of giving Lydia new names when he grumbles to himself about her: “Her Brimstone Majesty,” “Miss Gentleman Jackson Grenville,” “Miss Self-Appointed Guardian of Public Morals,” etc. And this book contains my absolute favorite funny line in a romance, spoken by Vere: “We’re of one mind, Grenville and I, and the mind is hers, on account of my being a man and not having one.”
While The Last Hellion is a very funny book, Vere and Lydia are saved from being just comic characters by Vere’s survivor’s guilt and fear and Lydia’s precarious and nomadic upbringing, which give them added depth and the ability to recognize the vulnerability in each other. Vere and Lydia are perfect for each other, and it’s a good thing, for no one else would have them – except we lucky readers.
Grade: A
Book Type: European Historical Romance
Sensuality: Warm
Review Date: 30/10/17
Publication Date: 2008
Recent Comments …
This sounds delightful! I’m grabbing it, thanks
excellent book: interesting, funny dialogs, deep understanding of each character, interesting secondary characters, and also sexy.
I don’t think anyone expects you to post UK prices – it’s just a shame that such a great sale…
I’m sorry about that. We don’t have any way to post British prices as an American based site.
I have several of her books on my TBR and after reading this am moving them up the pile.
I thought I had read all of Chase but this isn’t sounding familiar. What a nice surprise! Something new-to-me to read. I’m really enjoying this reposting of AAR’s Top 100 . . .
I need to read this one again!
This is one of my favorite Chases. Glad to see so many agree.
This is such a great book – the prologue alone makes it worth buying (and you’ll need to buy a box of tissues, too!)
Incidentally, the audio version is fabulous – and of course it got As all round!
One of my favorites. It’s hard to imagine any one giving this a C. A+++
I don’t understand why I have never read this.
You’ve got to read it.
Thank you. THIS is my second favorite Loretta Chase behind my #1 Mr. Impossible and ahead of Lord of Scoundrels. I love this book for the humor, the characters, the plot…Thanks to All About Romance for allowing another review. This is a real “A” DIK book.